
chapter 1: concert

I'm so excited today, not only is it my birthday, but also the day that I get to watch my favorite boy band of all time perform, and I can't wait.

my best friend Charlynn who is still fixing her makeup gives me look of approval as we continue staring at our outfits on the mirror, she is also excited and looking at her now, I feel like wrapping her in a warm hug, it is because of her that I'll be fulfilling my dream today.

My pony tail is neatly done, my makeup too. " I wish jay would just give me one glance and I'll have the best day ever" I say dreamily as I imagine myself with Ajay, my crush, who is also the lead vocalist of the band.

" he has to. My bff can't look all dolled up for nothing" Charlynn says and I giggle, " Ah!" I scream in excitement, already imagining him perform on the stage.

We go downstairs from my room and the person home is my Dad who smiles and hugs me, " look at you, my baby's all grown up now, I still can't believe that a year ago you were afraid of leaving the house but now here you are, looking beautiful and ready to go" he says and I smile. " i have indeed grown, I'll see you later Dad," I give him a kiss on the cheek and Charlynn and I make our way towards the door.

My dad and my immediate older brother are the only ones I consider to be family ever since the incident which I'll never be able to forget.....ever.

An hour later, the place is filled with screams as XIQ is performing, they have performed 4 songs so far and the crowd has turned wild, Jay who is already looking exhausted, holds the edge of his T-shirt and brings it up to wipe his face and that little action makes the girls scream as we all see his abs, gosh he's so hot.

" how are you doin!?" ace, the youngest in the band asks, getting a loud response from the crowd he smiles and in the next moment, sings a part of my favorite song and I, together with everyone scream and sing along.

I've been waiting for this song sice they started singing.

" I don't think they want us to sing this song guys..." ace says, looking at his band mates who agree with him but the crowd does the opposite.

" I fell in love with a beautiful piece of sunshine..." he sings the beginning of the song and we sing along until we finish the first verse.

" I don't think I can breathe without you..." ajay's part gets us to scream even more and sing louder.

" are you ready?!" Teo who was behind ace shouts and we shout back, with the same energy and the song finally starts.

This is by far the best birthday I've had, I couldn't ask for anything more, I'm having fun, and my friend is too, and to me, that's the only thing that matters right now.

A girl is called on stage by Mateo, who is the oldest and leader of the band and the girl's reaction gets everyone to laugh and be envious at the same time, I wish I was her! I cry to myself.

The girl quickly goes on stage, covering her mouth with her hands, not believing what is happening. Mateo holds the girl's hand and brings her at the center of the stage and asks her to request any song for them to sing and she chooses, ' fell for the wrong person' which is also one of my favorite songs, it brings back memories.

The song is slow and emotional that Everytime I listen to it, I cry.

" why do you love this song Jodie?" Mateo asks, now putting his hand around her shoulder.

" I don't know....it was the first song I ever heard sang by you guys and I love it so damn much!" she say, half scream the last 6 words while holding the mic Mateo had handed to her and the people scream as a form of support for her.

" well then, your wish is our command beautiful" Mateo says, the girl is asked to leave the stage after a hug from Mateo as the song starts to play.

soon the concert ends and I'm heartbroken to see them leave the stage, who knows when I'll see them, this is the first time that I've actually seen XIQ live and I don't know if I'll ever get a chance to see them again.

" This was so much fun, thanks for bringing me here Charlynn" I say, hugging Charlynn unexpectedly and we both stumble back. " I love you so much".

" I had to, who else would I bring if not my Partner in crime" Charlynn, responds, we hold hands and Walk out of the concert smiling and talking about how much fun we had.

Playing with my necklace is one of the things I got used to doing, especially when I'm either distracted or just simply trying to keep myself busy, but when I placed my hand on my neck, it wasn't there, my necklace was gone.

" oh no....no , no, no, my dad's gonna kill me!" I panic, halting in my steps to look around and see if I dropped it here. " what happened?" sharlynn asks with a frown, " I can't find my necklace" I tell her, not looking at her face as my necklace is more important now.

" what do you mean?"

" I had it on when I came here, it was also there when we hugged but I can't find it, you know how much the necklace means to my dad and I, if I lose it he'll be very disappointed" what began as a happy day has now become the opposite.

" Are you sure you had it Lea?" Charlynn asks, feeling annoyed, I yell, " yes ! I just said I had it Charlynn—" I stop mid sentence when I realize that I just yelled at her for no reason.

" I'm sorry, I was just trying to help." okay now I feel guilty, she doesn't deserve what I just did.

" I know and I'm sorry too, it's just that...if I don't find this necklace I don't know what my Dad is gonna do to me" I Know Charlynn completely understands what I'm going through and she also starts looking around, but with the people walking around plus the dim lights, looking for it is just like looking for a needle in stacks of hay.

" forget it, let's just go, we won't be able to find it" I sigh, I feel like crying right now, I just hope Dad will be asleep by the time I get home.