
Chapter 2

Love journey Start

Shree: I asked her.

Manu: what's she said

Shree: she told me that she examined me and she checked that i am really loves her or not.

Manu: what! really it's happened?

Shree: Yes bro and another one thing she joing our college and getting admission in the same department brother.

Manu: wow! brother it's good brother.

Shree: She wanna a meet you.

Manu: What? why she wanna meet me?

Shree: I will explain you, listen to me carefully.

Manu: Now tell me.

Shree: Actually she red your poems and also made a audio music on your poem and she wants to say something to you and about your music also she wants to discuss with some new ideas.

Manu: New ideas for what?

Shree: you have to write a poem on that ideas.

Manu: oh ok she is giving me new ideas okay fine than when she is joining our college bro

Shree: may be in 2 to 3 days later.

Manu:Ok done we will meet her.

(Meanwhile the class teacher is entering the classroom every one standup and wished her good morning Ma'am. )

The Madam name is also wished the all students

(Madam name Trisha looking good and hot and she very strict for girls she is maintaining displine in classroom and she like silent in her classroom)

Trisha Madam: good morning students and welcome to our college today is yours first session and i am your class teacher my name is Trisha. So, today you all have to introduce yourselves to know everyone about you after that we will do some entertainment for today from tomorrow onwards I will starting your classes and i will inform which subject i am going to teach for two years on tomorrow. now can we start introduction? I am calling the name of the student and they came on the stage and introduce themselves is it ok.

Students: okay madam.

(Every one introduced themselves and the whole day is gone introducing and entertaining)

2nd Day of college

Manu, Shree, and Neeta( girlfriend of Shree) they both are seated in the the third line of third brench. Neeta and Manoj they both are communicating and Shree is also sharing his point of view.

Neeta: Manu you know one thing your poems are too good and that feeling in the poems marvelous and i wanna share some new ideas with regards your poems, can i?

Manu: ya sure you can.

Shree: dear can we discuss later cause the Ma'am is entering the class.

Neeta: ok.

Ma'am is entered the class and took the attendance while she is going to start the lesson at a time Ratna is on the door.