
Chapter 1

*Wake Up my Dear, I am here. Let's have fun together this day*

Kiara woke up from the sound of her alarm. It was one of Liam's music. She sighed and thought about Liam who is almost 2 years inactive. Today is the first day of school. She is going to be Grade 9. She got up from bed, went to the bathroom and took a shower. After that she put on her school uniform and went to her big brother's room to wake him up.

Kiara is the 2nd child and the only daughter in the family. She has 3 siblings, namely Kevin, Keith, and Kyle. Kevin is 3 years older than her. Keith is 10 years old. While Kyle is only 11 months old.

"Big Brother wake up or we'll be late for school". Kiara is shaking his big brother who is still fast asleep, she is thinking of poring cold water on him to wake him up but desist the idea because the last time she did that he was so mad that he ignored her for almost a week.

"Big Brother its already 5 o'clock if you don't get up now we'll be late for school" After 5 minutes of shaking and shouting at him, She picked up a pillow and hit him really hard. Still he didn't budge. 'This brother of mine is really hard to wake'. Kiara thought to herself. An idea came into Kiara's mind.

"If you don't wake up now I'm telling mom that you have a girlfriend". Suddenly Kevin got up from the bed and faced her sister and said "DON'T YOU DARE!!". Kiara smirked, stick out her tongue and exited her brother's room.

Kevin is already in Grade 12. He has a girlfriend named Alyssa. Their parents forbid them of having any girlfriends or boyfriend until they graduated from college so that they can completely focus on their studies. Kiara found out about his brother having a girlfriend when she went to the mall with her friends.

She went to Keith's room to wake him up but she was suprised when she saw Keith not only awake but already on his school uniform. "Good Morning, you're up early". He faced to where the voice came from and saw her elder sister smiling. "Morning, of course I'm really excited to see my friends again" he replied. Kiara laughed and teasinly said, "Or excited to she her". Keith turned red from what her sister said, he picked up a pillow and throw it to Kiara's direction but she dodged it.

Keith is already in Grade 5 and he has a crush on this girl named Emily. She is Keith's bestfriend since they were little. They did everything together, from school projects and activities to summer classes. Emily is very intelligent, she is the Top 1 on their class, and she also has a talent in arts.

Kiara continued to tease her brother while laughing so hard. Meanwhile Keith is glaring at her and becoming so red. After a few minutes of teasing and laughing. Kiara stopped and said "After you finish preparing go down stairs and eat breakfast we'll be leaving after 30 minutes". while wiping away the tears on her eyes from laughing so hard and left. Keith just glared at his sister who is leaving.

Kiara went down stairs and was greeted by her mother, Katherine. "Good Morning Love". Kiara's mom was a doctor but due to complications in giving birth to Kyle she became weak and has to resign from her job. Her mother is 46 years old but is still a beauty despite her age. "Good Morning Mom" Kiara replied and kissed her mother on the cheeks.

When Kiara was about to go to the living room when a voice spoke up "You're not gonna great me Good Morning Kiara??". She faced to where the voice came from she smiled and replied, "Good Morning Daddy". She went to her father and hug him tightly. Kiara's father, Khristopher, is a Civil Engineer, he resigned from his job when Kiara was still 13 years old and started his own Construction Business. His father is already 48 years old but his good looks is still noticable. "I'll be going to the living room" Kiara said to her father. Her father nodded and smiled.

When Kiara arrived at the living room she was greeted by Kyle who is walking towards her.

"Sista". Kiara picked up her baby brother and kissed his cheeks many times. "Morning Baby, let's go eat breakfast". She went towards the dining room, Kevin and Keith are already there eating.

She placed Kyle on the high chair. She sat down and started eating, the table was full of different kind of food varying from vegetables, meat and fish. They all ate happily while talking about what they will be doing for the day. Their conversation was lively and filled with chatter.

After finishing their breakfast Kiara, Kevin, Keith and their dad said their goodbyes to Kyle and their mother. They went inside the car and drove off to their destination. They first drop off Keith in his school which was a mile long from their house. Francis University Grade School is the name of Keith's school. It is a private catholic school.

After 10 minutes of driving they arrived at Keith's school. "Bye Keith, be good at school". said Khristopher. "Yes dad, bye dad, bye brother, bye sis". After they drop off Keith they went to Kevin and Kiara's school which is 2 miles long from Keith's school.

The journey to school was a bit boring so Kiara just listened to Liam's music. She dosen't know why but she never gets bored from listening to it everyday. After 30 minutes they arrived at school. "Lumbia Regional Science High School is a public school but its academics are much more superior then any other high school. Most of the students here are intelligent. The learning here mostly focuses on Science, Math, Technology and English.

"Bye Kiara, Bye Kevin do well in school okay". said Khristopher. "Yes Dad, goodbye drive safely". replied Kiara. They walked to their school which is on top of a hill. Their dad did not drop them off to gate of the school because the road was narrow, he just dropped them off at the entrance of the narrow road.

"Brother I'm going to buy something, you go ahead" said Kiara. There is a little store where you can buy foods and school supplies near the school so Kiara decided to buy some candies and food to eat during the flag ceremony. "Okay be safe, don't be late for the flag ceremony".

While Kiara was buying something from the store she heard a familiar voice, "Kiara!!". She faced to where the voice came from and saw Maby, one of her close friends . She is the same age as Kiara and they have the same height. Maby is good at drawing, and is also the previous class president when they were still Grade 8.

"Maby, how are you? How was your summer vacation?". She went to her and hug her tightly she really miss Maby. "I'm fine, I spent most of my time in the house doing chores and watching over the store. I'm glad that we all are still classmates until Grade 10". They went to the counter and paid.

They walk towards the school talking about what they did during the summer vacation. When they were near the gate they heard a familiar voice at the back running towards them "Wait for me". It was Luisa a close friend of both Maby and Kiara. Luisa is a year older then Maby and Kiara. She is also taller then them. She is good at drawing and painting

"Morning Luisa", Kiara and Maby spoke at the same time. They laughed at the coincidence of them speaking at the same time. "How are you Luisa" asked Maby. Luisa faced Maby and smiled. "I'm fine" replied Luisa.

When they entered the gate they heard another familiar voice. "Hey guys wait up" it was Ella, another close friend of Maby, Luisa and Kiara. Ella is the same age as Maby and Kiara, she also has the same height as Maby and Kiara. Ella is good at calligraphy and she also has a nice handwriting.

"Ella!!" said Luisa. Ella was panting from the running she did. "Wait" Ella replied. The four of them went to their classroom while talking about the things they did during summer.

When they arrived at the classroom they were greeted by the loud noises of their other classmates. Some were playing cards, some were talking while the others were using their phones.

She sat down on her seat and played with her phone for a while. After a few minutes she got bored so she left her things on the chair and went to her friends. She checked the time it was still 7 AM so Kiara just talked with them.

A few minutes past. It was already 7:15 AM, it was time for them to line up in the covered court for the flag ceremony which will start at 7:30 AM. When they were about to exit their room, their teacher, Maam Christy, went inside and sat on the teacher's table. The students stood up and greeted their teacher in unison "Good Morning Maam Christy".

"Sit down. As you all know today is the first day of class, starting today you will not be only 35 in this class but 36. We all know that transferee is prohibited in this school but due to his academic performance the school decide to let him enroll. Please be kind to him and show him around the school." said Maam Christy. A handsome boy came in. He is about 170 cm tall. His eye color were darker than the night. He was breaktakingly handsome with thin lips, a tall nose, his forehead, cheekbones and jaw line are relatively the same width, and his jawline is the most prominent feature.

Many gasp in shock on how handsome he is. Some girls squeaked when they had an eye to eye contact with him

"Hi my name is William Baltazar. I'm half american and half filipno. Nice to meet all of you". Kiara who was on her phone looked at the boy in front of her. Her eyes wide open. She did not know why but her heart starts beating rapidly.

'This v-voice... n-no... it can't be... its h-his.. it's L-Liam's v-voice'.