
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Derek's Birthday

A Few Weeks Later

"Ha ha ha ha ha," Elora's pleasant laughter floated in the air as she stepped out of the car. Derek's house was practically a huge mansion situated in the middle of a large expanse of land that all belonged to his father.

"That whole thing was just hilarious." Derek said as he blindfolded her and led her into the house.

"Oooh... I wonder what the surprise is." Elora voiced out,

"Hehe." Derek chuckled and opened her eyes after they had stepped into the house.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sight before her. Derek had designed the garden in such a way that it would have a romantic feel to it– there were red ribbons, balloons and soft music that played in the background. At the centre of the garden was a table covered in red cloth with two bottles of wine on top of it– There was something about the garden decorations that screamed "Love is in the air!"

"Woah.. Derek.." Elora started, "this is just... Beautiful, absolutely beautiful."

"You like it?" Derek whispered,

"Like it?" Elora retorted, "I love it! This is the best!"

"Come on, there's more." Derek said and led her to sit. He went behind her seat and pulled it back so that she could sit comfortably and Elora purred her thanks – she was beside herself with happiness.

That day was the celebration of Derek's birthday and he had brought Elora to his home to celebrate with him as his girlfriend. Even as the one who was celebrating the birthday, he spent some money to actualize the celebration though the amount of money spent was such a meagre amount to him.

Derek snapped his fingers and a line of chefs walked in with different delicacies on trays and rollers. Elora wasn't an unprincipled girl who would lose every atom of home training at the sight of food but when she tasted the delicacies that Derek's chefs prepared, she couldn't help but bob her head in relish as she enjoyed the meal.

"This is really good." She said she she sparingly placed a piece of bacon into her mouth.

"You think?"

"Yeah." She replied,

"Let me tell you a secret." Derek said and leaned closer,


"I had these chefs brought in from different countries in the world just to cook for us."

"Really?" Elora's eyes widened and she wondered about how much money Derek must have spent to actualize that.

"Yeah, and it's all for you." He said and smiled innocently at her,

"Aww... Thanks." Elora's cheeks burned slightly at his words.

After their meal, they uncorked the wine and toasted it to Derek.

"So what next?" Elora asked, she was already starting to feel a bit tipsy. 'Was there something in the wine?' she thought,

"Is something the matter?" Derek asked with a smile that didn't reach his eyes as he watched her begin to act dizzy.

"I think so... Was... There something in the wine?"

"It's making love time." Derek's smile widened and he brought out a gun and trailed it in front of Elora's face.

"Ah!" Elora tried to jerk back quickly but the dampening effect of the wine made her to just flop back on the chair.

"Haha," Derek laughed, "are you scared? I bet you didn't see this coming, did you?"

"What is this Derek? Put that gun away now!" She managed to say weakly,

"Not until I've gotten what I want." Derek said while waving the gun in her face,

"And what is this that you want?"

"Don't act dumb. All those expensive shopping, expensive trips, expensive dates, didn't you think that it had a payment, or did you think they were free?"

"I thought you loved me Derek, I thought we were gonna get married."

"Get married? At this age? No way, there are still a lot of young, sweet, beautiful girls like you in the street that I've not tasted so I think it'll just be a waste of my youth if I get married at this age... And I also can't get married to a dunce like you that ignored her best friend's genuine warnings just because she thought she wanted to steal her boyfriend from her. That's too pathetic. Well, it doesn't matter now "

Tears had already begun to fall down Elora's cheeks, she couldn't believe that her whole "serious relationship" was just a ploy so that he could get under her skirts. "No.. no, you can't do this to me Derek."

"Think again cupcake, if I was given the chance to do this a million times, I would. Now get up!" Derek no longer had that loving tone that he always used to address Elora. He was now harsh and mean.

"No! No! I'm gonna call the cops." Elora said as she jerked off her seat and tried to go for her handbag.

"I'd love to see you try." Derek smirked maniacally as he watched her fall because of the effect of the wine.

"No...no.. don't do this to me Derek, please don't." She begged,

"I'm sorry cupcake but it's not my fault that your body is so tempting." Derek said as he dragged her upstairs to his room.

When they got inside the room, Elora saw Finn and another young man with cameras and filming equipment. She felt her heart break into a million pieces.

"Derek, even if you're going to desecrate me, at least let it be in private– you don't have to do this." Elora begged as more tears fell down her eyes,

"What's she saying? Yen yen yen." The other man said as him and Finn burst into laughter.

Derek pushed her on the bed and tied her hands above her head and though she tried to move and fight back, her body refused to obey her because there was no strength left in her arms and legs.

"You guys better film this properly, this is gonna be the most phenomenal sex that I've ever had." Derek said as he ripped Elora's pink top off exposing her black bra that held her full breasts firmly.

"Mmmm..." Derek licked his lips at the sight, "this is really gonna be worth it..."