
Chapter 15 Fifteen

When we reach the school building, I am reluctant to go in. I do not think that I can face Cleo and Adam. Even if I do not talk to them, there is no escaping seeing them. I wonder what everyone thinks now that they are a couple days after I was strutting down the hallway hand-in-hand with Adam. I must be a laughingstock! The thought of taking a break and going home becomes palatable to me once again. But then the image of my Mum s smiling face fills my mind. She would not have run away when faced with such challenges at ballet school. She would have faced it head on.

"You know," Malik begins as his finger finds mine and lock it. "I think—this is purely speculation—our meeting was fated."

I snort loudly. "You must be kidding me. I cannot believe that you are pulling the star-crossed lovers, meant-to-be card?"

"I am a hopeless romantic."

"Well, bad news, lover boy but this Juliet is not falling for that stuff."