
Chapter 48

Hermione walked through the corridors with her arms wrapped tightly around the books she was holding. She was far away with her thoughts when she bumped into someone. ‘Oh my, I’m so sorry.’ she said. When she looked up she saw it was Draco who she had bumped into. He looked down at her and smiled. ‘No worries.’ he said. ‘Oh it’s you.’ she said. ‘What do you mean with that.’ he said poking her side. ‘Ah stop it!’ she said making a weird move. Draco chuckled. ‘Awful person.’ Hermione said pulling her shirt straight. ‘Where were you heading to?’ Draco asked. ‘To the library.’ she said. ‘Haven’t you just been there?’ Draco asked. ‘Nope, going to get new ones.’ Hermione said holding her books a little up. ‘Great, because I was just making my way to the library.’ he said. ‘As far as I know you were walking in the opposite direction.’ ‘Maybe I was lost.’ Draco said. Hermione chuckled and started walking again. ‘After being here for over 7 years, you still get lost Malfoy?’ ‘Normally no, but just at this moment I was lost and then you came and saved the day.’ Draco said. ‘Good to know I could help.’ Hermione said. ‘So how has your day been for so far?’ Draco asked. ‘Tiresome, yours?’ ‘It was okay.’  he said. ‘It’s Friday, right?’ Draco asked. Hermione nodded. ‘Would you like to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow?’ he asked. ‘I’m already going with Ginny, Harry, Ron, Lavender, Luna and Neville, but you can join us if you like?’ Hermione asked. ‘Yeah sure.’ Draco said smiling. Hermione gave him a small smile and nodded. ‘Have you’ve heard anything from your parents?’ Draco asked. ‘Yes, they send me a letter every day to check if I’m still alive.’ Hermione said. ‘I take you have to send them a letter back, every day?’ Draco asked. Hermione nodded. ‘That’s what I meant.’ she said as they arrived at the library. ‘Oh by the way, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.’ Hermione said. ‘Tell me.’ ‘Well remember, like two weeks ago we were travelling through time and stuff.’ she started. ‘I remember.’ Draco said. Hermione rolled her eyes. ‘This is serious Malfoy.’ Hermione said. ‘I’m sorry, go on.’ he said. ‘What I was saying, at the end with Pansy and the whole almost dead situation and stuff.’ Hermione said. ‘Well it let me think about stuff.’ Hermione said. Draco raised his eyebrows and he got this slight very excited look on his face as if he knew what was coming, but Hermione chose to ignore it, because she knew she was not going where Draco thought she was going with this “talk”. ‘Rodolphus, he saved us, and he said something it’s not the right time yet or something.’ Hermione said. Draco’s face went back to normal, slightly disappointed, but just like a few seconds ago, Hermione chose to ignore it and went further. ‘It’s bothering me, why would he say that, and not time yet for what?’ she said. ‘I wouldn’t bother about that Mione, it’s probably nothing, maybe you heard it wrong.’ Draco said. ‘No absolutely not, he said it! I know it for sure.’ she said. ‘You were tired, in shock, you were almost killed, you probably imagined it.’ Draco said. ‘No I didn’t!’ Hermione said. ‘Mione.’ Draco said. ‘No, I’m sure, he said it and it’s bothering me for two weeks.’ she said. ‘Just try to forget it, what I said it’s probably nothing.’ he said. ‘Draco Malfoy!’ she said. Draco raised his eyebrows. ‘You know what, never mind.’ she said. ‘Great, just great.’ she said under her breath as she walked to the bookshelf to get the book she needed. ‘Hermione.’ Draco said following her. ‘It’s not that I don’t want to believe you, but my head just won’t let me.’ he said. ‘What I said, I didn’t hear him say it, and maybe you’re right, maybe I was in shock too, but my uncle saved the both of us, why would he first save us, if you’re right, and later attack us?’ Draco asked. ‘That makes no sense at all, does it?’ he asked. ‘I know, that’s why it’s bothering me so much.’ she said. ‘Just let it go, it’s probably nothing and if something will happen, I’m here to protect you.’ he said. Hermione gave him a small smile. ‘I don’t want anything to happen.’ she said. ‘Me neither, so don’t think about it and just enjoy the time we’ve got left here.’ Draco said. Hermione nodded. ‘You’re right, I’ll do my best to not think about it anymore.’ she said. Draco walked closer and spread his arms for her. She chuckled and gave him a hug. She didn’t want anything more than forget it, but she knew she couldn’t and something just didn’t feel right, she didn’t know what, but there was something that was bothering her and she couldn’t just stop that.

‘So tell me.’ Ginny said as she walked next to Hermione through the streets of Hogsmeade. Hermione looked up. ‘How was the trip?’ Ginny asked. ‘It was strange to see myself like that.’ Hermione said. Ginny chuckled. ‘Yes, you changed a lot.’ she said. ‘It was seriously the strangest thing ever, I’ve never acted like that before, never been so….. so…. how do you say that?’ Hermione said. ‘In love?’ Ginny asked. Hermione looked startled over to Ginny. ‘Excuse me?’ she said. ‘In love, you two were truly, madly, deeply in love.’ Ginny said. ‘It’s cute.’ she added. Hermione sighed. ‘What I said, it was so strange.’ she said. ‘It was good to see you like that actually.’ Ginny said. ‘You were so happy and cheerful all the time.’ Ginny said smiling. ‘I still am!’ Hermione said. ‘But different.’ Ginny said. ‘When you woke up after the coma, you were back to your old self, the new you was completely gone.’ Ginny said. ‘And of course, we love you no matter what.’ Ginny said with a small smile as she looked over to Hermione. ‘But it was great to see you like that, so happy, so cheerful and so in love.’ Ginny said. ‘I’m sorry that I got amnesia!’ Hermione hissed. ‘I didn’t mean it like that.’ Ginny said. ‘I know, I’m sorry.’ she said. ‘But have your feelings changed for Draco after the travel?’ Ginny asked. Hermione looked up to see Draco just stopping in front of the Three Broomsticks and look behind him to see if she was still walking. Draco smiled at her and Hermione gave him a quick smile back before looking over to Ginny. ‘I-‘ Hermione said biting her lip. ‘I don’t know anymore.’