
Love & Coffee

23yr old Zena Dublin Green is a Nigerian leaving in the US with her family. After being dumped by her boyfriend, she gets her self into a rollercoaster of adventure when she signed a contract relationship with her boyfriend boss who has never fallen in love. Between getting revenge and helping her contract boyfriend get out his adopted grandparents hair. She learn a lot about how true relationships work. ( This book is dedicated to my two favourite cultures Nigerian and Korean. I tried to mix my experiences with the two. Pls support me on this Journey. Thanks.)

itzsotie · Thành thị
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1 Chs

Chapter one

Zena Dublin Green zoomed the corridors of the huge office complex. She had about ten minutes till their lunch break was over. She needed to be fast.

Her boyfriend, Bryan Williams, worked there as a food researcher of Blue Coffee ( don't worry their coffee isn't blue ). She met Bryan there almost every day such that receptionist just phones Bryan's department or hands her a visitor's card but today was different it was their one year anniversary ( she still couldn't believe she'd been with him for that long. Ha! To all the people that said she'll never be in a relationship). Getting to his office door, she glanced at the wall clock, twelve- fifty three . She still had time to place her gift on his desk mabye she'd spot a present of hers. Smiling to herself, she opened the door and was surprised to see him see him sitting in cubicle working with his computer. He had taken no notice of her so he coul still suprise him.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ! " She said in a sing song voice holding her little white gift bag in the air. He looked shocked.

" Anniversary?" He asked arching a brow.

" You asked me to be your girlfriend about this time today. Remember!"

She knew he had the tendency to forget stuff but an anniversary? She should have put on his calendar.

"Oh that ! " He finally said. He didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Hey is something wrong ? " She asked calmly approaching his work desk.

" Just work . Don't bother! " He snapped.

"Oh! " Sometimes she felt he regarded her less just because he has a company job and she's a stuck up waitress. It wasn't her fault companies didn't want her. In her defence, they were all being racist or mabye they didn't like that she was Nigerian.

She pushed the thought aside.

" Anywho, I got you something. " She was about bringing out the Dolce and Gabbana wrist watch( that is NOT fake) from the gift bag. She spent some of her savings on it but he stopped her.

" Just drop it on the floor . "

" What ! "

" You heard me , drop it on the floor ! "

She quietly obeyed. She didn't bother searching around for any gift he. ' Mabye he'll get it later when we head out. '

She thought to her self.

" Don't forget, we're heading out to the cinema later and - "

" Can we do it some other time. " He looked irritated. " But - "

" But nothing! Look Zena the CEO just arrived, we're going to be launching a new product soon and - "

He went on to rant about his stressful day that hasn't even ended and blah blah blah. Zena couldn't believe him talking as though she didn't have her own rounds of stressfulness. But she didn't utter anything. She just wanted to hang out with him the whole day but he had other plans. Then he said something that caught her attention.

" I don't think you should be coming here anymore."

" What! Why? Did I do anything wrong? "

" No but I just think it will be better if you just stopped. " He sounded as though he meant she should stop being in his life .

" And you better leave now before- "

Too late. His colleagues came pouring in.

" Hi Zena. " Adriana Daiz greeted. She always dressed fashionably and Zena always asked hifor fashion advice . Today her long brown curls were packed in sleek ponytail, her brown skinned face complemented with some light make up. She wore a simple blue top on a checkered vest with blue boyfriend jeans. Her warm smile was ever so affectionate.

" Hi !" Zena waved.

" I hope we aren't interrupting something. "

" Leaving? " Mrs Walters, their team leader , asked.

Before Zena could say anything Darrien Chigozie, Bryan's best friend who was also Nigerian ( he'd lived in the US his whole life )picked up the gift bag.

" You really out did yourself. Dolce and Gabbana. Nice! "

" What's the occasion? " Adriana asked.

" It's their anniversary. " Darrien answered.

" Really! For how long? " Mrs Walter asked.

" It's been a year. " Zena replied.

" No way ! No wonder you bought him that " Adriana turned to Bryan " And where's your gift? "

The office fell dead silent as they waited for Bryan to say and do something even Zena had her hopes up but when it became clear he didn't have anything in mind. She heaved a sigh.

" Don't worry about it guys. He probably forgot." At the last word the whole office blew up into a fiery commotion.

" What do you mean forget it's the most important day you both lives " Adriana noted.

" Dude, you do not forget days like this" Darrien added.

" She obviously spent a lot of money on that watch. You should get her something. " Mrs Walters admonished.

Zena called them to order

" Guys chill, it's alright , were not married or anything. "

" It doesn't matter. It's still an anniversary." Adriana said. Every one except Bryan agreed.

" I really need to get going " Zena said looking for an excuse to leave.

" Your not going anywhere till he gives you a kiss good bye. " Zena wondered ehe they last kissed." Adriana, don't force him besides, my shift starts soon I need to hurry."

She didn't wait for a person to utter a single word. She got out immediately.

Alone, she wallowed in her thoughts.

' Mabye their right. I should probably end things with him. ' But she couldn't. She'd known him since her freshman days in college. Like who resist a tall dark and handsome guy like him. He knew a lot about Nigerian culture which made dad to like him and loved games like her younger brother, Freddy. Although mom never liked him but who cared.

She plastered a fake smile as she walked out of the elevator. She was about leaving when she bumped into someone, muttering an apology she looked up.

The man had cold dead black eyes that stared right into the depts of her soul. His pale white skin was accompanied bya nice wolf cut hair. He wore a black suit that looked like it could pay the rent for two years. He looked straight out a kdrama.

" I'm sorry sir ! " She apologized again.

" Can't you see or are you blind? " That comments got Zena furious.

" Sorry, I was thinking and - "

" Did I ask you to think? " He cut in.

" Short people like you should either wear glasses or heels"

" Excuse me? Who do you think you are? "

" A very important person who has no time to deal with your insignificance."

" Insignificance? You think you're so high and mighty right? "

" I don't think. I know."

Zena scoffed, " Fine , I'm so sorry Mr High and Mighty , I promise to bump into more insignificant persons like myself who actually have a thing called a heart. Mabye you should look it up before talking to people." The two people behind him looked at each other and then back at her.

The man didn't say anything as she walked away.

As soon as she left he turned to his secretary.

" Aria, get me every information about that girl."

" Sir she doesn't even work here. She wore a visitor's card."

" I don't care just get me detailed information about her. "