

On being asked Kang Hoon went deep in thoughts yes they were married but just because she was forced into this marriage and he didn't not want her to hate him because he initiated this marriage because he loved her the moment he set his eyes on her and he wanted to be by her side for ever now that she had lost her memory he would be her pillar and will make sure she falls for him.

The vivid memory of her in a pool of blood where he was powerless, where he thought he had lost her still prints it's self in his memory because of him this happened to her but this time he will protect her no matter what happens.

ahem.... being pulled back from his train of thoughts he looked at her.

Breaking the silence he held her hands and said"Ji ah I will protect you". he meant each and every word.

"You're Lee Ji ah from the Lee family i married you last year and we have been living together since then".

"Well you're a university student in your last year ".

I have two brothers and one sister then mom wants to meet you since you are a wake.

Wait no, looking at her with a puzzled look

she said"i mean i am not ready to meet your mom now".ok he said.

thanks she says

ooh since you said am a university student when am i going to start again like what i mean is am fully recovered

not now i have to first ask the doctor just rest for now.

Hoon went out of the bedroom feeling happy for the first time he had a conversation with her without being ridiculed by her a peaceful one he vowed to make her fall for him hard and he will do it and change her mind set about him.