

Love's liberation in a new land tells the story of a young girl who fell in love with a fellow girl against the wish of her parents and her African society. The novel further showed how love won against persecutions and society validation

ebere · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Unveiled Secrets

Over the next few weeks, Amaka and Sandra grew careless in their displays of affection. Hidden passions could only be denied for so long, and their longing for each other had become too consuming to restrain.

One warm afternoon, Amaka's mother came looking for her and found the bedroom door shut tight. She knocked insistently but received no reply. Fearing something was amiss, she tried the handle and froze at the sight before her.

Amaka and Sandra were locked in a passionate embrace, oblivious to the intrusion as their lips moved hungrily together. Sandra's hands roamed under Amaka's blouse while Amaka gripped Sandra's hips, pulling her close.

A horrified gasp snapped them back to reality. They sprang apart, faces burning with shock and shame as Amaka's mother gaped at them in disgust.

"What is the meaning of this?" she hissed. "Get out of my house, you unnatural deviant!"

Sandra fled without a backward glance, tears streaming down her face. Amaka stood trembling, barely able to meet her mother's angry stare.

"How could you shame our family so?" her mother railed. "We raised you right and this is how you repay us? You leave me no choice. Tomorrow you will meet your husband-to-be."

With that, she swept out, leaving Amaka alone with her tumult of emotions. Ifeanyi was a good man but she did not love him. Her heart belonged only to Sandra.

That night, Amaka slipped out her window and raced through the dark streets, finally collapsing in tearful heaves in the shelter of Sandra's arms. Together they grieved for the life now lost to them, finding solace only in one another.

The next day, true to her word, Amaka's mother brought Ifeanyi to their home. He was a handsome, well-to-do businessman who eyed Amaka appreciatively, oblivious to her distress.

"I see your beauty and charm were not exaggerated," he said with an ingratiating smile. "I look forward to our life together."

Amaka choked back tears, feeling as though she was being sold into bondage rather than marriage. This man was a stranger to her and she could not contemplate a future at his side.

"Mother please, I cannot do this," she begged. "My heart belongs elsewhere."

But her pleas fell on deaf ears. Her mother was resolute. "You have brought shame to our family for the last time," she stated coldly. "Now go and get ready, you are to be wed within the month."

That night, Amaka met Sandra under the veil of darkness once more, knowing it may be their last. They clung tightly to each other, sharing fevered kisses filled with desperation and grief.

"Run away with me," Sandra whispered between kisses, fiery determination in her eyes. "We'll go somewhere they cannot find us, somewhere we can be free."

In Sandra's embrace, Amaka finally found the courage she sought. She had a chance at happiness and she refused to let it slip through her fingers. Coming morning, she would take her chance at love even if it meant turning her back on her family forever.,