

SHE WAS LOST . SINCE AGES. HE WAS LOST , AWAY FROM HIMSELF. THEY WERE LOST IN SEARCHING . ...... WILL SHE BE FOUND? WILL HE FIND HER, OR HIMSELF? WHAT HAPPENS AFTER? ........ Hope u like it . I am new . This is new. There some action drama romance and mystery coming your way,

lvly · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


"Dont you dare touch us."

Eve growled at him as she yanked me behind her. Rolling his eyes that man chuckled and said ,

" a feisty one, let's see how long you last. "

With that he turned around and treaded back towards the door. We were about to take a sigh of relief but he stopped suddenly and spoke again ,

"Oh by the way ,I came here to take you somewhere.So sexy ladies let's Let's go."

" w-where?? " It was me who asked this time hesitant and stuttering a little.

" You'll know when you reach there ." He answered back in a voice that was deep and full of arrogance. 

" We are not going anywhere. " Eve replied in a determined voice which made him pivot his head to look at us and growl with eyebrows furrowed ,

"Do you wanna be dragged by your hair? no , right? so walk " 

We denied again and we still didn't made an attempt to move our feet. A smirk plastered on his face as he said,

" You know you don't have any choice.  I will take you anyway ,so why not you follow me on your own. Easy way. "

Seeing that we still didn't budge the next second his nose flared , 

"what stubborn girls are you."

He moved his feet towards us. But just as he approached I screamed,

" no ,no. we'll go ,we 'll go with you."

Eve eyed me  and his smirk turned into a full fledged grin ,showing his canines . He commented ,"intelligent girl."

And turned again towards the door. This time we slowly trudged behind him maintaining a big gap between him and us.

Walking through a hallway as we followed him as our eyes took in the surroundings at every step searching for any exit for escape . But that hallway was long and had many doors . The door of the room we were kept in was the last one . The other end turned to the right and that was the only exit of this hall way . Even though here it was well lit but it was no natural lights.

We came to the other end of the hallway and turned right . Which I previously thought was an exit ,in reality it was just a turn and the hallway continued. After turn we didn't walk long . Just crossing few doors that man stopped and waited for us to catch up to him. And when we did he opened the door in front of him and told us to enter. As we stepped in the door was again locked.

Unlike the previous room, this room was well furnished and lit. There was a bed in middle of the room , a couch with a table in a corner .

Remembering our nakedness , I ran to the bed and removed the bed sheet . Tore it into half and covered our bodies (mine and eve's). Eve then went to the door and tried to open it but as expected it wouldn't. Frustrated we sat back on the bed and covered ourselves more with the blanket that was on the bed. Not knowing what to do we could only wait.

But we didn't wait for long.  The door opened again and we were surprised at the person who entered. We were happy that someone came to save us. I was so thankful seeing that person standing at the door.

He was Eve's uncle. To be exact he was Dave's father's brother. I saw Eve close her eyes and release a big sigh of relief then widen it in happiness.

"Uncle Carson. You found us . Thank God. " She jumped out from the bed and dragged me down too. "Daya let's go let's go come on . Uncle has come . He saved us. We need to leave this place fast." It looked like she was about to cry in happiness. My eyes went to uncle Carson's face . There was a grin on his face as he watched her hurry and drag me . His eyes then swept on me . He stared at me in a way that made me feel very subconscious and an unknown shiver ran down my spine . I thought it was just my traumatized mind nothing else and shrugged the matter. I did nothing and moved towards the door to leave this place . Suddenly the door was blocked . Someone else entered the room. Uncle Carson and that new man exchanged glances. 

"Girls where are you going? Let me introduce to great man here ." Uncle Carson spoke with a weird look still in his eyes. Both me and Eve were confused as to why he was speaking in that manner. Shouldn't he be taking us out of the room and leaving this place. Why is he standing so relaxed and trying to gossip.

"Mr. Carson, I don't think it's the right time for introductions . Let's run before those people get us again ." I spoke .

"Which people? those who brought you here? " He asked and I nodded. Only to earn a chuckle as he held his big round pot belly .

"Don't worry darling, they did so on my command." He said making us even more confused and shocked.

"What ? what are you saying? " Eve questioned. Mr. Carson looked at her as if she is the most disgusting creature on the planet earth. Nose scrunched ,eyebrows furrowed ,lips pursed .

" I didn't knew you were so dumb. They brought you here because I told them to. Cant you understand the simple language. "

I was so confused and was questioning myself, was he the same man who adored Eve back at home. if yes then why is he behaving like this. Was he acting? Yes he must be acting. I didn't dare believe him . I made a conclusion in my mind that he is acting and tried to indicate at Eve too who was frozen. Perhaps the man who entered is bad so to gain his trust he is acting like this.

" Okay ,okay ,okay ! Who you want us to meet?" I said trying to play along with him.

" What an intelligent girl you are , Darling Hidaya. Beauty with great body and brains. " He complemented and continued, " So what I was saying? yeah meet this great man here. He is called king and My lord I hope you are liking the meat you are looking at. This girl over here ,even though she is dumb a little , she is the daughter if the richest man of the town and her body is very fine piece. And the other girl , the intelligent one is her friend . She is also one great beauty . In fact better that the money daughter. "

I was so ashamed by the way he addressed us. Like we were really some meat or a commodity. It was making me angry and anxious but reminding my self that he was just acting I calmed myself. But all my calm was lost by the words I heard next.

" Oh Carson you are so right. They both look so appetizing. Hmmmm which one I should start with ? probably the friend. She does surpasses her . Let's start with her."

It was the other man who entered after Mr. Carson spoke in his deep and gruff voice. My heart beat fastened as he raised his hand to touch my face but again like previously, at the right time Eve pulled me back .

" Don't touch her ."

Her clear cut voice made that man pause his hand in midair as he raised his eyebrows and looked at her .

" Oh I see , what a protective friend. You don't want me to touch her? okay I won't touch her . Yet . So how about you be my starter. "

Hiii again . Back with a new chap. hope u like it.


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