
Love at first sight with a killer

A murderer falls in love with the man she is about to kill the moment she see's him for the first time. The man falls in love as well and he is just as dangerous as the murderer or maybe even worse, come see how the story of their love progresses and turns out!

Demonlord_KuraiShi · Võ hiệp
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3 Chs


(Author note: this chapter starts the day after the first chapter ended, not to be confused with the same day, it is now the next day.)

The morning sun shines in through the window as Kurumi's eyes begin to open and he wakes up. He stretches out his arm to help wake his joints up and his hand touches something soft. Unsure what it is his hand is touching he squeezes softly to try to figure it out. After a few seconds when he can't quite find out what it is he turns to look in that direction and rubs his eyes with his free hand to wake himself up some more to see clearly.

Kurumi finally is able to see clearly and notices what his hand has been touching this whole time. Lying down beside him in his bed is Minya, and his hand is currently on one of her breasts. Minya's eyes meet with Kurumi's and she is clearly blushing a bit. It takes a moment for Kurumi's brain to process what is happening right now. When he figures it out after a few seconds, he jumps out of bed and begins to blush a bit and then speaks apologetically and embarrassedly "O-oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I was half awake."

Minya looks away while still blushing and then speaks "N-No, don't worry about it, it's my fault for not turning the other way while sleeping. I should have just slept on the couch in the first place." Kurumi responds "N-No, I can't make you sleep on the couch or the floor. B-Besides, I rather enjoyed you keeping me company."

Later in the day...

*bell rings* Kurumi is sitting at his desk waiting for something. The classroom door opens and Minya walks into the room and up to Kurumi's desk. Two people follow into the room from behind her with confused expressions on their faces. Minya blushes a bit and speaks in a playful voice "Kurumi-Kun~, let's eat lunch together!" Everyone in the classroom heard this and were shocked and some even started to slowly back out of the classroom fearful of what might happen to the person who just nonchalantly walked up to THE Shinya Kurumi and asked such a thing.

One of the two people who were following behind Minya speak up "W-W-WHAT the hell Minya? We were wondering why you were going over here but it was for something crazy like this! Don't you know how weird and dangerous they say that guy is, even if you wanted to get to know him it's better to stay and hide that!"

Kurumi lets out an annoyed sounding sigh and speaks "I knew something like this might happen, but to think you would ask in front of this many people." Minya gets a bit of an apologetic face and responds "Well if I told them beforehand they would probably do everything they could to keep me from coming here. It's much easier to just leave them in the dark mostly until it happens so they can't try to stop me or do something stupid."

Kurumi stands up and rubs the back of his head and then speaks "Alright I suppose you're right, anyway, are they coming with us?" Minya smiles warmly and responds, "Yeah we're going up to the roof like we always do is that fine with you?" Kurumi looks around the room briefly and responds "Sure, let's go all these stares are getting annoying. Oh and I think that guy in the back passed out from the shock."

The four make their way up to the roof, the two friends of Minya shaking in fear and confusion the whole time. They eventually get to a spot with two benches, Minya and Kurumi sit down together on one of them. Minya notices her two friends haven't sat down and in fact are standing a bit away from her and Kurumi seemingly filled with fear. Minya speaks with a confused tone "What's wrong you two, aren't you going to sit down."

One of the two friends speak up "B-B-But why are we here with him? I-Is he threatening you or something?" Minya looks at Kurumi and she starts to giggle a bit before speaking "No, of course not, he would never do something like that to me." The other friend speaks up "WHAT?! YOU DON'T KNOW THAT FOR SURE, HAVE YOU HEARD THE RUMURS OF HIM OR EVEN SEEN WHAT HE IS LIKE, HE MUST BE THREATENING YOU OR SOMETHING!"

Kurumi lets out a giggle himself this time and then speaks in a playful tone "Do I really scare everyone that much? I knew it was bad, but I didn't think it was to such an extent anymore especially considering I haven't done anything lately." Minya speaks "He isn't that bad once you get to know him, it doesn't matter what the rumors or whatever else say about him. Just trust me on this, he can be a pretty nice person."

Both friends seem to calm down a bit and one of them speaks up "Fine, if you say so, but I hope we don't live to regret whatever this is." They finally go sit down on the other bench and Minya speaks "Alright now that you are calmed down, I guess I should introduce you, Kurumi this is Sato Tatsuya and Miyumi Satori they are my friends."

Kurumi responds "Nice to meet ya both! I know I may seem scary because of all that you have probably heard about me, but I hope to get along with ya." They seem to calm down more due to the way Kurumi speaks to them however they both just nod without responding. Minya rustles around in the bag she brought with her and pulls out two bentos and hands one to Kurumi "Here you go Kurumi-Kun, this is what I made for our lunch this morning, I hope you like it!" Kurumi smiles happily and speaks with excitement "Oh, I have been waiting for this, it seemed like you were really determined when you were making this!"

Satori speaks with a bit of curiosity and confusion "Wait, YOU MADE HIM A BENTO?! What exactly is the relationship between you two?" Minya blushes and speaks with a bit of an embarrassed voice "K-Kurumi-Kun is my boyfriend." Tatsuya who was taking a drink of water at the time spits it all out in shock after hearing what Minya just said, and Satori just seems to have a malfunction in her brain and speaks again "Uh, what? I'm sorry I think I just misheard you, it sounded like you said he is your boyfriend."

Minya blushes and looks to Kurumi as if asking him to say it because she can't bring herself to say it out loud again for some reason. Kurumi sees this and blushes a tiny bit and then speaks "Yeah, she's my girlfriend." Tatsuya giggles a bit for some reason and then speaks "But when did this happen and how? Actually, I'm not sure I wanna know how but I'll ask anyway." Kurumi looks at Minya as if asking if she wants to tell them or if he should be the one to do it. She just nods at him and doesn't say anything so Kurumi decides to speak "Remember how we were both absent from school yesterday, well that's because I actually got hurt the night prior and Minya-Chan is the one who found me and helped me out. Turns out we live pretty close to each other, so she stayed with me to help me heal and we ended up falling in love."

Minya finally speaks while still blushing a bit "I got to know him a bit while I was taking care of him and he turned out to be a really nice guy." Kurumi speaks while blushing again "Minya-Chan was really caring for me and I find her really cute." Minya's face turns red, and she speaks "GOSH, don't say that here! N-not that it doesn't feel nice to be called that by you though."

Satori speaks "You two seem to get along really well." Tatsuya speaks "Huh I guess for now you don't seem to be that scary after all Kurumi. Now that I have met you, I don't think I would mind being your friend and getting to know you a bit more." Satori nods in agreement to what Tatsuya just said and then Kurumi speaks "Yeah I would be happy to be your friend as well, fact is I don't really have any friends really nowadays because everyone is so scared of me. I have a couple, but they aren't really people I would call close friends or hang out with, in fact it is probably better if you never hear about them."

The rest of the school day goes by uneventfully and at the end of the day Kurumi meets up with Minya and they start to walk home together. On the way home Kurumi decides to buy a smartphone so he can keep in contact with Minya in case he ever needs to go out alone for some reason and something happens to him or her. She decides to wait outside the store while he goes in and buys his phone, the reason he doesn't have a phone is because of various reasons which he doesn't feel like explaining but he knows he will probably need one from now on anyway, so he wants to get one.

Kurumi exits the store and doesn't see Minya anywhere, so he takes a brief look around and still doesn't see her. Then after a minute of glancing around he hears someone say something, the voice is coming from the alley next to the store. "Come on pretty lady, don't put up a fight, we might even pay you afterwards if it feels good enough, hehe." Minya's voice is heard slightly "N-No, let go of me, don't touch me!" Kurumi already knows what's happening, sadly it's all too common an occurrence in certain parts of town. Once Kurumi heard Minya's voice, sounding like she was genuinely scared and upset, something snapped in Kurumi.

Kurumi starts heading into the alley and halfway in he starts to crack his knuckles and it echoes through the alley, he speaks "Listen up you scum, lay a hand on her and you will never be laying a hand on ANYTHING else again." Kurumi walks around the corner and is now in front of 6 decently muscular men. One of them has Minya pinned up against the wall, her white shit ripped open and her bra and some of her breasts slightly exposed. Kurumi see's this and his fists start trembling with rage and he speaks again "Never mind... YOU DESERVE TO BE BURIED." The man pinning Minya down tries to speak but is stopped halfway through "Ha, what are you gonna do about it string be-" Kurumi's fist hits him straight in the face and sends the man flying back a bit and into the side of a dumpster knocking him out. The other thugs begin to rush towards Kurumi all at once, while they do that Kurumi takes off his school jacket and tosses it to Minya to cover her up without even looking back at her.

10 seconds...

Within 10 seconds all of them were on the ground and dead without a single sign of life left in them yet not much damage it appears. It is as if he is so strong that the damage was more on the inside than the outside. Kurumi turns around after he is done and walks back to Minya who is on her knees and crying now, he wipes her tears with his hand and speaks "Are you okay, did they do anything to you?" She looks up at him and opens her eyes and then speaks in a shaky voice "I-I'm ok they didn't manage to do anything thanks to you. B-But I was so scared Kurumi-Kun, not only scared for my life, but also scared that they would take me away from you!"

Minya hugs Kurumi and begins to cry on his shoulder, he returns her embrace and rubs her head. Kurumi speaks in a gentle and calming tone "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you I'm just glad you're okay. take your time let all the tears out, I'm here for you." Kurumi goes silent for a moment and then realizes something and speaks up in a bit of a worried tone "Oh shit, hold on Minya-Chan I better make my first phone call that i have made in a while. I ended up killing these guys and it would probably be bad if someone finds their bodies and somehow find evidence it was me."

Minya speaks with a bit of a quiet voice due to all her crying. "W-what, how is a phone call going to help with that, who are you going to call?" Kurumi responds in a very serious tone "An old friend that I was hoping I wouldn't have to get associated with again at least for a while."

Kurumi dials the number for someone and lets it ring four times and then dials it back again, this time they answer immediately. The voice on the other end says "Hello, who's this?" Kurumi speaks in a serious tone "Yo Ryuto it's been a bit hasn't it." Ryuto speaks "KURUMI, WHAT THE HELL MAN I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA STAY OFF THE GRID FOR A WHILE?! I WAS STARTING TO MISS YA YOU BASTARD!" Kurumi lets out a heavy sigh and then speaks once again "Yeah yeah, no time for some weird brotherly reunion over the phone, I kinda lost my temper for various reasons and need a 'cleanup' in this isle" Ryuto responds "Shit, I should have known the only reason you would call me back would be for something like this, but since it's you I will do it free of charge this one time since I haven't heard from ya in a while. However, only if ya can agree to play some games with me for ol times sake."

Kurumi responds in a slightly annoyed tone "Alright fine, I will send the location of this mess to ya and play with you, are you staying at the same place still?" Ryuto speaks "Nah I'm finally in that one place that I kept telling you i want to live in one day, finally managed to snag a vacancy and make it mine. Number 24, just knock when you get here. If that's all then I'm gonna hang up now and get set up for when you arrive." Kurumi speaks once more before Ryuto can hang up the call "Oh and by the way I'm bringing someone with me, I hope that's okay with you." Ryuto sounding surprised speaks "YOU actually have someone who's chummy with YOU? Hell yeah, I'm fine with that, in fact I'm intrigued about what kind of person it could be. Anyway, I'm gonna hang up now, cya in a bit."

The call ends and Kurumi puts the phone in his pocket and turns back towards Minya and speaks "Sorry I arranged for you to come with me, but I don't really want to leave you alone right now after what just happened." Minya responds "It's fine, I'm just a bit shocked that you have a personal connection with someone who can get rid of bodies." Kurumi "OH SHIT, speaking of which we better go now, trust me you do not want to be here when those creepy fuckers who do the job arrive."

About half an hour later, in front of apartment number 24 of an apartment building.

Kurumi knocks on the door and a few seconds later someone starts to open the door. Ryuto speaks "Kurumi, I MISSED YOU PLAYER TWO!" Kurumi speaks sounding slightly annoyed but seemingly a bit happy "Yeah yeah, oh by the way how's little furball, you still keeping him around?" Ryuto smiles and responds "Of course, couldn't leave the little bastard even if I wanted to since he knows my scent or something." Ryuto finally notices Minya standing next to Kurumi and speaks with a surprised tone "K-K-Kurumi, who is this?!" Minya smiles warmly and speaks "Hello, my name is Takumi Minya it's nice to meet a friend of Kurumi-Kun's, to be honest I didn't think he even had any other friends until today because everyone else is so scared of him." Ryuto seems even more surprised and looks back and forth between Kurumi and Minya with his jaw agape.

Ryuto speaks "W-W-Why are you with someone like her Kurumi, this combo, its too weird ITS POWER IS UNMEASURABLE! Anyway, all that aside, ARE YOU SINGLE?!" Kurumi grabs both of Ryuto's shoulders and speaks in a very menacing and serious tone "IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT MAKING A MOVE ON MINYA-CHAN YOU ARE NOT GONNA LIKE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU." Ryuto turns pale and shakes a bit before regaining his senses and speaking in a fearful and slightly loud voice "YES SIR, WON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT SIR, NOPE NOT ME NOPE NOPE NOPE."

Kurumi lets go of him and whispers something to Minya-Chan "He won't do anything but just in case stay close to me. He isn't the kind of guy to take another man's girl, but he is perverted in some ways, but since I told him he won't do anything to you because he fears for his life so don't worry."

Minya smiles and nods at Kurumi and Ryuto invites them inside. The three of them play some games on various consoles and whatnot for a while and after a bit the two guests decide to go home, at some point during the visit Kurumi and Minya explained their relationship to Ryuto which made him even more determined NOT to try ANYTHING at all with Minya because he knows that he would be dead he second he does, and after hearing that she is a killer he also is afraid of her a bit too so that's even more reason not to.

Ryuto is a old friend of Kurumi, they are both mixed up with some fucked up things, but they get along like brothers since they have known each other for quite some time. Kurumi wanted to split off from what he was doing and what he was becoming, and Ryuto respected that but now Kurumi has killed again. However, Ryuto feels that maybe Minya is someone who will have a very good impact on Kurumi's life, so even if he has killed again, maybe he won't become what he was afraid of becoming in the FirstPlace now that he has her by his side. However, he is a bit worried that perhaps two coo coo crazy mentally insane people being together might not be very safe sometimes but only time will tell.