

"Don't you think that twelve against one is a bit cowardly?" Brandt asks, nonchalant. 

The man facing him frowns for a moment, then grins again. "What, you think your odds are better now?" he sneers. "Obviously, the lady over there does not count," he says, motioning to Gene. "You ordered your little brother to stand down, and you think you can beat us with the help of this… woman?" He throws a mocking glance at Erling. She is also calm, she doesn't even react to the man's demeaning words. "So basically, it is still twelve against one." His whole body shakes when he laughs.

He is probably the one in charge, the other men just mimic his reactions.

"I think twelve against two are really good odds, don't you think, Captain?" the prince speaks louder than necessary, to taunt the men.

"Yes, sir, they are." Erling throws a bit more gasoline on the fire.

They are successful, because the leader unsheathes his sword and his men follow. Brandt whispers something to the captain, but Gene can't hear it. Then, they both draw out their swords.

The first attack comes from the leader, he swings his huge Claymore at the prince who has no difficulty blocking it. Then, movement on the left catches Gene's attention.

'Erling? Holy crap, she's fast.'

She has a sword in her left hand and a dagger in her right. She is cutting through the group of men like a hot knife through butter.

She blocks the first sword and elbows him in his ribs, then deals a hard blow to the second one's head, using the hilt of her dagger. She sends him flying to the ground, unconscious. 

Erling pounds her sword down at the third man, but he blocks her. She repeats her attacks a few times, weakening his defense with every hit. Then she strikes with both her sword and dagger, making the man lose his weapon. She knees him right in the groin, earning her a cry of agony.

Another man screams when Brandt's fist lands on his nose. He tries to stop the blood with his hand but the streams are unstoppable. The prince is surrounded by five men, including the leader. His agility is extraordinary, compared to the meaty men he is fighting against, he is at least twice as fast.

'Watching him wielding his sword like that is turning me on.'

It is very evident that there is a huge gap in strength and skill. Compared to the breathless and continuously slowing attacks of the men, Brandt and Erling look like they are not even using half of their force.

A shadow draws Gene's attention to the far corner of the alley. A man wearing a long black cloak. At first, she thinks maybe it's Colby who is here because of the dangerous situation she is in. But then, she sees his pale blue eyes and a chill runs down her spine.


"Lady Holmen, are you alright?" Prince Bjarte asks from her side. She stares at him for a moment before coming to her senses.

"Yes, I am fine."

"Then why are you squeezing my wrist? And you look as pale as a sheet." 

Gene immediately releases his arm. When she looks back to the corner, the sorcerer is gone. Her heart pounds against her chest and she feels her body tremble. Suddenly, it is hard to breathe.

'Is he going to appear when I least expect it? Is he going to use his magic again to try and kill me?'

"Lady Holmen," Bjarte calls, but all of Gene's focus is on trying to get oxygen into her lungs.

"Siv, dear, what is wrong?" Brandt's warm hands palm her cheeks. "Look at me, dear." She opens her eyes. "Calm down, just relax," he says while caressing her face. "Everything is going to be alright." He repeats a few times like a mantra. 

Surprisingly, it works. The shaking stops and Gene's breathing is slowly back to normal.

'Was that a panic attack?'

"We should leave, Your Highness," Erling urges the prince.

"Yes, let's go."

He puts his arm around Gene, keeping her close to his chest and they walk away from the men lying on the ground. Unexpectedly, none of them is badly injured or dead.

In the carriage, the ride is dead silent. Gene is still in her fiance's arms while Bjarte is sitting opposite of them, looking out of the window. Every muscle in Brandt's body is tense.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He finally breaks the silence.

"I love Tove, Brother."

'There it is.'

It always makes her laugh when a youngster thinks that he or she has found their soulmate and the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. Even though they are fifteen. 

'There is so much more life you need to experience, kid. I mean look at me, I had to travel to a whole different world to find Brandt.'

"I am speaking about leaving the palace unaccompanied. We will discuss the other issue later." He takes a deep breath. "Do you have any idea how dangerous the situation you were in was? Have you forgotten who you are?" 

Bjarte is silent. His face is flushed crimson, either from embarrassment or anger.

"Do you know what they would have done to you had they known you were the prince?" Brandt pushes. "Do you even remember what it means to be the prince of this nation?"

"Yes, Brother, I remember. Being imprisoned inside the palace walls, not able to do or like anything, not allowed to express your true thoughts and feelings. I know exactly what being the prince of this nation means." Bjarte opens the carriage door as soon as it stops and sprints away.

Brandt sighs heavily and gently places his head on Gene's shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

"On the one hand, I want him to be safe. But on the other hand, I agree with everything he said."

"Maybe you should talk to him more. This girl that he likes is probably just a person who took the time to listen to his true feelings. Every person needs to feel accepted for who they really are. We all do."

"Do you accept the real me?"

"Of course I do, Brandt."

"Then, do you accept that I want to kiss you right now?" 

Gene slaps his arm. "I thought you were serious about that question." 

Brandt chuckles. He leans closer and brushes his lips against hers.

"I have a favor to ask," she utters when a thought crosses her mind.

"That I kiss you more often?" He smirks.

"I am serious, Brandt." He sits up and faces her with an earnest face. "I want Erling to teach me how to fight."

"What? Why? That's why she is there to protect you."

"But I also want to be able to protect myself." 

He ponders the idea for a moment. "What if I taught you?"

"That won't work, dear."

"Why no? I am a great instructor."

"I think we would concentrate on things other than training." 

Brandt lets out a throaty laugh that shakes the carriage. "Touché. I will talk to Erling about it."

"Good. Now kiss me again." She pulls him from his collar.

"Gladly, my dear."


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