
Love And Redemption: A Mafia story

A Love story between the beautiful and soft hearted CEO falling in love with one of the top Cold, brutal,hard hearted and unfeeling Mafia enforcer in the underworld. The Big Bad Gideon and The softhearted Workaholic Madison Wells. A blind date goes wrong, but their lives remain intertwined from then on and the pressure builds up. How Will Gideon show and convince Madison along with her overbearing parents and scary sisters that his sudden confusing Love for Madison is real and sincere? And how will Madison finally come to make peace with her past that has somehow become her present ,thereby making it the biggest hurdle in she and Gideon relationship. Will they ever be able to be together? "i told you clearly Gideon,we won't ever work." "and I told you clearly Adi. I don't take no for a fucking answer."

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Chapter Thirty-four

"What are you up to Alessio? " Gideon asked, because he really had to know.

"Now why would you think that old friend.....? " Alessio teased and Gideon narrowed his eyes at him suspiciously.

"Probably i just missed you and just wanted to see you. I mean it has been so long, hasn't it? "Alessio continued and Gideon almost rolled his eyes at the absurdity of Alessio's cock and bull crap.

Even a dumb person could easily tell that the bastard was lying. And Gideon was by no means dumb. He wouldn't have been able to survive this long in life if he was. "Spare me the crap Alessio. Who do you think you are talking to? A fucking five year old? "

Alessio gave an amused smirk. "You haven't lost your edge i see. "He teased and Gideon couldn't help himself and actually rolled his eyes -hard -this time.

"It's not your ways to stoop so low into flattery old friend. And it's really getting on my nerves as you choose to insult me so. Even a five year old can see that all you are spouting is just deceitful flattery and stupid lies, it's just common sense. "

"Only that it is not common among common people. "Alessio said with an unconcerned shrug as he made his way -very confidently- to sit on his chair that was directly opposite the one that Gideon sat on earlier, gesturing towards it as he spoke to Gideon again. "Have a seat, we have a lot to talk about. "

"Release my hands from these bindings first, and then we can talk. "Gideon said in an attempt to bargain -stall actually. But Alessio saw through his crap and gave a sharp scoff. "Stop acting like you can't get out of it by yourself. It's rope, not metal. And i know you Gideon, i'm not a fool. Now sit the fuck down and let us talk. You can work on freeing yourself while we are at it. "

Gideon rolled his eyes again but didn't say anything further and sat down instead, like Alessio had requested -actually, It was a command. But Gideon chose to let it slide. He really wanted to get this "talk. " Over with but he knew Alessio would not say anything if he doesn't do as he asked. Tch, rude, controlling asshole.

"I'm seated....."Gideon started. "Obviously." Alessio cut him off rudely and Gideon shot him a death glare before he continued with what he was saying. "Now, what do you want? "

Alessio, ignoring the question, went on to ask a..."very important" question of his own.

"Rumor has it that you are working for Tyler Acetta this days and i wanted to see how true it was. Didn't think you were one to settle down Gideon. In someone else's famiglia no less. " Alessio might have said all this with a mocking smile on his face, but he was also very serious, and curious.

Once upon a time -and even till now -Gideon Lospostos was a wanted and hotcake one man Mafioso soldier who was wanted by almost every mafia family -Alessio included. But Gideon had refused and turned down those offers in.... " Very creative ways " that had earned him more than enough enemies to last him several lifetimes.

And then all of a sudden, he agreed to stay with the Acetta family and it had been a huge shock to everyone in the underworld and it also ended up inciting the anger of many Mafia bosses to the point where they all wanted to kill him and every Acetta family all together because they saw it as an insult, or disrespect.

But Alessio wasn't part of the dogmatic and self-righteous men. He had only asked Gideon to join his organisation because that was the normal thing to do if ever there was a lone Mafioso soldier like Gideon, which was very rare. He only did what was required for him as one of the top and leading made man in the underworld.

He had enough ruthless and strong soldiers to last him plenty lifetimes. Men like his best friend Luca, and others like Sebastien, Silas, etc. Were enough for him, and were even very frustrating to handle sometimes. And he didn't want another addition to them.

But still that doesn't mean he wasn't curious as to what made Gideon join the Acetta's. He kept on wondering about what Gideon may have seen that made him pick the Acetta's amomg many others. Not that the Acetta's weren't a big family. Far from it! They were one of few that were top of the chain but still.....

"I'm just really curious Gideon. What made you pick the Acetta's? "

"Why? Are you still hurt that i didn't pick your side? "

"Hurt....." Alessio mused and gave a curel chuckle. "hurt is a word you use for coddled girls and wimpy men. Not for men like me. I've long forgiven and forgotten your insolence ages ago..."

"You slimy S. O. B. Then what was the torture for? "

"I mean... You are now finally forgiven for your insolence from ages ago. " Alessio said with a smirk and Gideon shot him daggers of the eyes which he blatantly ignored.

"You haven't answered my question yet. "

"I don't know what you want me to say Alessio. I also don't really know why i decided that the Acetta family was a good place for me to settle. But i do know i haven't regretted it since then. Something i think i would be doing if i had accepted the offers of many like that. No offence. " Alessio shrugged. "none taken. But i don't think i understand what you meant by that. "

Gideon sighed softly and brought up his -now freed hands to tousle his hair. "I don't know. I really don't know. Probably because their approach was different from the rest of you. Or probably because they all treat me more like a human being rather than the weapon of death every of the others want me to be. "He had said the last part in a quiet whisper but Alessio had heard it, and chose not to say anything concerning it. Not when what he said was nothing but the blunt truth.

"I still can't believe that that's all you wanted to ask me that you couldn't do in a normal way. You know, like a normal human being would do? " Gideon said skeptically as he glared at Alessio with suspicious eyes.

"Normal is boring. "Alessio said in his defense and Gideon rolled his eyes. "Says you. Now tell me what the main reason for all this nonsense. "

Seeing that he has been caught, Alessio decided that there was no use in stalling longer than necessary. "you're very much aware of our possible alliance in this coming war, yes? "

Bingo? Finally that was it! Trust Alessio Salvatore to go about the simplest things in the most unconventional and unique ways possible and Gideon couldn't himself from bursting into uncontrollable laughter. God! Alessio was so funny that it was cute.

"Tch. Shut the fuck up and answer my question. "

"I'm sorry, it's just..... It's just... Oh my God!... "Gideon laughed harder this time that all his body shook as he laughed.

"OK, that's it! Laugh one more time and i won't hesitate to have you taken back to the torture room once again. "Alessio threatened but Gideon wasn't fazed one bit.

"oh fuck off. I'm not the one who couldn't go about his findings the way normal humans do. "

"And i told you clearly. Normal is boring!" Alessio said indignantly

"Yeah sure. I totally believe you. "the sarcasm dripped from Gideon's voice steadily like the way honey dripped from it's comb, and Alessio was not amused. Not that Gideon cared about his feelings though. He just wanted to get out of this place as quickly as possible. So he decided to answer the question and not delay any longer. "Fine. Tyler Acetta is a good man who is very compassionate and kind. " Gideon said and Alessio stared at him weirdly for a few seconds before finally concluding that his friend has lost his mind.

"That's it. Get the fuck out of my sight.... "

"Wha -?"

"And yes, the possible alliance is off. You can tell that to your boss after you get out of here. "

"Wait! Why would you do that? "

"Are you seriously going to ask me like you don't know? What are we Gideon, Kindergarten children? I ask you the kind of person your boss is and you tell me shit....? "

"But i answered your damn question! What else could you possibly want? " Gideon asked confused and if looks could kill, he would probably be more than six feet under with the kill worthy sharp glare that he directed towards him.

"I don't want a weakling who has enough pity for the whole world Gideon. And you just told me your boss is that kind of an ally i don't want. "

"I said he is a nice man, not a weakling. If he was, he wouldn't have been able to stay on top with the rest of you. He wouldn't have been able to survive and be one of big families our world if he is a "weakling " like you said. " Gideon said hotly in defense of Tyler Acetta.

Alessio gauged Gideon in the silence that settled just after Gideon had defended his boss passionately, and was about to say something when his land-line phone rang loudly into the silence. Breaking their stare down to give attention to who was calling, Gideon was no doubt surprised when Alessio glanced over at him sharply before his face morphed into a crooked, amused smile as he listened to whoever it was on the phone.

Judging by the person's speed of speech, Gideon could tell that the person was really pissed and he was curious to know who that could be. His curiosity further heightened when Alessio answered the person not to retaliate and that Gideon was on his way, before promptly hanging up.

"This Tyler...." Alessio started, his smirk still on his face as he looked at the curious face of Gideon.

"what about him? "Gideon prompted with a frown and Alessio gave a casual shrug of his shoulders before finishing what he had to say. "I like him. You weren't really kidding when you said he was no weakling. "

Gideon was confused. "what -what are you talking about? "

Alesssio shrugged again before he replied.

"oh nothing much. Just that the Tyler Acetta himself and a couple of his men, are currently at one of my ports, hilfihg my goods and some of the godforsaken idiots that were meant to be guarding the shipments but instead, one of them is wearing a bomb as we speak -courtesy of your boss -and is being held as an hostage in return for you or all of them -who are still going to die by my hands either way- and my shipments get blasted into the space of eternity forever..."

".... So yeah, get your ass out of my study and later out of my house after you freshen up. Silas will lead you to a room you can use. Do well to extend my greetings to Tyler and tell him we'll talk about our alliance later. Now get out, I'm very busy and you are disturbing me. "

He said all of this calmly and casually, without even batting an eyelash. Gideon knew Alessio wasn't releasing him because he was scared of the threat or anything, it was just that he probably doesn't want things to get messy more than it already was, between him and a very possible ally.

But Tyler really surprised him and he knew he surprised Alessio too. Who knew that the diplomatic Tyler Acetta could be this curel? Well, he wasn't complaining, and neither was Alessio. In fact, he seemed to like what Tyler did because he already said and implied that he already considered the man as a worthy ally and that was very good for the both of them.

He had served his purpose, and he was more than ready to walk out of this dammed - in his own opinion - place for good. He had important things to do, and he just couldn't wait to be out!

I know, i know. I'm a bad person and i ask for your forgiveness for updating for the first time in a long time. Please do forgive me.

Also forgive me that this chapter may seem boring, but it was important for the development of the story. More Madison and Gideon is coming soon. I miss Madison, and I'm sure you all do too. But rest assured, it won't be late. Have a nice day /evening everyone, stay safe!

ttencreators' thoughts