

That night after dinner. Terminus took Daisy to her room, Mily and I cleaned up and then I took her to her guest room. We stayed up talking for some time it has been a long while since we talked.

"Did you know Daisy is in love with you lord?" Mily asks as soon as we enter her room shock on her face as she giggles about it.

"Yeah, I had an idea she did, but she has been here only a short while. How can she be in love so quickly?" I state feeling angry but not sure why.

"She seems so back and forth like one second its love and the next it's not" Mily says while rolling her eyes. I can tell Mily really does not like Daisy at all.

"Yeah I know what you mean. I just hope my lord knows what he is doing" I say with a hint of hurt and sadness in my voice.

"Maybe he is just using her for cannon fodder because I see love in his eyes when he looks at you" Mily says with a smile and a yawn.

"Well it's getting late you should get some sleep, but I am glad we could talk it is always good to see you." I say as I get up to leave the room.

"Alright good night my friend, see you in the morning." Mily says as she gets into bed to sleep for the night. As I leave her room and head back to my room I run into my lord when he sees me, he smiles.

"Come with me to my study we have some things to talk about." He tells me in a kind yet heartbroken tone.

"yes, mi lord" I say with a slight bow and turn to follow him to the study. When we reach the study the lord's face looks very sad. He turns and grabs me and gives me a big hug. When he lets me go he walks to his desk.

"In order for you to legally work for me now that you have been turned. You have to become a Mistress." He says with so much sadness. He hands me a letter that came from the council. Fear hits me as I read the letter as I am sure they told him who I am. The letter reads;

Dear Terminus,

The council has decided that the maid you turned half vampire must prove herself to be none dangerous. She will need to earn the title of Mistress or we will be forced to have her leave your services. She would be sent to her family.

"Right now, the council is questioning me on turning you. They are pushing for you to leave the manor and return to your family who do not want you." He says, looking down at his desk.

"My lord, I am sorry I did not tell you about my family. I never thought it would be an issue" I say with a bow worry written on my face.

"I want you to stay so you must become a mistress. I love you but I'm not allowed to love you. So I will give Daisy what she wants, but I can never love her." He says still looking down never meeting my eyes as he declares his love for me.

"I will do everything I can to get the title I don't want to leave either. I love you too!" I say without thinking. He looks up at me his expression unreadable.

"Come with me to the library I need to show you something." He says and gets up grabs my hand. He leads the way without waiting for me to answer. Once in the library he goes to the very back and grabs out a strange book. I have never seen this book before.

"This is a book that can show someone's death but can only be opened by a pure blood." He says as he places his thumb on the lock it draws blood and opens. He places the book in my hands. The book is blank at first then it begins to show me Shelly just before she died. It is almost like a movie or I don't know what I feel as if I was there watching it all happen. she is in a sunflower field, when the duke sneaks up behind her. He uses magic to sound just like Terminus. He then bites her to turn her into a half vampire. She fights as hard as she can, but she is only human after all. Terminus shows just as his brother Azriel finishes and goes after Terminus with a dagger. Shelly not even half way through the change throws herself between the dagger and Terminus. The book goes blank again, tears are falling down my cheeks. I look at my lord and he is crying as well. I move to hug him comfort him, he looks at me with glowing white eyes the sorrow and anger feeling in the room is oppressive.

"Leave NOW" he booms with an angry hurt voice. I leave but I get down the hall I hear it. A blood curdling heartbreaking growl from my lord. I stop dead and fight the urge to go and comfort him. I hear all the windows break just after the growl. I almost run back to my room tears streaming down my cheeks. As I lay down for bed after putting my night clothes on. I can't get my lord's confession of love for me out of my head, I soon fall asleep. As everyone sleeps a spy for the duke wanders the halls.