
Chapter91- Spiced Apple-02

"Lily!?" Came a voice as soon as she set foot inside of the apartment. "Where on earth did you go?!"

After their breakfast together, Kevin had brought Lily over to Caiden's apartment so she could get ready for work. And although Lily had insisted several times for Kevin to come up with her, he refused politely, waiting at the base of the apartment while she got dressed.

ey Caiden." Lily smiled as she noticed her friend lounging on the couch with an Xbox controller in his hands. "I left you a note, right?"

"Yeah but that was two days ago!" Caiden complained. "You said you'd be back within a day."

"I'm so sorry. Actually Kevin had a charity event to go to, somewhere in Upstate New York and he suggested that we drive." She explained. "And let's just say that drive took forever!"

"Really? How was the event?" Caiden asked curiously. "And where did you guys stay?"