
The Blood Curse Seal

"What's that light" Shikamaru exclaimed.

"I'll go and check it out" Erza volunteered

Kakashi grabs her wrist "Wait, No, your job is my secretary not an army"

"Don't you dare under estimate me, It's not chakra, I can sense great magic power so I am the only one qualified around so don't get in my way" she insisted and without another word she left and went towards the light

"What a drag! Don't worry, your girlfriend is not weak"

"Magic power? The way she reacted, we should follow her, I have a hunch"

She reached the place of commotion and saw one of the orb of the wood god dragon aldoron that the diabolos guild and the white mage had destroyed.

"So it's the orb"


"Jellal! What are you doing here?"

"I sensed the remaining power of the white mage, I followed it and I ended up here and then I learned how great the white doctrine is"

"Good grief, I think it can't be helped, come at me" equips to her clear heart clothing armor and points her Benizakura towards Jellal

"No, you come at me" he replied after removing his clothes and opening his arms wide to welcome her.

"Why are you undressing?!?" the fluttered Erza asked.

"Because I'm in front of you"

"What's got into you, are you gone mad?" she said while thinking to herself that she had to defeat him fast so she can have the orb.

Shikamaru and Kakashi arrived at the place but secretly hiding trying to asses the situation as they let Erza handle it. Jellal and Erza is currently engaged in a sword fight.

"As expected you are strong Erza"

"Hey your face is too close" as she slashed him to keep him away and he just easily dodges her attacks.

"I want to see you more closely, your beautiful face"

"Something really is wrong with you, Snap out of it Jellal, are you under a spell or mind control?"

"Hey kakashi why is Erza not fighting him seriously?" Shikamaru asked the hokage.

"That's Jellal Fernandez, her ex-boyfriend. I wonder what he's up to and why is that freaking bastard trying to hit on her" Kakashi replied his hands folded into a fist and his eye blazing with fire.

Erza reequips to her Cat outfit "Meow" she teased her opponent adn Jellal went all red and flustered as she continues to tease "look at Me, I'm a cat Jellal, meow"

"I understand how your hypnosis works, you seem like you're getting high and all but you aren't immune to girls" she said with an evil smile as her eyes sparkle with the idea.

"I also have a tail, meow" she said striking a cute cat pose and Jellal seems to get flustered even more.

"Or do you like bunnies?" as she reequipped to her bunny outfit, striking a pose on each of her reequips- a swim suit, Gothic Lolita, he becomes beat red and the two in hiding had their nose bleed then "Or maybe you'd prefer my seduction armor?" she said while striking a very seductive pose

"ahhhhh, Erza" he jumped over her pinning her to the ground

"woaahh, Oh no, did I over do it?!?" she said in panic

"Erza, I... I"

As soon as Kakashi is about to jump in and beat the hell out of that man, Shikamru pulled him back and pointed towards another man.

"Am I interrupting you Jellal?" a very tall and muscular man with orange eyes, blond hair that is slicked back, its numerous spiky strands pointing backwards, though some falls down in a small tuft on his forehead. He has a distinct lightning bolt-shaped scar on his right eye.

"Laxus" the blue haired mage said standing up as Erza struggles to cover her exposed parts then reequipped back to her heart kruez armor.

"You're not forgetting our objective, right Jellal?"

"I know, I'm just playing with Erza"

"Or rather I'm the one getting played with. What are you doing here too Laxus?" she cut off the two.

He just looked at Erza ignoring her question and talked to Jellal "Don't tell me you've completely forgotten that we must destroy the remaining orb so we can revive the white mage and anyone who interferes must be killed"

"No, I must at least have Erza or something like that. Even if you are an ally of the white doctrine, I will not allow you to hurt Erza"

"Are you two out of your minds? What are you talking about, how's the guild?" she tries to get an explanation

The two ignored her and is about to fight each other. "What is going on, if the orb is their target then I must get to it before them" she said inwardly "Right, now is the chance" 

Erza cannot move her body "What?!? This is..." she exclaimed "Bind Snake" Jellal said in a deep voice- it is an uncategorized magic: a spell that appears in the form of a snake tattoo. The snake winds its way around the target's body which restricts their movement. "I've stolen your body's freedom, so let us go together and be loved by the seven stars" the he scooped Erza from the ground and carried her bridal style and ran away "Go where? stop it Jellal, let go of me! Damn it, I can't move my body"

"Shikamaru hurry go after Erza, leave Laxus to me" without any word he followed the hokage's orders and he went out of hiding.

"What brings a fairy tail mage here in my village?" he asked

"Long time no see Kakashi" he greeted.

"Laxus, Don't you dare touch that thing"

"So be it then, lighting against lighting. Rairyū no Hōkō" he generates lightning in his mouth and releases it in a concentrated, destructive blast, capable of destroying everything in a wide area in front of him.

kakashi was hit but became a log in a puff of smoke, he used a substitution jutsu called kawarimi technique. "Raiton: Shiden" shoots a bolt of electricity from his hand to strike Laxus with a Purple Electricity powerful enough to induce the rain clouds he's falling through to start producing rain.

"Mōdo Kakurairyū- Raikō: Akamikazuchi" he counters Kakashis' purple lightning with dark-red lightning that he coats his fist with before executing an empowered punch.

"Raiden" Kakashi and a shadow clone both perform the Lightning Cutter on opposite hands, which they connect together with a sharp cord of lightning between themselves.

"Rairyū Hōtengeki" Laxus raises both of his hands in the air at his sides and generates electricity between their open, facing palms. This is rapidly shaped into the form of a massive spear composed of lightning, which Laxus proceeds to hurl at the enemy.

"Raiton: Raijū Tsuiga" He forms lightning in his hand and launches it at the opponent in the form a hound to attack him. As the hound is highly fast and its movements are unpredictable, it is very difficult to avoid. kakashi's hand remains connected to the hound by a cord of lightning, allowing him to freely manipulate the speed and range of the technique.

"Metsuryū Ōgi: Narumikazuchi" Laxus charges forward and punches his opponent with a lightning imbued fist which releases a large amount of lightning upon impacting with the intended target, heavily damaging and electrocuting the target, whilst also pushing them away with immense force. 

Shikamaru was able to retrieve Erza by simply using his Kagemane no Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique) thus making Jellal immobilized. They are now back to the orb's location. Kakashi falls into the ground making Laxus miss the hit. Kakashi was growling and seemed like in much pain while grabbing his left arm. The pain shot up his arm like fire. He cringed. It exploded in his head with a blinding whiteness. It made him dizzy. It made him reel. The pain was like needles that had been dipped in alcohol had been jammed through his skin, like his arm had been replaced with ice and electricity wired straight into his spine.

Jellal came to them running, The white mage presence is gone and they are back to normal. They apologized for the trouble they caused and entrusted the orb to Shikamaru and went back to Fiore.

Erza ran towards Kakashi and examined him. The Anbu signature spiral tattoo that resemble a flame with a slight curl at either end on his left arm is activated- the mark turns fiery-orange and spreads across his body, forming marks like fire on his skin. "Let him be, he needs to go through this so he can survive" she said. After a while the pain and the mark subsided.

"What's going on?" Kakashi and Shikamaru asked.

"This is not just an ordinary Anbu mark. Danzo had an experiment collaborated with Orochimaru. When Shin Uchiha was killed, they took his DNA and his blood to make a blood curse seal and applied it to few chosen root. Their main purpose is to recreate the Uchiha blood line to soldiers that is loyal to them and for these soldiers to obtain the sharingan in the process." She explained

"What are you talking about" Kakashi asked

"You, along with nine others, were the first people to receive a cursed seal. You are the only one to survive the application, establishing the one-in-ten success rate for the procedure. Recipients are rendered unconscious while their body either accepts or rejects the cursed seal. From extensive practice, Orochimaru established a 10% compatibility rate for the cursed seal; those whose bodies aren't compatible with the cursed seal will die.If they do survive, the recipient will have access to the cursed seal's power boosts, access that grows through releasing the seal."

"Are you saying that Kakashi will now have the Uchiha abilities?"

"Yes, not only that he will have the Uchiha blood running in his veins now giving him full access to all our clan's abilities. Making him as if he was born as one of us. I released the seal during the war that is why he was able to use dual mangekyou sharingan and created a perfect susanoo."

"Are you telling me that I am an Uchiha now?" he jokingly commented

"Of course not! To simply put it, you no longer borrow the power of the sharingan because you own it now and since it now runs in your blood, just like me and Sasuke you're part of the clan now, a Hatake with kekkei genkai" she concluded.

"Why did you release the seal?" Shikamaru asked out of curiosity

"That's a very good question Shikamaru" patting him on the head lightly and looking at kakashi with a big smile.

"So Sasuke will stop bugging about restoring the clan and he can go marry Sakura and have kids with her and I to Kakashi" she said with a blush.

Kakashi hugged her tightly and said "I so love you Erza"