
The King of Skagen

"Are you alright?" Gary joins Siv and places a blanket on her shoulders. She gives him a weak smile and nods. "You should get some rest."

"The sun is rising." She utters as if she did not hear what he said. She watches as the darkness is slowly chased by the light. 

The break of day reveals the full truth of the battlefield. The bloody dead corpses are scattered around the desert sand. Both Pyamans and Easterners have been working for hours to gather them for a mass funeral. It will probably take a few more hours for them to finish.

Gary wraps his arms around her from the back. They stand there in silence for a few minutes.

"I went from Chosen One, to commander, to queen in less than a day." Siv finally utters. "It is quite overwhelming." She adds with a nervous chuckle.

"It is only your birthright, love." Gary squeezes her closer to his chest. "From the beginning you were the destined next queen, whether you married Brandt or not."