
Fishing fish

There was a man in the village making his boat to go fishing in the sea to make food for his kids because he wasn't have any money to buy food for them.

He made the boat and start sailing looking for a fish but , he didn't find any fish

So,he decided to go deeper in the sea to get fish suddenly he didn't know where he is.



The man start to panic he was scared from the beginning to get lost and the night time is coming in 2 hours and the man was afraid from dark of the sea he didn't what to do he was hungry so he decided to fishing fish to eat he got 3 fish and eat them without cooking them the night has come and he slept in the boat .

When he wake up he start to sailing in all directions but he didn't find any thing.

Day after day doing the same thing and at one night he saw a shark.



When the man saw the shark he said i am died

the man was looking for any thing to kill the shark with, the man was scared of death he didn't want to die the shark attacked the boat he take off small piece of the boat the wood of the boat was flowing in the water then he got an idea he start to get the wood from the water he took them and make them together and make a weapon the nails was on top on woods to kill the shark with them he was attacking the body of the shark but it doesn't do anything to the shark the man started to get desperate but in one attack he got the shark eye the man got hope again and start to attack the shark eye the he got the 2 eyes of the shark wasn't seeing any thing he was attacking randomly when the shark get scared of the man he swam away in random direction the man was happy and very hungry after his fight with the shark he start to fish agian.


The man remember his kids and they didn't eat he was sailing and sailing day after day after day he saw alight of a ship he



The man was screaming and swinging with his hand to the ship one man saw him and ran to tell the captain, the captain stop the ship and helped the man arrived him home and give him food the man was running to see his kids he didn't find them at home he was asking people if they saw his kids then he goes to his friends house then he saw his kids there he didn't believe his eyes he hug them and thanked his friend for take care of his kids.

After 2 month the man want to write his adventures to all people the people loved the story and start to buy it the man become writer and he become rich.