
Chapter 23

Tensions were running high. Jake and Mia barely spoke to each other, not even looking at each other as they passed by in the halls or at the breakfast table. Mia was still upset but instead of being angry, she was sad. Why could she never be enough for him? What was wrong with her? Was she not pretty enough, or smart enough, or was she just not attractive to the male? Well, for whatever reason, things between them just never panned out the way she wanted them to. She laid on her bed and scrolled through random stuff on her phone, to pass some time, when her phone pinged. She opened her chat to see that Austin had messaged her.

you have 1 unread message

Austin: Hey bestie!!! Wanna hang out?

Mia: Sure why not? Any excuse to get out away from the house...

Austin: Are you ok? Did something happen?

Mia: Yeah kinda...but I'll tell you later. When do you wanna meet?

Austin: How does the mall in about 2 hours sound?

Mia: Perfect, I'll see u soon.