
Lotus Flower Stained With Blood

Everything Saehon has ever known, was war. Blood, pain, fear, insecurity. Closing your eyes not knowing if you'll open them ever again. Sacrifice and oppression. So when she finds herself in ancient times as the daughter of the king's advisor she can't help but feel like she'd gone to heaven. Beautiful colors, lovely music and handsome princes all around her. It's like a dream come true. Only later will she find out that it's not all sunshine and roses, that behind those golden smiles there is conspiracy, plotting and treason. And there is death. Saehon knows how to fight with a sword, but she'll have to learn to fight with words if she wants to survive in this world. ——————————— This is my original story, not a translation.

ShedisSandstar · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


After East and west Marong merged together once again, a new problem arose. Over the years people changed so much, that those seemed to be two completely different worlds. In the chaos that came, many politicians hoped to gain. New Marong was on the verge of war. That is when Tanshi and Meisan stepped in. They tried to use the country's unstable situation to take it's lands. However, they didn't wish to share. As Meisan and Tanshi fought over Marong, it's people perished. Farlen also hoped to gain political upper hand and a powerful ally so they attacked Meisan giving Tanshi a free hand. They sized the opportunity to take over the United Kingdom of Marong. But Marongians stood up to them and fought them. More countries stepped in and soon a Total War was on the run. Sarashon was taken by Meisan, so they let go of Marong. But Tanshi still fought to take Marong. A great Marongian general led his soldiers to many victorious battles, giving people hope. He was a genius strategist, but suddenly - he disappeared.

Year 3417, end of April

Usually at this time of year the weather begins warming up. The trees green up and the flowers blossom. The wold just woke up. The nature starts to live. But that was not the case now.

Saehon hid behind the damaged wall, her heart beating like crazy. People called her fearless, but she was not. She was scared like hell every time she left the safety of her temporary home and could breathe again only when she saw her father alive and unharmed. Every day was a gamble. She was even scared to close her eyes every evening.

A single footstep as soft as a falling feather sounded loud like a gunshot in the silence of early morning. The enemy was close. Closer than she previously thought. Saehon quietly prepared for the upcoming fight. She breathed slowly and evenly, seeing all and nothing at once. Any sudden move would alert her. She heard the other person's breath, quiet but fast, and swiftly moved around her cover. Not looking who is the person in front of her, she attempted to hit him squarely in the face, but he blocked it. However her next move followed the first one quickly enough. Her advantage was her speed. Maybe her blows weren't as strong as her enemy's, as she admitted after receiving one to her stomach, but she was faster. In a matter of seconds she was behind the man with her elbow around his neck, choking him. She had no mercy. He struggled, but she didn't give up. He tried a risky move of throwing her over his neck, but she didn't let him, kicking him under his knee. Her breath was fast, like his before. She then took out her knife and touched it's cold blade to the mans neck, releasing her grip on him. He drew air greedily.

"Who are you and how did you find me? Answer" she demanded harshly.

"I... will never win against you, will I, Hon?" a familiar voice answered. The girl let go of him and turned him around brutally to see her boyfriend's face. Still, her blade was touching his skin.

"Why did you sneak at me?"

His cheeks flushed red, and he lowered his gaze.

"You never let me wait for you, but this time you were late. So I was worried. I was so happy you're safe, I wanted to surprise you. Not the best idea, was it?" he laughed shamefully.

She sighed with relief. It was his style of talking.

"What is the password, what is my favorite food and where did I taste it for the first time?" She asked more questions to make sure it was really him. They were forced to live in a harsh and brutal reality, one where you couldn't be sure of anything. The newest technology let you copy anyone's face, voice and way of moving. But one thing they couldn't copy was what they didn't know.

"What password? As for the other two questions: peaches. You first tasted them as a child, when we sneaked out to watch the horses. But the stableman came so we hid on a tree."

At this moment she took over and finished the story.

"It turned out to have fruits and I tried one. I liked it so much you wanted to take all of them home. We started collecting them and you laughed at me, but then I fell. I broke my arm, but you still insisted on taking the fruits. You were eight, I was seven."

Saehon lowered her weapon.

"You passed."

"You too."

Now the girl threw her arms around the man in front of her. They stood like that for some time, enjoying closeness and safety. They cherished every moment like that, as those didn't come often. Finally they let go of each other and went to the secret base in a palace that stood there since the ancient era.


Somewhere far a man smiled with satisfaction. His plan was perfect. It was time to destroy. He looked up to see a dead body with a once handsome, now massacred male face, very similar to the one Saehon saw moments ago. It was incredible how pain let the tongues lose. His laugh echoed in big, empty corridors.