
Chapter 42

‘Hermione?’ Draco said. ‘Hermione are you in there?’ Draco asked. ‘Dude!  I was sleeping!’ They heard Hermione say from the other side of the door. ‘Can you open the door?’ Draco asked. ‘Of course I can, but I won’t.’ Hermione said. ‘Come on please Hermione! You promised yesterday morning that you would see me later, it’s later now!’ ‘Just go and read a book or something.’ Hermione said. Hermione chuckled and Draco poked her in her side with a playful look. ‘Not funny.’ Draco hissed. ‘No, and if you won’t let me in, I’m going to force my way in.’ The past Draco said. ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you.’ Hermione said. ‘Than open the door.’ ‘No.’ ‘I know what’s going to happen.’ Hermione said chuckling. ‘Oh shut up, it’s that this moment is an important one, otherwise I wouldn’t even brought you here.’ Draco whispered. The past Draco sighed and stepped a few steps back then he ran towards the door, but when he put his shoulder in it, it swung open and Draco lost his balance and fell on the ground. They heard Hermione gasp and coming out of bed. ‘Are you okay?’ She asked worried. ‘Oh yeah, I’m fine, just a bit embarrassed that’s all.’ Draco said rubbing my head. Hermione laughed a bit and then helped him up. ‘You could come in by just opening the door.’ Hermione said. ‘Yeah, I noticed.’ Draco said. Hermione laughed a little. ‘Oh you think that’s funny?’ Draco asked. ‘Well actually- yeah, from this side it was pretty funny.’ Hermione said laughing. ‘Can we talk?’ Draco asked. ‘Well actually- er- I was just going to get myself something to eat.’ Hermione said fast wanting to walk away. Draco grabbed her wrist and stopped her from walking. ‘Hermione, I’m not going to let you walk away this time.’ Draco said. Hermione turned around and looked at him. ‘And I don’t want to talk to you.’ She said. ‘Please, I just want to…’ Draco said. ‘Look I got it, okay? You like Ginny, Ginny likes you, but please don’t show it before Harry knows it.’ She said and she wanted to walk away again. ‘No, you don’t get it!’ Draco said. ‘Yes I do!’ She said. ‘I like Ginny as a friend, but I fell in love with someone else.’ Draco said. ‘Sure.’ Hermione said. ‘Okay, then I’m going to prove it.’ Draco said. ‘And how are you goin….’ Hermione started. But before she could finish her sentence Draco put his hands on her cheeks and pressed his lips gently against hers. Hermione saw herself freeze, but that was gone in a second and she could see that she enjoyed it.  Then Hermione’s eyes focused on Draco and she felt her cheeks redden. Then the past Draco pulled away. ‘Do you believe me now?’ Draco asked looking into her eyes. Hermione could see on her past self’s face that she was startled and surprised, even speechless. ‘I-I have to go.’ Hermione said fast and she ran out of her room before Draco could grab her hand. The past Draco had fast after her and Hermione and Draco a few seconds after him. The past Hermione had stopped at the Black Lake and Draco walked towards her. ‘Why did I run away?’ Hermione asked softly. ‘If I knew I would tell you, but I have really no idea, so maybe you’d like to tell me once.’ Draco whispered. Hermione felt a pang in her heart when he said that, she really wanted to let that happen, but she didn’t know if that would happen, and if it wouldn’t, it would break Draco’s heart. And she thought maybe her heart would break with his, though she didn’t really know why she had that feeling. ‘Hermione.’ The past Draco said carefully. ‘Go away.’ Hermione said. ‘Hermione.’ Draco said. ‘Go. Away.’ Hermione said fast wiping the tears away. ‘No I’m not going away.’ Draco said. ‘I’m not going to leave you like this.’ Draco said and he came closer towards her. ‘Just go away.’ Hermione said once again. Draco hesitated for a second and then put his hand carefully on her shoulder. ‘No.’ Draco said softly. Draco turned Hermione around and looked into her eyes, but Hermione looked away. ‘Mione, why did you ran away?’ Draco asked softly, with still his hand on her shoulder. ‘Can I ask you something?’ Hermione asked looking into his eyes. ‘Do you do this to all the girls? Have you done this sort of thing with all the girls you slept with?’ Hermione asked. Draco looked confused at her. ‘Where are you talking about?’ He asked. ‘Making them fall in love with you and then break their hearts, and at the end kiss them afterwards?’ Hermione said and she felt another tear rolling down her cheek. Hermione could hit her past self on the head, what was she saying? Is she nuts? She’s pulling her armour away, he could just break her heart if he wanted to with a few words. ‘I don’t kno- wait a second… did you just say “making them fall in love with you”?’ The past Draco said looking at Hermione. Draco got a smile on his face and Hermione got more angry. ‘You know never mind.’ Hermione said angry and she turned around to walk away. ‘No, no wait.’ Draco said fast grabbing Hermione’s wrist. ‘Did you fell in love with me?’ He asked looking down at Hermione. Hermione looked up, she didn’t know what to say now, did she really say she fell in love with him? Hermione groaned softly and Draco looked at her. ‘Something wrong?’ He asked quietly. ‘I’m just being stupid over there.’ Hermione whispered. ‘Why?’ Draco asked. ‘Because you could break my heart, let me feel miserable with just one single word.’ Hermione said. ‘But I didn’t, and I would never do such a thing to you.’ Draco said. ‘Er-‘ The past Hermione said. ‘Hermione, the thing I wanted to say to you in your room was that I fell in love with you.’ Draco said looking down into her eyes. Hermione was startled. ‘Wha-what?’ She asked. ‘I fell in love with you Hermione.’ Draco said. Hermione stood there with her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. ‘You did?’ She asked carefully. Draco nodded with a small smile. ‘I wanted to tell you this for a long time, but didn’t have the nerve to do it and then you became mad at me. You thought I was in love with Weasley, but the only person I could think about was you.’ Draco said. Draco was still holding Hermione’s wrist. ‘I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know if you liked me, like I like you. I thought you only wanted to be friends because you said that so often.’ Draco said. ‘I just said that, because I thought you didn’t want to be more then friends.’ Hermione said softly. ‘Well obviously I didn’t.’ Draco said laughing. ‘I didn’t know what to do, you were mad at me and you didn’t want to talk,’ Draco started. ‘Draco.’ Hermione said. ‘You just stayed in your room the whole day. You didn’t let me in or something, I was pretty hopeless.’ Draco said ignoring the fact that Hermione just tried to let him stop talking. ‘And when I fell into your room and you were laughing and…’ Draco said. ‘Draco.’ Hermione said again. ‘I heard a bit of concern in your voice I thought that this was maybe my only chance to show you that I liked you, so I er- kissed you, but then you ran away and…’ Draco went further but before he could finish his sentence Hermione had come forward and had pressed her lips against his. Hermione dropped her jaw, but recovered herself fast. She hadn’t expect herself doing that and there she did it, kissing Draco Malfoy, cutting him off in the middle of the sentence with a kiss, just so he would shut up. Maybe that was something to try sometimes, as he never let someone cut him off in the middle of a sentence. Then she widened her eyes again as she noticed she thought of kissing Draco. Did she? Did she really want to kiss him? Then she turned her eyes towards Draco and noticed him watching her. ‘What?’ She asked. ‘Why are you widening your eyes every time?’ Draco asked. ‘I’m not.’ She said. ‘Yes you are.’ Draco said. ‘No I’m no-‘ She started. ‘Sorry but you just didn’t want to shut up.’ The past Hermione said with a small smile after she pulled away. ‘That’s how we do it.’ Hermione whispered to herself and then a blush came up onto her cheeks. Draco looked at her and smirked. ‘Oh really?’ He asked. ‘Oh get that smirk off your face Malfoy.’ Hermione said punching his arm. The past Draco looked down at Hermione and smirked then he wrapped his arms gently around her waist and pressed her closer to him. Hermione put her arms around his neck and Draco looked into her eyes. Then he leaned slowly forwards and their lips met. Draco pulled away after a few seconds and Hermione turned her face. Hermione couldn’t see what her past self saw, but then she saw Draco pulling his cloak off and put it over Hermione’s shoulders as she turned her head back. he put it over her shoulders. ‘What a gentleman.’ Hermione whispered. ‘You were cold.’ Draco whispered back. ‘But you’re getting cold now.’ The past Hermione said. ‘Better me then you.’ Draco said with a small smile. ‘Shall we go back inside?’ Hermione asked. ‘Yes please, it’s freezing.’ Draco said and he put his arm around Hermione’s shoulder before they walked back to the castle. ‘How cute were you.’ Hermione said teasing. Draco rolled his eyes as he pulled the cloak off of them. ‘Gentleman and cute.’ She said ‘You’re really adorable like that.’ Draco said. ‘Like what?’ Hermione asked. ‘So vulnerable.’ Draco said. ‘Oh shut up Malfoy.’ Hermione said laughing. ‘Only if you make me.’ He said teasingly. ‘Not going to happen love.’ Hermione said. ‘Could always try.’ Draco said. Hermione chuckled. ‘Come on let’s get after them, it’s pretty cold outside.’ Draco said. Hermione nodded and Draco and she walked back to the castle. They walked up the stairs to the seventh floor and stopped in front of the portrait. ‘Good evening Mister Malfoy, Miss Granger.’ Snape said looking down at the two of them. ‘Good evening professor, Time Turner.’ Draco said. ‘Didn’t I just let the two of you in?’ Snape asked. ‘No, as you can see.’ Hermione said. Snape narrowed his eyes and then nodded. ‘Time Turner.’ Hermione said again. The portrait opened and they walked inside. Just after the door had closed Draco fast pulled the cloak around them again. The past Draco and Hermione were sitting in the chairs in front of the fire and Hermione had a blanket around her. ‘Don’t you want it?’ She asked looking at him. ‘No, you ran out the castle without a cloak or something, you need to warm up first.’ Draco said looking back at her. Hermione stared at Draco and then stood up. ‘Oh god no.’ Hermione thought. One way or another she didn’t want Draco to see this. She thought it maybe would hurt him. The past her walked towards Draco and sat down on his lap. She laid her head against his chest and he lifted his hand up to her back. Hermione put the blanket around the two of them and then stared into the fire. Draco had put his chin on Hermione’s hair and stared as well. Hermione could see she was enjoying this moment. Her face looked relaxed, she looked safe and happy. Hermione got a small smile on her face as she looked at the other Hermione. She could feel something glowing inside her. She felt a longing to be the Hermione she was looking at. So close to him, so close she could hear his heartbeat through his thin shirt. To feel his warmth, warming her up. She shook her head and then she saw that the other her, the one who had still all her memories, the one she was really jealous of, had fallen asleep in Draco’s arms. Draco looked down at Hermione, who had been quiet for a long time and he saw she was sleeping. He smiled to himself and pressed her closer to him. Draco closed his eyes too and fell asleep not long after that. ‘What now?’ Hermione whispered turning to Draco. ‘We’re going to get some sleep.’ Draco said. ‘What? We have to go further.’ Hermione said. ‘This was not all, there is something more important I want to show you, but that happens next morning.’ Draco told her. ‘Where do you want to sleep? They can’t see us, that will change everything in the future.’ Hermione said. Draco nodded. ‘I know, but they won’t be getting off that chair all night.’ Draco said. ‘So the only thing we have to do is wake up before they do.’ Draco said. Hermione nodded. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow then.’ Hermione whispered and she wanted to walk towards her own room, but Draco grabbed her wrist before she could make another step. She almost tripped over her own feet and Draco fast got hold of her arm so she wouldn’t hit the ground and wake the two love birds up in the chair. ‘Are you okay?’ Draco asked. ‘Er- yes, thank you.’ Hermione stuttered. ‘You almost wake us.’ Draco whispered. ‘You did.’ Hermione said. ‘What?’ Draco asked. ‘You grabbed my wrist.’ She said. ‘Can we talk further in my room?’ Draco asked. ‘I rather have some sleep.’ Hermione said. ‘Yes, in my room.’ Draco said. ‘Yes, you in yours and I go to mine.’ Hermione said. ‘No we both go to mine.’ Draco said. ‘Why?’ Hermione asked. ‘So the one can wake the other without having to walk to another room and have the possibility to wake the other us.’ Draco said. ‘But why yours?’ Hermione asked. ‘Because I know that I’m not waking up and go to my room. I don’t know about you, and as you lost your memory I guess you don’t know either.’ Draco said. ‘Hmm.’ Hermione said. Draco walked towards his room and Hermione followed slowly behind, trying to make no sound. She looked at the bed. ‘If you want I can sleep on the ground.’ Draco said. ‘What? No of course not, I won’t let you sleep on the ground.’ Hermione said shocked. ‘It’s really not proble-‘ Draco said. ‘No, it’s okay.’ Hermione said. ‘Unless you don’t want to share a bed with me, then I can always go and sleep on the ground.’ She said. ‘I didn’t mean it like that, of course I want to share a bed with you…. I mean I don’t let you sleep on the ground…. I mean-‘ Draco stuttered. Hermione chuckled. ‘Just lay down Malfoy.’ Hermione said who had already laid down on the bed. Draco nodded and laid down next to her. ‘See, it’s not that hard.’ Hermione said. ‘Hmm.’ Draco said turning towards Hermione. ‘Sweet dreams.’ She said. ‘You too.’ Draco said and he closed his eyes. He hadn’t noticed how tired he was until a few minutes ago. The adrenaline had been keeping him awake, but now he was laying down he was asleep in a fingersnip. Hermione looked at Draco, she saw his face relax and his breathing became steady. Hermione got a small smile on her face and she pulled the duvet up and over him. Her eyes darted to his hand and before she knew it she had lifted her hand up, placing it over his. She closed her eyes and after a few minutes she fell asleep.