
Chapter 3

A Girl With a Broken Heart ❤️

As Nish entered her room,Neera came behind her and asked about that parcel.Nish still was confused herself for she didn't know what will be inside of that parcel.Neera pleaded Nish to open that parcel.That parcel looked mysterious....and she was little afraid...When she opened the parcel, Nish lost her sense having seen the beautiful card that read

"I Love You".Other thing was delicious cake and the teddy bear along with tag of "Be My Valentine "and last thing was a sweet bouquet

and the smell of that bouquet spread everywhere.Nish was shocked that a person who always neglected her and never took anything seriously ,would do this.The thing which made Nish even more shocked was his strange behaviour because he never seemed a person like that.He was a rich person and proudy as well.But whenever she was looking his guitar labeled with the tag,

"Be My Valentine"she couldn't believe that Nish herself would be his Valentine.

I can understand your feelings Nish,but I think he is flirting with you and optionaly using you.Neera said all this to her.No,he is my whole world,replied Nish.Let it be, .Let the time come,Neera said.

But I'm very happy for the beautiful couple,that both of them will be tied to each other.Friz would marry with Neera.Nish said turning Neera's attention towards her unexpected love.

oh yeah, I had never thought ,a person like Friz would marry me.Neera replied.Both the sisters were not getting sleep and thinking about that pleasant evening.

When Nish went to bed she was imagining the moments she spent with Adam.Having bouquet in her hand,she was feeling the smell of beautiful flowers of bouquet.

Is it really a reality or any dream?Nish asked herself.She was lost in his thoughts.

Here ,Sim who had also fallen in love with Nish couldn't express his feelings to her..So it was a secret love of Sim to Nish.

Now, it was the first anniversary of MNA (Music of New Age).Friz announced that all focus should be towards the preparation of ceremony.He invited many guests in that ceremony.

Friz made Nish mind to sing a beautiful song on which Neera agreed to perform.Sim was asked to beat the drum and Adam had to play the guitar as usual.Friz requested Adam to do the rehearsal with new comers for Friz knew that Adam would help them to participate.Adam noded.

One day,when the rehearsal finished Adam called Nish separately and warned her not to sing any song.Again Nish was shocked for his

strange behaviour.He also denied her to do any activity for the ceremony.Nish wanted Adam to understand the situation but Adam didn't want any excuse from her."You mean to me and I mean to you"grabbing his neck,he said to her ,just enough,we will go somewhere far away.

Don't talk nonsense,replied Nish.Have you ever wondered what would happen to Friz

Nish spoke angrily.Friz, who is not only your institute companion but also a very good friend.He trusts in you.How can you think bad of him. You are a psychopath.Nish shouted with anger.

Having heard all this,Adam pushed her angrily and went out.

Nish started crying.When the sound of her crying was heard everywhere,Sim came closer to her and asked about

all the matter,Nish again started crying....Sim silenced her and gave her a

whole tissue box for wiping her tears so her laughter dropped. While sobbing, Nish told Sim all the matter.

inspite of this, that Adam is whole world of mine and he is only person I love him, I don't

want to obey him.Nish openly expressed the feelings she had for Adam.

Sim was listening her so quitely and didn't say anything in return