

4 BC

Flying freely with Srakyz is amazing not worrying about the limit of the distance that I should travel. Looking down I saw the giant wall made out of ice that said to believe that giant made. I'm still impressed of how magnificent of a structure it is to and how lucky I am to be able to see it.

I could tell Srakyz being exited that he finally be able to feel different weather as he become more faster and pierced through the clouds. He flapped his gigantic wings that could destroy ships and his speed become more faster than I have ever experienced.

I smirked and lean to Srakyz neck and stoked gently his neck. I laughed and said "I can tell that you're exited, but don't get too exited." I said in calmly manner. I do not know we're we heading nor where I am going. Though I do want to go to Dragonstone and serve as a knight under the Targaryen.

I reached out on my small bag in my waist and grabbed a bread that my mother cooked last night. I took a bit out of it and a little bit of tear dropped, but we're gone because of the wind. Remembering that this bread is my home.

Moments later I finished the bread and wiped my face. I then looked down to the ground and saw the green plain of grass and trees. I could feel the warm air and shine of the sun. This is the first time I have felt this feeling in this world and I almost forgot about it. I would like my mother and father to also experience what I'm experiencing right. So I decided after the conquest I'm gonna ask my mother and father to move here down south.

Dragonstone, similar to Valyria it's made out of lava and this reminds of how powerful Valyria back in the days. I know why I'm here and why I am here. Srakyz circled around the isle and I could see fully grown dragons roaring and chained up. After seeing four people walked out of the castle and walked to the bridge and stayed their. I told Srakyz to land on the stone bridge.

Srakyz begun his descent slowly and after a few seconds he finally managed to land. I looked at the mountain and could see a dragon far bigger than Srakyz and roared. "Do not be afraid, they will be your mentors."(In High Valyrian) I whispered to Srakyz after getting off the saddle. I then looked at the four people waiting for me just a 50 steps away.

I could see two men one is young and one is old. While the remaining two were woman both were young. I walked slowly holding my swords handle and after I few steps I spread out my hands. "Confusing isn't?"(In High Valyrian) I said with a joyous tone and smile. "Are you one of my bastards?"(In High Valyrian) the old man said with a strange tone. "No no no no."( In High Valyrian) I said while shaking my head. "How could I be a bastard of yours when I have a bounded dragon"(In High Valyrian) I added.

"Who are you boy."(In High Valyrian)The young man asked. "Arthur Qohaeris,"(In High Valyrian) I answered as I was just a few steps away from them. I could tell who's who. "Qohaeris, was believed to be one of the Dragonlords in old Valyria. Welcome to Dragonstone, we are the house of Targaryen."(In High Valyrian) The old man said. "I don't believe it your knowledge old man is vast,"(In High Valyrian) I said as offered a handshake. "Aerion Targaryen,"(In High Valyrian) Aerion said. "This is Visenya, Aegon and Rhaenys my children,"(In High Valyrian) Aerion continued.

After a brief introduction I was invited to their caste and to eat at their table for dinner. Visenya was tasked by his father for me to take me to a tour on the castle. Telling stories about their family histories. "This portrait is Daenys the Dreamer, the daughter of Lord Aenar Targaryen, had visions of a cataclysm that would come over Valyria. Aenar sold his estates in Valyria and moved his wives, children, other relatives, slaves, wealth, and five dragons (including Balerion) to Dragonstone in 114 BC."(In High Valyrian) Visenya said with a proud tone. "Dream…. Have you had one?"(In High Valyrian) I asked with a curious tone. Visenya stared at me and shook her head telling me that she hasn't had one. "How about your family? How did they survive?"(In High Valyrian) Visenya asked grabbing my sword made out Valyrian steel.

"My family as what your father said was also one of the Dragonlords in ancient Valyria. Though they may not have seen the doom like your ancestors. My family were in other place the event occurred. When they found out about what happened to Valyria they went to cities in Essos and took riches and slaves. They immigrated to Westeros, but they unfortunately went to the land above the wall."(In High Valyrian) I said as I grabbed Visenya's waist and stared at her almost eyes. For a moment I lost focused same with Visenya and both of our lips touched. We both closed our eyes and opened our mouth and met each other's tongue.

Seconds turned to minute and minute turned to minutes. I could feel her gently hand holding my face and her warmth. I pressed my body to her and could feel her warmth while I wrapped around my left hand to her back while I placed my right hand to her neck. I slowly placed my right hand to her breast and played for a bit while she moan with pleasure. No words were said, but only our breaths and her moans could be heard. After playing with her breast I slowly placed my hand to her pussy and could tell she's getting wet. But I took my hand out and grabbed my sword and broke the kiss later. Though Visenya were strong and gripped my handle swords and she took a few steps to get distance to point my sword at my neck.

"Trust me, love. You don't want it."(In High Valyrian) I said as I smirked. She chuckled, "aren't you a funny guy. You're young and spoiled."(In High Valyrian) Visenya said as she laughed. I smiled and immediately took a step to right and guided the sword to the left with a strong push. While she is distracted laughing underestimating me. I kicked her right hand for her to lose her grip to my sword handle. She lost her grip and my sword was freed from her grip while thrown 10 steps away from her. I immediately used a martial arts from modern time to drop her to the ground efficiently without her able to fight back.

At the ground I'm at the top of Visenya while I used my legs to lock her right and left arm. While I used my left hand to punch her cheeks. "I may be young, arrogant, prideful, or spoiled. But do not underestimate me."(In High Valyrian) I said while I gently stroke her left cheeks. "Impressive, now I really want you."(In High Valyrian) Visenya said with a cunning tone and a sly face. I leaned forward and stared at her eyes again and just kissed her forehead before I released her and I stood up. I then walked and squatted to grab my sword. And put it inside my scabbard.

Visenya stood up after I stood up. She tapped her dress to clean from the dust. "We should go back"(In High Valyrian) I said as I left Visenya didn't wait for her. I already know the layout of this castle and memorize it from just moments ago. "Trying hard to get. We'll see how long you can last and be mine."(In High Valyrian) Visenya said after catching up to me. "Worry not, you're already mine and I'm already yours."(In High Valyrian) I said as I put my right hand around her back while she embraced me and leaned her body to me. While she rested her head to my shoulder.