
Chapter150 - Burgers and Boyfriends-01

Today had been a chill day for Lily and Kevin. And after yesterday's crazy mission, it was well deserved.

Lily had crawled into Kevin's bed in the middle of the night when sleep did not come to her. And very quickly, she had discovered that it was the best place in the whole world.

Being in Kevin's arms.

They had woken up together, nestled in a pile of pillows and blankets and it was by far, the best sleep they had both gotten in the past couple of days.

After getting ready, Kevin had left Lily to the comfort of their suite while he managed a couple of meetings that had been pending for days now.

It was late afternoon when she finally pulled herself out of bed. A whole day had almost gone by without Kevin and she wanted nothing more then to see his mystical blue eyes, that shined brightly only for her.