
The Get Together

Next day Sooraj wake up with a lil charm on his face. He was quiet happy becoz it was 25th August and Sooraj and his friends had planned a small get together on that day. Sooraj took his phone and made a conference call. He called none other than his best friends Ali and Adi.

Ali, Adi and Sooraj know each other since 7th standard but they become friends in 10th standard. For 3 years, from 7th to 10th, they didn't even talk to each other and the reason behind this is unknown to them too. But now their friendship was so good that they know all highs and lows of one other. Their bond was so good that whenever one makes fun of other, the other person never gets offended. Being such good friends to Sooraj, they were still unaware of his condition . They knew the reason of his pain but didn't know how deep that pain was.

(on conference call)

Sooraj: hey

Adi: Howz u dog

Ali: Come on Adi. Atleast don't change his gender, she's a bitch

Adi: (laughing) That was good dude.

Sooraj: (in a serious tone) haha so funny.

Ali: Chill buddy we are just being us.

Adi: And why the hell are you so serious? Are you going to die (laugh)

Sooraj: you wish

Ali: ok ok guys its enough for right now. Btw what's the plan for today's evening.

Sooraj: For that only i called you guys but you were busy with your own childish things.

Adi: oh come on what's there to discuss. As per plan we will meet at Friends Cafe at 5 pm.

Ali: Okh but please be on time.You guys always get late.

Sooraj: Ya ya don't worry

Adi: My train will arrive at 4 so Sooraj you have to pick me up.

Sooraj: okh i will pick you up

With this statement of Sooraj the conference ended. After 12th Adi went to other city for higher education while Ali and Sooraj were pursuing graduation from their home town only. Adi's family was still in the hometown and Adi was coming on a holiday for 2 weeks.

As per the plan Sooraj picked Adi and they went straight to the Cafe. Ali was already present there.

Ali: yeah buddy!! nice to see you again

Adi: (kidding) i wish i could have said the same for you

(Adi and Sooraj laugh)

Ali: such a bitch you are.

Sooraj: ok i am going to buy a cake from the bakery till then you guys get comfortable.

Adi: We are already comfortable bro.

Sooraj: so order something then.

Ali: But we are not hungry right now

Sooraj: (irritated) aah!! Then F..k urself.

Adi: Bro it may be possible for you but not for us

( Adi and Ali laughs)

Sooraj: oh god!! you are insane.

Ali: We already know this. Tell us something knew

Sooraj didn't reply and left.

Adi: Why he is so serious these days.

Ali: You know bro.

Adi: Yesha?

Ali: what else?

Adi: oh god! why is he so mad after her, there are other girls too.

Ali: Go ask him youself

Adi: ok let him come

(After some time Sooraj came back)

Sooraj: sorry guys cake was not available

Adi: fuck the cake off and sit here.

Sooraj: what happened?

Adi: ya that's the point what has happened to you why are you so serious these days?

Sooraj: don't worry about me i am alright.

Adi: Oh come on, we know you since years. See if there is something then tell us.

Sooraj: but you can never understand me

Adi: why?

Sooraj: coz you have never been through the situations i am dealing with

Adi: And what are they?

Sooraj: Leave it.

Adi: Oh come on i know that and why the hell are you so obsessed with Yesha?

Sooraj: ( in an angry tone) i am not obsessed with her.

Adi: so what?

Sooraj: I Love her. And i will love her forever not just till death but even after that, in every world in every life i will always be hers.

Adi: You are just 21 dude do you even know the meaning of love??

Sooraj: Better than anyone else

Adi: oh really? ok explain then and proove me that what you feel for Yeash is love and not attraction.

Sooraj: (with a smile) Love, the most wonderful and the most precious gift a person can get from God. Love is Devine, no one in this world can live without love. Land and Sky can never meet, its their destiny. But still they never gets apart too. Its the love that keep them together. People think that love of parents, life partner, friends etc are all different. But they are all wrong, the love is same for all, the only difference is of relations. And there is a huge difference between love and attraction.

If you love someone then you wish for their happiness,

If you are attracted towards someone then you desire for their happiness,

If its love then you try to keep that person happy,

It it's attraction you try to keep yourself happy by the medium of that person,

Love is all about them,

Attraction is all about urself,

Love sets the person free,

Attraction bounds a person,

If you love someone then you respect their choice and let them choose with whom they want to be and be happy with their decision,

But if its attraction you just want that person to be with you and if they don't choose you, you get mad and do wrong things to achieve them,

In love you sacrifices for the person you love,

In attraction you don't sacrifice infact you want that person to sacrifice for you.

True love resides where there is no meanings no wants. When you love someone selflessly without wanting something in return, thats real love and this love is Devine.

Love can never be explained or thought, it can only be felt and this definition of love is not mine, this definition of love is given by Lord Shree Krishna, world's best lover, himself in Bhagavad Gita.

And i am not just reciting his words, i actually felt it i felt it for Yesha.

( till now Ali and Adi were taking Sooraj's love for granted but after hearing this they were speech less)

Adi:(shockingly) what the hell!! how can someone at this young age be so deep

Sooraj: Brother as maturity doesn't comes with age, there is no age criteria for love too. When it happens, it happens. And love can change the entire life of a person.

Talking about my love, its been 4 years and in these past 4 years there was not a single moment when i didn't thought of Yesha. But I never thought of touching her or being physical with her, not even in my dreams becoz i love her from the bottom of my heart, my soul loves her soul. And soul never dies. And as long as my soul will exist, it will always love her and be hers.

Ali: bro you have literally became an another person

Adi: seriously, but did you told Yesha about ur feelings? what did she say? i want to know the whole story, the story we are unaware of.

Sooraj: ok i will tell you each n every thing but right now let's just enjoy

Adi: Ok we are coming to your house tomorrow and you have to tell us each n every thing, what happened with you ,how you fell in love each n every thing and no secrets at all. Promise?

Sooraj: ok promise.

After this conversation all of them had food and left for their home. Ali and Adi were for the very first time saw this side of Sooraj and they were eagerly waiting to hear the whole story.