
Love Antidote

Erin Wilson, the bright new resident doctor who always does what she is told, the skilled doctor, faces the brunt when the hospital staff makes an error while treating a VVIP patient. From then her life takes a turn for the worse. She is suspended for half a year and her family issues get her to verge of madness. To help herself she goes to a bar to get drunk and cry out her heart, but she ends up getting caught in the businesses of the underground rich. Her life gets way more tangled... possible for the good.

Arachnis · Thành thị
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1 Chs

1: It's like A Dream

Erin sat quietly beside her boyfriend who was busy checking his phone. She bent over and put her head on his shoulder. He smiled and pulled her in for a hug.

Erin tackled him and they both fell on the ground playing wrestling and laughing. Her eyes were totally locked onto his and Erin's cat came over begging for attention and her boyfriend, Leo just slightly pushed the cat away and took his girlfriend in his arms and kissed her cheeks, slightly biting them. Not a complete bite, but the playful one, the slight nibble.

Erin blushed and came closer to him, the tension between them was still high. Their breath was heavy as they moved closer and closer. His hands made way to her waist pulling her slowly towards him. His firm grip sent goosebumps through her spine and she tugged at his collar.

He chuckled and slowly touched their noses together. His gaze was at her lips and he made his move. His slightly rough lips grazed against hers and it sent a jolt down his spine. He was very much excited and he pulled back and parted his lips. Once again coming closer.

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

"One second babe! It could be an emergency!", Erin said getting out of his arms and picking up her phone.

"Dr. Erin speaking.", She answered.

"Dr. Erin, there is an emergency meeting and Dr. Hermon's patient had a major complication which requires immediate care. The duty doctor isn't experienced in that field and Dr. Hermon asked you to assist Dr. Oliver.", The person said.

"I see, If it is an assist, can't Dr. Rune take over?", Erin asked.

"Dr. Rune is assisting Dr. Ramirez in other Emergency case. Please report fast, Dr. Oliver said to begin the surgery soon.", The person said and cut the call.

"Leo, Babe, I am so sorry. There's this patient and I-", Erin was cut mid sentence by Leo.

"It's okay, I know, you need to help them and I can't be selfish.", Leo said smiling.

"Thank you babe. I promise you, once this whole thing is over, let's have a date night!", Erin said changing into proper clothes and took her phone and a coffee toffy. She kissed her boyfriend and went out.

She drove to the hospital and soon reached.

"Doctor! Doctor! Here!", The new nurse screamed at Erin.

"Yes?", Erin asked.

"Please go to room 2, Dr. Oliver would like to discuss the details of the surgery with the chairman and you are also requested to join.", The nurse said as she soon went for her rounds. Erin thanked the nurse and went in room 2.

In the middle of the room was Dr. Oliver, her senior doctor holding files and looking over some reports. Beside him sat the Medical Director and Chairman. There were three nervous medical students and two junior residents.

She softly greeted everyone and took a seat.

"I see that we are all gathered here, I will explain the situation.", The Director got up and spoke.

"So, We have a VVIP patient who has come for a liver resection. The main complication being that they have cirrhosis also. The patient falls under category A, so they can have the surgery. The surgery is scheduled to be done today. Dr. Oliver will be leading the surgery and removal of the tumor. Dr. Erin will be closing up and assisting Dr. Oliver as suggested by Dr. Hermon . The junior residents are only to assist either the senior resident, Dr. Erin or Dr. Oliver.

The chief surgeon is on another case right now, so now is the best time to show how capable you are Dr. Oliver. Please proceed with caution as the media is also into this.", The director said.

"Yes, Director. ", Dr. Oliver said slowly judging the reports.

"Well, the patient will be prepared and sent to OT 1. All the best doctors, help the patient.", The chairman said and left calling someone.

"Dr. Erin! Stop staring at the chairman and come here!" , Dr. Oliver said and Erin immediately sat beside him and both of them planned their course of action.

Erin was feeling proud and giddy inside. It was a VVIP patient and she was trusted enough for this job! She had always had a feeling that she may not be liked by her seniors but the fact that the chief surgeon, Dr. Hermon suggested her! She was so much happy!

"So, You can explain the case to the juniors and students. I will go and check the report once again.", Dr. Oliver said and got up following the medical director as they went out.

Erin began explaining and showed the reports to the students and juniors and noticed something.

"The patient comes under B? No, A? Why are there two completely different reports on the same day?", Erin exclaimed.

"Oh No, Should I ask them for a retest?", A junior piped.

"No, Dr. Oliver might have gone for the same thing. Dr. Cassandra? Could you please ask Dr. Oliver if he has gone to recheck this.", Erin asked and proceeded with explaining the situation.

She felt proud. She lead them to the OT and soon Dr. Oliver came with the confirmed reports of the patient being category A. She soon wore her scrubs and prepared for the surgery. But before that she got a notification on her phone.

It was from her boyfriend. He said he would be leaving for his night shift. Erin sighed. She wasn't being fair to him. He would have only a few days off and she had some sort of emergency to attend to that she couldn't even spend time together.

She felt miserable, she felt she didn't deserve him and started hating herself. suddenly she reeled in. She took a deep breath and reminded herself she was worthy of love and that she had a much more important thing to do. She had to keep her personal life out of this. She reminded herself of all the good things her boyfriend said.

She smiled. Her life was like the best dream and she had to work for it. She will try to have a date soon and which day would be better than day after tomorrow? On her birthday.... They could finally take the relationship to the next level.... Even if she is tired she will work hard to maintain her relationship! She encouraged herself.

She walked to the door, to keep her phone in her bag and she heard Dr. Oliver screaming in his phone.

"What is this Director? some kind of a joke? Why did you suggest that girl for such an important surgery?", He screamed.

Erin froze. It wasn't her right?

" I know! But I can't work with penguins! She just waddles around!", Dr. Oliver screamed and the door slowly creaked.

Erin stepped in accidentally. Oliver looked up and cut his call after saying bye. He acted completely normal but Erin wasn't satisfied. She was curious. Were they talking of her? Oliver was quiet and just left the room leaving her.

She shut down her thoughts and focused on two things. To show her skills of closing up and to not make any mistake. She must be perfect.

In the OT. The surgery was done perfectly. Dr. Oliver was swift and precise with his hands and left all the medical students in awe. Half of them made him their role model. Erin was soon given the job of closing up. Usually it is the juniors who close up. But as they are a VVIP, Erin was the one closing up.

She took the tools in her hand and she was nervous. A sudden wave of anxiety rushed over her mind. She just gazed at the patient. She breathed somewhat heavily and started.

The first few stitches were good. It was perfect and was going to heal well. But as she went on, the gazes of the people at her made her nervous. She was reminded of the words said by Dr. Oliver... What if she was really the one he was talking about him

Her hand started shivering and she almost dropped the tools when Oliver held her hand firmly.

"Dr. Erin! Get a hold of yourself!", He said.

"Are you alright doctor?", the nurse asked.

"Yes... Yes... I am sorry.", Erin said and she continued. Her hand shivered for a while but soon she completed it. Thankfully there was no mishap and her work was done. She hated herself to have shivered. She kept on regretting and scolding herself internally.

And she did get another round of scolding from Dr. Oliver and the head Nurse. She was given an energy drink and asked to not to repeat such actions. Thankfully, as her closing up was perfectly done, she had no other problems.

The work was done and she went back home. She saw that the lights were still on. She was shocked. Did Leo come back? She came nearer and saw another car parked near their house. She had seen the same car parked there last week and before that too! It wasn't the place for parking and it blocked the road a bit too.

She had written many notes and placed on their car. They just don't seem to care! She was too tired to even feel angry. It was 5 am after all. She just went in and unlocked the door. She came and found her boyfriend sleeping on the couch. He had a popcorn bowl and two glasses of coke ready.

He must have slept waiting for her. She kissed his forehead and covered him with a blanket. She put the coke back in fridge and went to sleep on her bed.

She smiled as she had seen a few party decorations under the couch as she covered Leo. She figured he might be planning a surprise birthday party. She loved him a lot. He was the one who helped her come out of her sad moments. He was her sunshine ray.