

Love's liberation in a new land tells the story of a young girl who fell in love with a fellow girl against the wish of her parents and her African society. The novel further showed how love won against persecutions and society validation

ebere · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Happy Ever After

Five happy years passed in the blink of an eye for Amaka and Sandra. Amaka graduated top of her class and got a job at a prestigious law firm. Sandra was promoted to manager at her company. They had built a wonderful life together in their little home.

One sunny weekend, they decided to have a picnic in the park with Kingsley, Isaac and their daughter Abigail. As the children played tag in the grass, the couples chatted and watched with smiles.

Amaka gazed at Sandra lovingly, feeling overflowing gratitude for the journey that brought them to this moment of peace. She had found her soulmate, her purpose, her family - everything once denied to her.

That evening, as the sunlight slanted golden through their bedroom window, Amaka took Sandra's hands in hers. "My love, we've been through so much together. Faced the worst this world could throw at us and come out stronger."

Sandra's eyes shone with emotion. "We sure have. But I wouldn't want to face it with anyone except you by my side."

Amaka smiled, heart brimming. "Then spend the rest of our lives at each other's side. Marry me, Sandra."

Joyful tears spilled down Sandra's cheeks as she hugged Amaka tight. "Yes, yes of course!"

They planned a beautiful wedding ceremony in the gardens, surrounded by all who loved and supported them through the years. Kingsley walked Amaka down the aisle while Isaac proudly stood by Sandra's side.

As they gazed into each other's eyes and exchanged vows of eternal love, Amaka heard the faint swell of a new chapter beginning. A life of family, kids, and growing old together - things once unseen yet made real by Sandra's persevering heart.

Though obstacles may arise, Amaka knew that hand in hand, they could conquer anything. Their love was a light to guide through storms, a beacon to any who felt lost. And after all they overcame to find each other, not even the heavens could tear them apart. This happy ending was only the joyous start of their fairy tale yet to unfold.

The end., , ,