
Chapter118 - Lavender Latte-04

Lily smiled, looking up into his Mediterranean blue eyes that matched the color of the bright blue sky.

"I notified Julie and she sent me some paperwork to give to you." Lily said. "Oh! She said she's ready to have a meeting whenever you're available."

"Great. Put her on my schedule." Kevin stated, to which Lily nodded. "And also, I spoke to Benson about the photographs and he said he'd handle the matters."

"I appreciate that." Lily smiled softly. "And by the way, thanks for helping Elle out. It was really sweet of you."

A hint of confusion passed through his eyes at Lily's words before he understood what she was referring to. "She told you?"

"Yeah." Lily nodded. "This morning."

"It was the least I could do. Plus, I really missed the lattes. Especially the Pistachio Rose one." Kevin said, winking.