
It work

While we going out from our room I take my backpack remembering that there I have juice that I pack yesterday. when we go down and outside of hotel we saw a car and we enter it. I start looking again at street remembering how many times I come this street to my university.

Some places change but still I could remember all names of bus stops. while we pass some I start saying them in mind after some time when we pass my bus line I said to myself 'omfg what you doing good that you haven't said anything loud you and your memory to useless thinks' I start being critic to myself it become my habit while I done useless some think.

While I start thinking what to do next to kill the time we come to company building. while going out I look if I have extra packet of cigarettes 'uffffff at lest you here' I said to myself when I feel them.

Then I start following Sophia. she go directly to elevator. while I start looking around I saw people that look at her what she is doing and some of them shake they heads don't knowing who she really is.

When we come to floor where we have our room for checking Sophia open doors and she enter it. I come after her and when she wanted to look at papers directly I stop her from doing it. then I come and I look if my small trap work and it work.

Someone was here and touch them.

Looking at it work I make a big smile. then I left Sophia hands and we could go back to work. At first thought I wanted to said her that someone was here but later I decided that I will tell her when we will be back to hotel. And we start making plan about what to do in our last day.

I remembered that she said to security guy that nobody could enter here. then I start checking difference with both it take so much time. I don't know when I take my juice and I take a sip. I become so focus on it that I put bottle under my chin I mostly doing it when I become serious with work.

When I start checking mid-January I feel that someone hit me it was Sophia. then I heard knocking to doors I put papers on place and guy with food come inside he deliver us our lunch.

when I saw what it is I become hungry from no reasons. 'it pierogi how long it's been that I eat you' I said to myself and I start eating they mix two different one with meat second russian 'I still don't remember why they call them' I said to myself while eating second from it.

When I finish eating I know I'm become full. Then I go to couch and lay there. When Sophia saw me she come to me and ask "what you doing" I wanted to said to her but then I remembered our rules. 'rules rules and again rules how I hate them in this situations' I said to myself while taking my phone and I write to her 'I'm full now I couldn't work I need small rest I will be back in around 1h after nap.' I write to her and I just close my eyes and I travel to my dream lands not looking at her face expression

and the end come from tomorrow normal upload 1 chapter a day

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