

Love's liberation in a new land tells the story of a young girl who fell in love with a fellow girl against the wish of her parents and her African society. The novel further showed how love won against persecutions and society validation

ebere · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: The Spark of Attraction

Golden rays of the setting sun filtered through the tall windows of Amaka's bedroom, casting an orange glow across the room. She lay on her belly across the soft duvet, flipping through the faded pages of her literature textbook. A pleasant breeze drifted in through the open window, stirring the gauzy curtains gently.

A slight tap at the door pulled her attention away from her studies. "Come in," she called out, anticipating the visitor as always.

The door creaked softly and Sandra peeked her head in, her cheerful grin lighting up her face. "Hey," she said quietly. "Thought I'd come check if you're still busy."

Amaka smiled, feeling her spirits lift at the sight of her dearest friend. "Not too busy for you. Come in."

Sandra slipped inside and closed the door behind her. She crossed the room in quick strides and sprawled out next to Amaka on the bed, resting her head in her friend's lap with a contented sigh.

Amaka's fingers instinctively found their way into Sandra's thick curls, toying idly with the soft strands. "How was your day?" she asked, taking in Sandra's familiar scent - a light floral fragrance mingled with something undefinably sweet.

Sandra closed her eyes, enjoying Amaka's gentle touch. "Same old. Classes were a drag without you there." She tilted her face up with a mischievous grin. "I missed having you to daydream about."

A rush of warmth spread through Amaka at Sandra's playful words, tinged with an undercurrent of truth. She acknowledged the sparks of attraction that had long existed between them, though she was still puzzled by its meaning. Her upbringing taught that such feelings should not exist between two women.

Yet with Sandra, everything felt right. Natural. She craved these private moments where societal expectations fell away, leaving just the two of them in their own intimate world. Bending low, she pressed a lingering kiss to Sandra's smiling lips, feeling the worries of the day melt away in her touch.

Sandra made a soft noise of pleasure and drew her closer, deepening the kiss hungrily. Amaka returned her passion, losing herself in the heady sensations awakened only by this woman. For now, nothing else mattered - only this all-consuming connection that set her soul aflame.

They kissed for long, breathless moments until a sharp rap at the door shattered the spell. Amaka flew back from Sandra like she'd been scalded, her heart hammering in panic.

"Amaka, are you in there? Please open the door." Her mother's muffled voice called out insistently.

Sandra swallowed hard, darting a worried glance at Amaka. "I should go," she said shakily, already moving towards the window.

Amaka nodded, panic rising like bile in her throat. "Be careful climbing down. I'll see you tomorrow," she whispered, grasping Sandra's hand briefly in a silent promise.

With a last lingering look, Sandra slipped out the window and disappeared into the shadows below just as Amaka's mother opened the door.

"Amaka, what are you doing still studying at this hour? Come have dinner with the family." Her mother said briskly.

Amaka took a steadying breath, arranging her features into a mask of calm. "Certainly mother. I'll be right down."

As her mother left, she sagged against the wall, her mind reeling with the thrill and danger of her secret affair. Despite the risks, her heart belonged irrevocably to Sandra - every part of her cried out to stay in her embrace. Perhaps one day, they would find the courage to stop hiding and declare their love openly. But for now, stolen moments would have to suffice.