
Love Amongst the Millionaires

In the bustling streets of modern New York, "Love Amongst the Millionaires" unfolds a captivating tale of passion, ambition, and deceit. Isabella Stone, a determined fashion designer from humble beginnings, finds her career on the brink of success. Little does she know, her path collides with Jamal Christopher, a charismatic billionaire with a troubled family legacy. As sparks fly between them, secrets unravel, revealing Jamal's ties to a dark past involving Isabella's parents. Caught between love and justice, Isabella must navigate treacherous waters to expose the truth, even if it means risking everything she holds dear. In a world where love blooms amidst million-dollar secrets, will they find redemption or be consumed by hatred?

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5 Chs

Chapter Five

The show started at exactly 8 pm, the hall was heavily decorated. The judges were already sitting in front of the auditorium. The four contestants were already lined up on stage each having several five girls except Isabella. 

The first contestant Ariana Grande, was from Russia. She started with a costume pageant and ended it with a speech. Same as the second and third they all did the same thing.

Isabella noticed it and decided to do something different and unique. When it was her turn to display her latest collections, she walked up to the stage slowly and steadily, swinging her hips. She faced the judges and to her greatest surprise, she was standing face to face with Jamal Christopher. Oh my goodness, she whispered to herself.

She immediately took her glance off him to avoid being distracted. One after the other her girls walked to the stage displaying her collections while Isabella walked away. Her girls finished displaying her latest collections and they all stood still facing each other, suddenly the lights went off.

The light appeared focusing its rays on Isabella, she looked exquisite in her red, armless gown. The designs on it caught the attention of the judges and audience, as walked up to the stage she remembered when her mom made a similar dress for her on her birthday but sadly enough she never got to wear it. The rounds of applause brought her back to reality common. Jamal was amazed at the confidence she displayed when she turned off the lights. Wow, she is amazing, he thought.

At the end of the show, Isabella was announced the winner. Tears rolled freely down her cheeks, this was the moment her mom always wished for. 

Her girls were the happiest persons in the hall, they danced and celebrated their success.

Isabella felt uncomfortable and decided to take a walk outside, She was lost in thought.

"Isabella Stone, the voice brought her back to reality. You did great today" Jamal walked up to her with a smile

Isabella stood transfixed staring at him as he made his way through the crowds. She smiled back at him as he walked towards her.

"Hey," she was suddenly speechless, not knowing what next to say but found herself smiling at him.

"I love your performance," he said taking a closer step toward her

She felt like she was choking, he smelled nice and oh goodness he was so handsome.

"Hello" waving his hands across her face

"Thanks" she managed to say, still admiring his height and buildups. This is the kind of man I want, she said within her and smiled at him.

They both walked out of the hallway and he stopped at exactly where he bumped into her the previous day.

"Am so happy, I need to talk to my family." She immediately put a call across home. "Mum, we won." 

He could feel the happiness in her and was pleased with her smile after she ended the call.

"You are really happy I see." He covered the distance between them.

"Of course I am so happy sir." She said avoiding his eyes.

"Don't call me sir, just call me Jamal." He drew her closer to him, his hands. "I know you have been going through difficulty, am so sorry for being rude and arrogant to you the other day.

She was stiff in his embrace, trying to fight the need and feelings that crawled into her heart.

Isabella lifted her head and looked at him, she was about to say a word when he lowered his head and sank his lips against hers.

She responded positively to it, he wanted to believe it was her beauty that drew him, her distress that held him but he understood passion and pity.

They didn't part until they noticed the band stopped playing. The hall had long been emptied. She took her purse from the bench, they walked slowly to the elevator. Isabella was very much aware of Jamal's hand at her back. She was fully aware of his body close to her in the elevator when he shifted closer to her to allow others to board the elevator.

She leaned a little against the wall of the elevator, the corners of his mouth curled slightly and he dipped his head toward hers just as the bell sounded and the door slid open.

"Aren't you getting out?"

Jamal was silent by her side as he led her to his room, he took the key card from his pocket and had the door open with a quick swipe. He followed her in, crowding her against the wall, dropping her purse, and her hands went to his chest. Her pulse raised as his lips ravaged hers, he hurriedly took off her clothes and laid her gently on the bed.

Isabella awoke, disoriented. She sat up in bed, pushing her tangled hair off her face. Her gaze fell to the pillow beside her, the one where Jamal's head still lay. 

She got out of bed quietly, last night had stripped her bare she quickly dressed up and left his room silently. She couldn't believe she made love to Jamal all night, someone she barely knew.

Isabella walked quickly to her room covering her face with both hands. On getting to her room she saw Sam waiting at the door, she looked worried.

Immediately she sighted Isabella she ran to meet her almost sobbing like a baby.

"Miss Isabella where have you been?", She stared deeply into her eyes." We were all worried about you last night."

"Am fine Sam, go tell the girls we will be leaving soon" she said entering her room and shutting the door behind her.

Her memories of last night crawled into her head, she wanted to forget all that happened between them but it felt impossible. I need to leave this place, she said and started packing up.

Sam and the rest came to meet her and together they left Paddington, she was lost in thought throughout the journey back to New York.