
LOTR: the awakening of the warrior

a man falls into a dark and unknown world, what will he do with the little knowledge he has and the harsh reality that awaits him Disclaimer: I don't have copyright on anything about LORT, is a fanfic exclusively for fun

Neisdark · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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14 Chs


Darhiel POV:

We continued our way towards the watchtower, but the closer we got, my nerves did not calm down but increased, something felt wrong and just as I feared the worst situation had occurred, there were no signs of life in Osthirit.

It was almost impossible to see but for the little light provided by the moon and my improved eyesight thanks to the circulation, there was no torch or source of light coming from the fortress, there were only two options: they had fled, or were the first to be attacked.

Something stupid and clear was an obvious strategy, kill the sheepdogs and you will have a whole flock of sheep.

"Grandma changes direction, we must continue south, I think the elves are not in the Watchtower" I turned to her to notice her concern.

"No, the south should be even more chaotic, if what you say is true, it's not just a clan of orcs wanting to assault some villages, it's a coordinated attack, we must cross the mountain range as soon as possible, we'll take a detour to the northwest, tell others what you saw, but don't say where we will go" he spoke after deliberating for a moment about our possibilities.

"Yes, grandma" I got down from the carriage to deal again with now the few more than thirty that followed us, most of them had horses or were carrying few things.

"My grandma noticed some bad news, the Watchtower seems to be empty, we believe that the elves were attacked by another group, we can't follow that path so we'll go for another whoever wants to follow us can do it" I could see the terror on their faces as they listened and his nerves increasing.

"I know you are nervous and scared but we can do it, we are not the strongest race, nor the most intelligent, but we are the most tenacious, our ancestors survived the very war of the gods, and so will we" my words hit harder than I had thought because smiles filled the faces of the group.

I returned to the wagon, plans flooded my head, the biggest problem would be crossing the ridge, I knew we would go to the only gap in the gap between Ephel Dúath and Ered Lithui in the northwest corner of Mordor. But the Black Gate had already begun to be built, I don't know how much of it will be finished but if we headed there we would only find another crossroads.

But there was no other way, facing the orcs would be stupid with mere peasants who have never picked up a weapon in their lives, motivating them to flee is easy but for them to fight we would have to train them to abandon fear and nerves, otherwise they would just be a mob. Searching for traces of elves would be worse, if there is one thing orcs hate it is elves, they might as well be slaughtered. i could only trust their vigilance to be lax due to the onset of their expansion plans.

"You did great Darhiel, at this rate you will no longer have to use my reputation to give weight to your words, not only did you inspire them you gave them hope, you fill me with pride" emotional words from the grandmother brought me out of my focus of thought.

"We will escape them, I'm sorry I have to be relying on you for every moment, but I know there is no one more trustworthy than you, so trust this old lady too, you don't have to carry the weight alone."

"I understand grandma, don't worry, I know I can trust you."

After two hours of marching to the northwest, we rested in the depths of a forest near the mountain range, we decided to go as close as possible to be able to flee to the mountains in the worst case scenario, I hunted some hares for the families that did not manage to get provisions. Grandma decided not to stand guard in order to go as far as possible the next day.

After making sure Grandma was asleep, I had to put my plan into action, our tracks were obvious but we couldn't do anything with them, but a life on the run teaches you to get rid of your pursuers or at least annoy them.

I circulated mana and took out a bag with my supplies; poisonous plants, with the machete I got the necessary wood and prepared to set traps on our trail, I also prepared some false trails but nothing that could divert them completely, it was not easy to cover a trail of dozens being only one.

It took me 5 hours in total to finish what was needed and then go back, I had an hour of rest before the group got up, it may not seem much but this body can be perfectly fine after an hour of rest, it is the recovery of mana that affects me the most but by the way, I will be able to recover it.


Madar POV:

These humans were more annoying than I thought, they were divided into different scattered groups that had fled and although he had caught several of them since most of them decided to go to the elves' watchtower, something easy since the doors had been demolished before and their resistance was pathetic. He would make the scum pay that raised the alarm but they still had not found it, according to the humans they were an old woman and a child, none of whom knew their whereabouts or address, apparently they were coming towards the watchtower with the same intention as the majority but they were not with the group.

The more time passed and no news of them arrived, my anger increased, simple fresh meat causing problems and escaping my power at this rate would be killed by another group and would be the laughingstock of all, all for a kid and an old woman.

"news arrived, oh great Madar" Tolfo announced his presence choosing as always the wisest words.

"They have found the scent of a group that went to the northwest, just a little more than 30, we believe they may be the ones you are looking for so eagerly great Madar."

Hmmm...I couldn't follow them, I needed to handle these fools and keep the slaves alive, any hour without watching them could mean the death of valuable manpower, I could only trust the smartest of this group.

"Tolfo, you are the most capable of all, I entrust this task to you, fulfill it and I will allow you to manage a unit" I could see the euphoria in his body, the excitement something dangerous for these creatures.

"Gather fifty goblins and go with them, bring me alive the culprits of all this chaos. Tolfo, if they arrive dead you will accompany them, understood?" His fear of my words was reflected in his body, that would solve their excitement, a pathetic creature indeed.

"I'll bring them back alive and kicking great Madar, they will surely pay for all the trouble they put you through, I'll see to that."

"well, they will surely go to the gap in the mountain range, secure them before they arrive, be careful with the groups that are there, they are humans that hate orcs, they only listen to the orders of the dark lord."

After clarifying everything, I turned to the multitude of slaves that I had obtained, although it had taken more time than I wanted, everything went as expected, now I only had to take them to Barad-dûr. The dark lord needed manpower to finish the tower.