

I was given a chance to live a second life by god himself. I died embarrassingly in front of 50 thousand people. Heart attack was the cause at first my friends thought I was just joking around, but when they realized it was too late. I saw my mother at my funeral crying and my friends. My father was long gone, but I loved him. I become spirit floating around cannot be seen and cannot be touched. I thought this is gonna be my punishment for not believing god, but of course I was wrong.

He gave me a choice should I go to heaven and spent time with my father or live a second life. Of course it was a hard choice, but at the end I chose the second option, live a second life. My father would understand, but my mother cannot. So why not spent my time on a second world and maybe reunited with my mother and father in the future. God let me chose what world were I'll be going so I chose Game of thrones before Aegon begun his conquest to Westeros.

After I had my farewell to god I immediately got sent not knowing where I'll be born or what family well I get.


23 BC

Far north of wall

1 year later....

I have learned so much, Arthur Qohaeris that's my name and I am a descendant of a Dragonlords in old Valyria. My mother always spent the night to tell stories of how our ancestors got here and how they survived. I have been bounded to a dragon when I was born. It was the last dragon of our family, the dragons of my family died because of the nonstop winter they could not survive the harsh cold.

At the age of 9 months old I was able to speak and walk. My father was so proud that he hugged me so tight I almost passed out. Learning the old Valyrian language was kinda difficult as I was only after all 1 year old.

5 years later....

17 BC

Father tough me how to hold swords and bow. I was so skilled at sword and gifted. Same with bow I could now hit a target 50 meters away from me bullseye. My mother taught me knowledge of old Valyria and our family histories. I was fascinated about my ancestors stories that I wanna go visit the Old Valyria.

Srakyz, that's my dragon's name. Srakyz isn't fully grown dragon yet, but I could tell he can destroy a whole village if he wanted. My bound to Srakyz is getting stronger as if it's a heart of mine that I cannot control. I begun talking to Old Valyrian to Srakyz and to my parents.

The Targaryen family traits ware their white hairs and how easily their personalities can change. While my family trait are white hair similar to the Targaryens, golden eyes, and a merciless kind that shows no mercy. My family were portrayed as a cunning and powerful family, that was my mother told me. Though my father and mother were different, but of course they were siblings. My father and mother have decided not to have another child and have me their only child. So that they can love to the fullest, that's what they both said. They can't afford to love two, and they are content with me.

5 years later

12 BC

I'm eleven years old now and can ride and allowed to ride my dragon Srakyz. Both my mother and father were impressed of how fast I'm learning and how fast my growth is. For years I only trained with my father and sometimes go hunt by myself to the woods. Bears were my favourite to hunt because they can at least last for a minute to fight me. Srakyz are still not fully grown dragon, but his almost there. He can breathe fire now and burn a whole forest. I was so exited when I witnessed Srakyz breath his first fire breath so was my father and mother.

When I was riding Srakyz and just having fun looking at the sky. I saw the wall that divided that the free folk and white walkers to the south.

8 years later…..

4 BC

"Listen to me Arthur, my son. You've turn 16 and you are now able to make your own decisions in life. But son I must warn you, this world is full of chaos that I and your mother is lucky to not have yet witnessed. I know your hunger to travel the world with you dragon and I do not oppose your dream. You're my only child and son. I love you and have fun seeing the wonders of this world." Laenor, Arthur's father. They are both outside of their castle named Snow's Dragon. "Thank you father and I love you and mother." Arthur said while hugging his father and crying. "Do not resent your mother too much, she love's you dearly." Laenor said while tapping his sons back. Arthur nodded and hugged his father tightly.

Moments later both said their farewells again and Arthur went to his dragon to ride. While his father stayed outside the castle and watched his son riding his own dragon drift away above the sky. Laenor cried and went inside of the castle to go comfort his wife Charlotte.