
Lost Light (Work in Progress)

( Sci-Fi/High Fantasy.) The Alteon Solar System is beautiful and dangerous... Haunted by the remnants of a Pre-Empire civilization wiped out by a Calamity. Preyed upon by a dark and hated organization known simply as Villatox. Home to mystical creatures born long ago by the powerful Rayon, the deity-like beings who created all life in this Solar System. Five planets full of unique and vibrant races and cultures. ...All of it is being threatened by a dark and vile force, even the god-like Rayon cannot hope to defeat alone. They already failed once. Now after thousands of years the protective barrier placed around the borders of the solar system are failing. (I am an amateur writer, but I have had this idea floating around my head so I figured why not to bring it life! World Buidling and creation is no easy feat I tell ya. Keep in mind that both the story and Lore are currently works in progress and are as such subjected to edits and reworks. Any suggestions or advice from you wonderful readers will be greatly appreciated. Ask and question the story, leave a comment or two ! Maybe one of your suggestions or Ideas could have an influence on the Story and Lore itself!

Lisa_Russell_4247 · Khoa huyễn
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✴Prologue: Reignite✴


The Tria-Heart Barrier was failing. The Enemy from Beyond was slipping through the cracks, causing chaos and destruction to the solar system it was made to protect 15,000 years ago.

The creators and protectors of the Alteon Solar System had already lost nearly all life in the system to the dark invasive forces of the Eldritch Starsea. They would not allow another Calamity to happen. They would not lose again, the barrier they set up and powered gave the new generation time to grow in strength.

It also gave the only survivor, the lost light of the last generation, time too calm down and embrace the new purpose they asked and offered to him. The child accepted and was put into a form of stasis, his body and mind being permantly enhanced and cocooned by their three powers. The Rayons made their new Champion and generation of children stronger to face against the the inevitable tide of darkness that was the Daestrels. Now, thousands of years have passed and the need for the Rayonel, the Champion too awaken was upon them.

The Rayonel hearing their call awoke, his mind trained and body genetically altered from what it once was. He was given three Gifts and other material items to aid him on his perilous quest, a dangerous journey to unite Alteon and fight against the nightmares from beyond.

The Rayons watched as they sent him off, sending their hope and determination through the Bonds they had formed with their lost light...


Mmm....Took me awhile to get this just right. I still feel a little unsatisfied with this new version but whatever, it'll have to for now!

Lisa_Russell_4247creators' thoughts