
Chapter 44

Draco and Hermione had been standing there for a while and then they had heard the door of the bathroom opening and closing, and the same thing on the left side as the past Hermione had walked towards Draco’s room. ‘Are you okay?’ Hermione had asked looking up. Draco nodded. ‘Thank you.’ He had said. Now Hermione looked at the two people who were laying on the couch. They had gone further in time as Draco had assured her he was okay. She saw the past her leaning her head against Draco’s chest as he was playing with her hair. Hermione saw the past her was wearing the necklace with the heart. The one Draco claimed that he had given it to her with Christmas. The past Hermione looked up and smiled at him, Draco looked down and gave her a soft and gentle kiss on her lips. She put her hand on his cheek and kissed him more passionate. She sat up straight and she went with her fingers through his short blonde hair. Draco pulled back and looked into her eyes. ‘Hermione.’ He said. ‘Draco.’ Hermione said smirking. ‘I love you.’ Draco said. Hermione widened her eyes and she could see Draco from the corner of her eye looking at her. She stayed with her eyes at the past her and saw it startled her too and after a second she gave Draco a small smile ‘I love you too Draco.’ The past Hermione said. Draco smiled and kissed her again, more passionate then before. Draco had both of his hands on either side of Hermione’s face. The kiss grew more passionate with every second that passed. Before they knew it Draco had stood up and lifted Hermione up, he walked with her in his arms to his room and laid her on his bed. Then door closed. ‘That was…. well- erm- intense.’ Hermione said. Draco smirked. ‘Do you want to go further?’ He asked. Hermione nodded and she turned the Time Turner. They ended up at exact the same place as every previous time and they walked out of the common room. ‘Draco.’ Hermione said softly. Draco turned his head towards Hermione. ‘What happened to your father?’ Hermione asked carefully. ‘He got the Dementor’s kiss.’ Draco told her. Hermione nodded and they walked further in silence. ‘I’m sorry.’ She said. ‘For what?’ Draco asked. ‘For not being there for you, when you needed me.’ She said. ‘You were there for me.’ Draco told her. ‘I know, I read it, but when I was-‘ Hermione said and gulped thinking back of the time. ‘In a coma.’ She ended. Draco stopped, grabbed her shoulder and turned Hermione. ‘That was not your fault.’ Draco said looking into her eyes. ‘I-‘ Hermione started. ‘Do you hear me? That was not your fault, so don’t feel guilty.’ Draco said. Hermione nodded lightly. ‘Our friends helped me through that time.’ Draco said and they walked further. Hermione nodded and gave him a small smile. They walked into the Great Hall and Draco told her they had to wait for a few seconds then Pansy sat down next to Draco and had immediately packed his arm trying to kiss his cheek. Hermione felt a strange feeling in her stomach, but chose to ignore it. ‘Get off Parkinson!’ The past Draco said and pushed her lightly away. ‘What the heck are you thinking?’ Draco asked. ‘I’ve just missed you.’ Pansy said. ‘Grow up Parkinson.’ Draco said. ‘Why are you acting like this?’ Pansy snapped. ‘Parkinson, why don’t you just get it? I don’t like you! Plus I’m together with someone else!’ Draco said. Almost every student in the Great Hall had now turned to Draco and Pansy to watch the whole scene going on. ‘With who would you be together?’ Pansy snapped surprised. ‘With Hermione.’ Draco said. ‘YOU’RE WHAT?’ Pansy shouted. ‘YOU’RE TOGETHER WITH THAT MUDBL….’ Pansy started. Hermione looked over to the Gryffindor table, to see herself sitting there with red cheeks, not looking up to the Slytherin unlike every single student that was in the Great Hall. ‘DON’T CALL HER THAT!’ The past Draco shouted. ‘YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED, BETRAYING YOUR FAMILY AND EVERYONE ELSE!’ Pansy shouted. ‘My mother is fine with it, if you want to know and my friends are too.’ Draco said. Pansy wanted to say another thing, but then McGonagall came in between the two of them. Then Draco pulled Hermione with him and they walked out of the Great Hall. ‘Thank you.’ Hermione said. ‘For what?’ Draco asked. ‘Coming up for me.’ She said. Draco smiled. ‘Always.’ He said and they walked back up the stairs. They entered the common room and Draco looked at his note. ‘I want to see it.’ Hermione said. ‘What?’ Draco asked looking up. ‘The accident.’ Hermione said. ‘What? No!’ Draco said. ‘Draco, I want to.’ Hermione said. ‘I’m not letting you see that.’ Draco said. ‘I can take it.’ Hermione said. ‘But-‘ Draco started. ‘Please Draco.’ Hermione said. Draco frowned his eyebrows and then nodded lightly. ‘Okay then.’ He said. Hermione gave him a small smile and turned the Time Turner. They just saw their past self walking out of the common room and they walked after them under the cloak. ‘Something wrong?’ Draco asked. ‘No, my stomach just hurts.’ Hermione said. ‘Oh can I get you something to ease the pain?’ Draco asked. ‘No I’m fine.’ Hermione said with a small smile and she gave him a kiss on his cheek. He gave her a light squeeze in her hand and smiled at her. They entered the Great Hall and split like they always did, but this time Draco pulled Hermione in a kiss before he walked over to his table. Hermione smirked and walked over to her friends. Ginny wasn’t looking away and gave Hermione a huge grin when she sat down. ‘What did just happen over there?’ Ginny asked smirking. Hermione rolled her eyes and got herself some toast. Her friends were talking, but Hermione saw that the past her wasn’t with her mind by the conversation. ‘Right Hermione?’ The past Ron asked. ‘Er- what?’ Hermione asked looking up. ‘Told you she wasn’t listening.’ Harry said smirking. ‘Something wrong?’ Ron asked. ‘No, why would there be something wrong?’ Hermione asked. ‘I don’t know, maybe because you were super cheerful yesterday and you’re barely saying a word today.’ Ron said. ‘Oh, well there is nothing wrong, my stomach just hurts.’ Hermione said. ‘Is it the monthly week?’ Ginny asked. ‘No that’s ne….’ Hermione said. ‘OKAY OTHER SUBJECT!’ Ron and Harry said in unison. Hermione and Ginny laughed and shook their heads with their hands on their foreheads. ‘I forgot something, see you guys in class.’ Hermione said realising that she had forgotten to put her necklace back on after she finished her breakfast. ‘Okay.’ Her friends said and Hermione stood up. She fast walked, almost ran to the doors of the Great Hall, without noticing that Hermione and Draco ran after her under the cloak, and when she almost passed the corner she bumped into someone. Hermione fell to the ground, just as the other person. ‘I’m so sorry.’ Hermione said coming up and when she looked at the ground she saw a furious looking Pansy laying on the ground. ‘Are you okay?’ Hermione asked reaching out a hand. ‘No I am not, because some stupid filthy mudblood just threw me to the ground!’ Pansy snapped, ignoring Hermione’s hand and getting up herself. ‘I’m sorry.’ Hermione said. ‘No you’re not, you did that on purpose!’ Pansy shouted. ‘No I did not!’ Hermione said calmly. ‘Yes you did and you’re going to pay for it!’ Pansy said and before Hermione knew it Pansy had pulled her wand out and pointed it at Pansy. Hermione could feel Draco tense up and she looked sideways. ‘Draco stay.’ Hermione whispered almost knowing for sure he would do something. Draco looked at Hermione and back to the past her. All the students behind Hermione were quiet and looked at the two girls who were standing on the beginning of the hall. ‘Draco, stay, if you move you’ll ruin everything, you not only change the past, but also the future.’ Hermione said and Draco looked back at her. Hermione saw that his jaw was tensed and his hands were fists. Hermione had just grabbed one of his hands when she heard the past Draco shout something. ‘Parkinson! Drop the wand!’ Hermione turned to look at Draco and saw he was already standing next to the table. ‘STUPIFY!’ The past Pansy shouted and Hermione got blown backwards before she could defend herself. Hermione hit the table with her head and her eyes were closed. Hermione gasped and placed her hand in front of her mouth. She felt Draco squeeze her hand and then he let go of her hand, placing his arm around her shoulders, pressing her close to him. ‘HERMIONE!’ The past Draco shouted. ‘Expelliarmus!’ Draco shouted disarming Pansy and running towards the unconscious Hermione while catching Pansy’s wand. ‘Hermione! Wake up!’ Draco said. Hermione’s head was bleeding and she didn’t move anymore. ‘She need to go to Madam Pomfrey!’ Harry said fast kneeling down next to one of his best friends. ‘I’ll take her.’ Draco said. ‘I’ll come with you.’ Harry said. ‘I’ll take care of her.’ Ginny said pointing her wand at Pansy. ‘I wouldn’t move if I were you Parkinson.’ Ginny snapped. ‘I wouldn’t do it, she is the best in the bat bogey hex, she’ll hex you to the other end of the Great Hall!’ Ron said pointing his wand as well at Pansy. ‘Expecto Patronum.’ Harry said and a silver stag came from his wand and ran away. ‘I’ve informed McGonagall.’ Harry said to Draco. Draco nodded and he lifted Hermione up carefully. ‘We need to be fast!’ Draco said and he started to run. ‘Wake up Hermione.’ Draco said while running up the stairs. ‘Please wake up Mione.’ Draco begged her, but it didn’t matter what he said Hermione didn’t open her eyes or move at all. When Draco, the unconscious body of Hermione and Harry were around the corner, Hermione turned to Draco. ‘Ca- can we go outside?’ She asked. Draco nodded and they started to walk out of the castle. They stopped when they were at the Black Lake and Draco pulled the cloak off of them. ‘I knew this was a bad idea.’ Draco said. ‘No, it’s okay.’ Hermione said after taking in a deep breath. ‘No it’s not! I could’ve saved you! I could’ve thrown myself in front of you and I would’ve been knocked out.’ Draco said. ‘That would’ve been the stupidest thing in the world to do.’ Hermione said. ‘I could’ve saved you, you would’ve still remembered everything.’ Draco said. ‘But you would’ve been gone, and everyone would’ve seen you.’ Hermione said. ‘You were in the Great Hall, it would’ve been a disaster if anyone had seen you.’ She said. ‘It’s okay, it happened, and look at me, I’m fine.’ Hermione said. ‘And so are you.’ She added. ‘I could’ve saved you.’ Draco said softly. ‘You couldn’t, nobody could.’ Hermione said. ‘And I’m fine.’ She said. ‘You know, I wasn’t only scared that you wouldn’t be able to handle it, I just couldn’t take it to see you like that again.’ Draco said. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ Hermione asked looking up. ‘Because I want you to feel save with me.’ Draco said. ‘I am feeling save with you.’ Hermione said. Draco turned to look at Hermione and she gave him a small smile, taking his hand in hers. ‘I really do.’ She said. Draco gave her a smile and squeezed her hand. ‘You know that I would give my life for you, right?’ Draco said. ‘I noticed that.’ Hermione said softly, looking down at her hand that was now intertwined with Draco’s. ‘And it scares me.’ She said. ‘What do you mean?’ Draco asked. ‘Back there, when I noticed you tensed up. I felt you were going to do something stupid and the first thought that crossed my mind was that I didn’t want to lose you.’ Hermione said. Hermione thought her heart was trying to escape from her chest and she didn’t dare to look up and meet Draco’s gaze. ‘Can we go to the Hospital Wing?’ Hermione asked after a moment of silence. ‘Are you sure you want to do that?’ Draco asked. Hermione nodded. ‘Yes, I’m sure.’ Hermione said.

Draco had pulled the cloak around them again and they walked into the Hospital Wing after Ginny. ‘How is she?’ Ginny asked breathless from the running when she arrived half an hour after the accident. ‘I don’t know Madam Pomfrey is with her.’ Draco said. ‘How long?’ Ginny asked. ‘Around thirty minutes.’ Draco said looking at the curtains again. ‘Where is Parkinson?’ Draco asked. ‘She’s in McGonagall’s office.’ Ginny said looking at the curtains as well and then at Draco. ‘Don’t worry she’ll be okay.’ Ginny said. Draco looked at Ginny and nodded. ‘She has too.’ Draco said. Then the doors of the Hospital Wing opened again and Harry and Ron ran in. ‘And?’ They asked in unison. ‘We don’t know, Madam Pomfrey is taking care of her.’ Ginny said. ‘That’s not a good thing.’ Ron said. ‘Can you please keep the things that go through your head in there?’ Ginny asked frustrated. ‘I am sorry your majesty.’ Ron said sarcastically. ‘Oh shut up.’ Ginny said. ‘Stop it!’ Harry said. Then Madam Pomfrey came out and looked at the three of them. ‘And?’ Draco asked taking a few steps towards Madam Pomfrey. ‘She won’t wake up.’ Madam Pomfrey said. ‘Will she wake up?’ Draco asked. ‘I can’t promise anything.’ Madam Pomfrey said. ‘Don’t you have a poison or something to wake her up?’ Draco asked. ‘Draco.’ Ginny said softly. ‘I’m sorry Mister Malfoy.’ Madam Pomfrey said. ‘Can we go to her?’ Harry asked. ‘Yes, I’ll tell McGonagall, I’ll be right back.’ Madam Pomfrey said and she walked away. Harry nodded and walked towards the bed followed by the others. Hermione laid there on the bed, she looked peaceful when you didn’t look at the wounds on her head and the blood. ‘Hermione?’ Draco said. Everyone looked at Hermione, but there came no reaction from her. ‘I didn’t know she had wounds on her head.’ Ron said. ‘That’s because she hit the table pretty hard with her head and then she fell forwards on the ground.’ Draco said softly. ‘Why did Parkinson do this?’ Ginny asked. ‘Because she’s…’ Draco started, but Harry gave him a warning look. ‘Parkinson has a crush on Malfoy and now Hermione is the victim.’ Ron said. Draco turned to Ron with a deadly glare. ‘Are you blaming me for this?’ Draco asked. ‘Well it IS your jealous fan who did this.’ Ron said. ‘Ronald!’ Ginny said. ‘This isn’t Draco’s fault!’ Ginny said. ‘Yes it is! If he just made it to Parkinson clear that he didn’t want anything to do with her this wouldn’t have happened, and if he didn’t change this wouldn’t have happened either, it IS all his fault!’ Ron raised his voice and his face became red while saying this. ‘NO IT ISN’T AND IF YOU DON’T BLOODY SHUT THE HELL UP I’M GOING TO HEX YOU!’ Ginny said now she had really lost her temper. ‘I DON’T GIVE A DAMN!’ Ron shouted. ‘Guys…. can you both please shut up.’ Harry said calmly. ‘Who’s right then?’ Ginny asked turning to her boyfriend. Harry sighed and he looked at Ron. ‘She’s right Ron, this isn’t his fault.’ Harry said. ‘YES IT IS!’ Ron said. ‘You can blame everyone if you want to, so just shut up or go away.’ Harry said. ‘No one can deal with this right now.’ Harry added before he turned back to Hermione who still was laying in the same position.

Hermione and Draco had left after that and made their way back to the common room. ‘It wasn’t your fault, you know that right?’ Hermione asked after they had entered the common room. ‘Ron had a point though.’ Draco said. ‘He didn’t.’ Hermione said. ‘I’ve seen it, you made your point crystal clear to Pansy, but she didn’t listen to you.’ Hermione said. Draco didn’t respond. ‘You know what? Why don’t we stay here for a few days, you look horrible and I can use some sleep too, time traveling is exhausting.’ Hermione said. ‘Thanks.’ Draco said. Hermione chuckled. ‘I guess the past you will be here anytime.’ Hermione said. ‘No.’ Draco said. ‘What do you mean?’ She asked. ‘I stayed with you this night, I didn’t want to leave you alone.’ Draco said. ‘Really?’ She asked. He nodded. She gave him a small smile giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. ‘Thank you.’ She said smiling and then she made her way towards her room.