
I'm making a soup

After going out from our meeting place we start walking to my car. While going close to shops with clothes I wanted to enter there but I stop myself remembering Greg face when he was with me before. When we come to my car we start packing our things there.

When Greg go with trolley I start serching on GPS shortest way to home while not beeing for long time in jam. When I find four of them I start looking which is the shortest.

When greg come to car and we start going to home. After some time jam become bigger and bigger and my stomach almost start talking so I said to Greg "im hungry"

"ok i know what i will do but you will need to wait 20 minutes"

Hearing him I only answer "ok" and i change road. When we finally come to block and I park my car and we start taking out our shopping bags and Greg things from his old place we dont needed move so much only Greg need to walk twice.