
Love and obsession

He's extremely rich and owns the biggest fashion company in the country. She works as his personal assistant. He falls in love but fell rather too hard, now he's obsessed and wouldn't want to see her with any other man. And I don't think that turns out so well! *may contain violence * Aim: to pass an information across, no matter how much you love someone, end it when it gets toxic.

Ifeoma_Ijeoma · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

Chapter 4

I nervously walk down the hallway buzzing with busy people, Mercy gave my hair a half up and half down look and I wore a white body con gown with a black jacket. I enter into the elevator for the sixth floor.

I come out the elevator and head to Louis's office. I give a soft knock and open the door slowly.

"Uhm good morning Miss.."

"Oh just call me Louis" she smiled brightly .


"And just a tip that would help you, the boss doesn't like it when people appear before him looking scared or uncertain about something,he'll make it worse." She smiles.

"Oh okay noted, you could call me Charlotte as well"

"Well okay, the boss always comes to work by 9, and before then you should have placed his cup of coffee on his table, he likes his coffee black."

I nodded

"Come Charlotte let me show you to your office" she says standing and heading for the door while I follow her.

We enter into a well furnished office which isn't really far from hers, it's painted white all through with big plasma tv, a table and two chairs. A bathroom and a dispenser across the room. It looked absolutely beautiful. I smiled in delight knowing it's all mine. The door was glass though, meaning anyone could see me from outside.

"You like it this way or would you like adjustments?"

"Oh no it's beautiful" I smiled

"Okay good, come let me introduce you to a few people before we finally go meet the boss.

As we walk down the hall way, she tried to fill me in in the do's and donts of the company. Things that could get me fired.

And now, we are heading down to the 'Boss's office' and boy I'm scared asf. Louis knocks gently and opens the door.

Without looking up he said. "Louis if you know you didn't get me the PA, you better leave my goddamn company and don't come back"

"Here she is sir!" Louis says. He looks up from his papers and his scary brown eyes meets mine and he was the exact guy who fired someone yesterday, the feeling of fear that ran through my body was double.


His looks were intimidating and I felt the chills run down my spine. I also felt Louis's hand hit mine

"Young lady, if you must know, I don't deal with dull people or people who don't know when to talk. And for the record you might need this, I don't really like repeating myself"


"Charlotte Britts" I answered sharply a little disappointed in myself for being such an idiot on my first day.

"You could go now Louis" she nods and leaves. Oh no I'm alone with him, I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared.

No Charlotte you can't be scared, remember what Louis told you.

"Young lady, it's gonna be too early if I loose my temper on you, and if I do, you would run right out of this company, for the last time, DO NOT LET ME REPEAT MYSELF!!!"

Oh Jesus!



"Marital status ?"


"You have a car?"


He looks up at me for a minute and I shiver. Stop looking please stop looking please stop looking.

"I don't like that jacket of yours, don't wear it to my office again understood?"

"Yes sir"

"I'm sure Louis has handed you my schedules"

"Yes sir"

"I'm presuming you know what to do with it?"

"Yes sir"


He throws some file my way.

"Finis those paper work before lunch break, and after lunch break you are to accompany me to a meeting like you would be doing from now on understood?"

"Yes sir"

"I press this button whenever I need you and it rings in your office and you should come running in"

"Okay sir"

"One more thing?"

Oh shit! I can't wait to leave!

"Look out the window, the black SUV is yours." He says throwing the keys to me.

"I don't want the unnecessary thank yous, it irritates me. You can leave!"

I couldn't even believe my eyes and ears but I'm a car owner.


There was no time to text Mercy, I have been busy. I have to finish the paper work before lunch break like he said and boy the work was enormous. I had to make a good first day impression.

Five minutes to lunch break, I package the paper work and head back to his office and give it a slight knock.

I open gently and go straight to his desk, place the files neatly on his desk and stepped back.

"I'm done with them sir"

He looks up with a surprised face like he wasn't expecting me to be done with it.

He picks it up and goes through them and look back at me

Oh boy what have I done wrong?

"Well this is good!"

Sigh of relief!!!

"Go for your lunch now and get back here after that"

"Okay sir, would you like me to get anything for you?"

"I'm fine Miss..."

"Charlotte Britts, Miss Charlotte Britts"

"I'll go with Britts"

I horridly left the office so that I could breathe. I finally had the time to text Mercy.

Best friend 🌈💛

Bitch don't bother coming to pick me up gurl

I got a surprise for you 😁😁

And in less than a minute she texted back

Best friend 🌈💛

Now I can't wait ☺️


Today being my first day at work it was stressful asf, he didn't even bother that it was my first day. The meeting was so tensed, I had to listen to every little details and jot down the important ones

This was stressful but worth it!

Look I got a car!!

I drive into the park way where I see Mercy waiting up for me struggling with her virgin hair that has grown so much. She's always struggling with it with lots of hair care cream

I come out of the car and shout her name.

She looks up and stands up from where she was sitting with the comb still in her hair

"Mercy I got an official car for work!!"

"It's a freaking lie, oh my God my babyyyyy" and I immediately knew she was gonna jump on my body so you know what I did??? I ran I ran fast

But she pursued me and before I knew it, she was on top of me shouting

"I'm so happy for you I'm so happy for you I'm so happy for you"

"This is one hella ride" she said running and entering into the car.

"Wowwww this is our new babyyyyy" she ran out again and hugged me

"I'm so happy for you Char, I'm so happy." She said as she hugged me again.

She gasps loudly "this calls for celebration baby!"

"Let's go get some champagne and Chinese!!"