
Chapter 10 Ten

Finally, it is Friday. The air in the whole school is charged by anticipation and excitement. Even though the show is later on in the day, nobody seems to be calm in the refectory.

I toss the contents of my sandwich on my plate with my fingers. Cleo is nowhere to be found and Adam does not seem to be at his usual table. That means that they are off together practising. Suddenly, I lose the miniscule appetite I had worked up. I am starting to think that Adam and I will never have our date. Was he just leading me on? Then I remember the way he touched me in the studio, how he kissed my hand and the way he looked at me. Adam does like me. I should give him more time. Or maybe I should work up the courage to ask him out myself. I decide against the idea. I do not think that I can do it before blacking out completely.