

Katie Kent is a 16year old with a troubled childhood, growing up not knowing her father, loosing her sister at a tender age due to suicide and then left with a mother who doesn't care for her only surviving child. She grows up to become a girl with a constant bullier in high school, camille. The daughter of the most wealthiest man in Texas. Little did she know that her life would forever change coming across camille and being shipped off to another high school in no where land called GREY high. There, she makes friends and finally has a crush on one of the hottest guys in Grey high, Liam. If they would end up together? No one knows... together with her friends, they encounter many activities, teachers and other students. The strenght of their friendship help them to have each others back, Katie also learns about many secrets hidden in the school walls, secrets that were never to excape the four corners of the school, she becomes lost in every secret she unviels not knowing who or what she is anymore. Keep on reading if you want to find out every secret she unviels, all the troubles she and her friends encounter in school and finally if she will ever have a chance with Liam. Big thank you to light_ray for this new great cover Please Support my first work by buying privs(priveledge) to read ahead, also vote and leave a comment You can reach me on discord : lizbeth1214#1303 Thank you for reading...

Lizbeth1214 · Thiếu niên
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141 Chs

Feeling Anxious :-(

Location: Grey high

Time: 9:am

Saturday morning, the sky is as blue as the sea, the sun is shining as bright as ever today, illuminating even the darkest places, making shadows of every leave it touches... I reached out and looked at my wrist watch.

"9:00am" I sighed... What a beautiful morning. I can't seem to forget what happened yesterday and I just can't help but blame my self for not getting the culprit on time... If I had been a little bit faster, all this won't have happened.

"Well-done Katie" I sighed. I got out of bed and went for a quick shower. After that I put on my check and head out to go get whatever is left of breakfast. If you ask me I don't even feel like eating today. Breakfast today is toasted bread and scrambled eggs and orange juice, I opted out for apple instead. I found Nora and the geng in the dining room as I entered, i guess not everyone is in a good mood today.

"Hey guys" I greeted, walking to the counter and picking an apple.

"Heyy" they chorused.

"Did any of you sleep well? " kc asked "Cause I didn't, I can't shake the feeling that we're going to be tortured by the matron, maybe worst we could be reported to the principal and then our parents" she shivered. Looks like someone is afraid of her mummy and daddy I teased silently.

This isn't the time for teasing Katie. Get your head in the game.

"But we can't just give up! " I said suddenly. We definitely shouldn't

"Then what do you suggest we do? We've already caused enough trouble as it is and thinking about it, I bet the spy already blabbed on us" Sophia said.

"You're right. Let's just head out to sanitation, its almost time" Nora said.

I sighed and then we all stood up and walked out. Heading towards the big field which is westward of the home building, we arrived just in time before sanitation commenced. Mr Adams was in charge of sanitary duties and we were divided into four groups as usual, first group were in charge of cleaning the chapel, second group were to clean the equipment house, third group were in charge of gardening and the fourth group were in charge of clearing grasses around the home building.

we got separated, I'm in the first group, kc and Maja are in second group while the rest went for gardening.


Location: chapel

Time: 10:45am

I went over to collect a broom from where they were arranged. The chapel although old, still looked good, the glasses were still intact and the environment was just marvelous except for the fallen leaves, aside from that it really was... Peaceful. I went to the backyard to start my sweeping when I heard my name being called.

"Oh, hey Liam" I said, I didn't see him in the gathering so I didn't know he was in the chapel group

"Heyy... Oh... Just wait a moment... I want to catch...my breath... " he said

"You've been running? "

"You have no idea how fast you can be when you're angry" he chuckled

"Wow, so it was that obvious" I thought I did really well when hiding my feelings.

"Just look around you, the others are just arriving" immediately, I turned and as a matter of fact he wasn't lying, the others were just arriving and had already begun to pick up brooms and rakes to start their work. " You were too far ahead so I had to chase you, so... here I am"

"Yey! Here you are" I gave a small cheer. Then he laughed.

"You can be really funny, you know that?"

Smirking, I said "Yeah I know"

"So! Back to business, mind telling me what's bugging you?" He said walking back to grab a rake and I just lagged behind.

I've got nothing to loose so i might as well tell him then "Me and the girls... We got into some big trouble." Swallowing I continued "You know how we're not supposed to like be awake at 10pm, the lights out kind of thing... So we disobeyed and had a sleepover in Nora's room. We were quiet except for when kc started chasing Maja and I shouted out the window and when we played truth or dare. Ahh wait... Scratch that now that I think of it we weren't quiet at all" this sucks...

"What did you scream?. he asked amused. Well... might as well tell him


"No Way" he said shocked

"Yes Way" I said laughing

"You are one brave little girl you know that, Saying that kind of stuff" he said shaking his head.

"Well thank you gentleman for your complement. Now back to why I was angry. So like we heard the door close and then I knew something was off, I heard footsteps and that's when it hit me, We were being spied on!. I came out but I was too late, I couldn't get to the spy in time and it sucks ya know? "

He just kept on nodding. All the while we were already back to the backyard and had already started doing cleaning.

"I see, so which part of this issue made you mad" he asked seriously

"Well honestly, all of it. we could get punished cause by now the spy would have reported us, the matron hasn't even done anything yet and its freaking killing me like, I'm tired of feeling anxious and most of all I can't help but think if i was fast enough, if I had been more conscious of my environment, if only..... If only.... " small drops of water came spilling down my cheeks. Huh... I didn't realize I was already crying.

Putting his arms around me, he engulfed me in a big hug " There, there... don't cry. None of this is your fault, Everything is going to be alright " he said in a soothing voice... I turned and looked up to him.

I couldnt help but stare into those marvelous eyes, the ones that always reminded me of an emirald or the big green forests in simba, maybe plankton in sponge Bob... Oh who am I kidding I loved those eyes and I wanted them to look at only me forever... I'm being selfish but that's all I wanted right now and his cologne oh! he smelt spicy, sweet, like cinammon and chocolate . Everything feels warm... I feel all tingly inside and little sparks are flying around, I couldn't help but notice that he stared at me too. I just hope this attraction isn't one-sided.

Suddenly like he snapped out of a dream, he released me. So sad. I wanted to do more hugging... Why does life deny me what I want most at the moment...

he had already put on a serious face and then he went on to say " I think we should get our work done now so we can regroup with the others and talk about what we can do about this. I'll look for Christian and then we can dig up who the culprit is, seeing as its almost noon and the matron hasn't addressed you, I think the spy hasn't had the chance to speak to the matron yet so we can still nab him or her... Whatever, before its too late. Is that ok with you"

"Yes its fine, I'll get to work now" I said cleaning my tears and continuing my sweeping.

After we finished working, we headed back down to our dorms, Liam said he had to talk to christian and that we would meet up in the library so I went to meet up with the girls in the garden.

"Waddup girls!!! " I screamed, looking around I guess kc and Maja got herr before me.

"Well someone is in a good mood" kc said

"Naa I'm just trying to cheer you guys up" I replied. "You guys done already?? "

"Yes we are, lets just go to our dorms" Sophie said

"Right... Ok" I said. We took the narrow part leading to our dorms and then I remembered what Liam said so I brought it up.

"You guys"

"Uuummm" they replied

"I was with Liam at the chapel... ".

"Ahhhhhh!!! " They all screamed, what the hell is wrong??

"Stop screaming!!! "

"What, you're screaming too" kc giggled

"Please stop, its not what you think, nothing happened " I said slightly blushing

"Uhuh!!!" Maja rolled her eyes

"Don't side with them!! You're supposed to be on my side" I roared..

"Who said so... Besides we want to hear what happened, knowing you I bet you did something goofy " she snickered

"I did not!! "

"Yeah whatever, just tell us already, I've been having a not so really good day so if you can cheer me up then go for it. Give me all the juicy gists" Sophie said smiling devilishly

" you guys should just stop, you're making her feel uncomfortable " Nora suddenly spoke up

"Thank you" I breathe a sigh of relief "At least I know someone's on my side"

"Who?? I never said I wasn't going to question you about what happened, oh no... You will talk but just not here... You know the saying that the trees got ears" she said whispering

With that we all burst out laughing... " I think its the walls got ears Nora not trees" kc said still laughing

" oh... Ok so if the trees don't have ears, then let's hear it katie" she said blushing

"Now I'm the center of attention once again." I sighed " well... I'm sorry to dissapoint you but nothing seriously happened, although.... "

"Although..." They all chorused

"Ha, you guys are clowns. Well although I told him about our current situation and I think he has a plan. You know since the matron hasn't called on us yet maybe the spy hasn't said anything so he wants us to find out who the culprit is before its too late"

"Ok but how do we find the culprit? " kc asked

"Men, I don't know ok. He just said we should all meet in the library " I said shoving my hands in my pocket

"This is great news, let's hurry he might be waiting for us already " Sophie said

"That's true, let's go" maja said.

"Let's go, I'll race ya" maja said

"Don't think that because of what happened yesterday you can outrun us today " kc said acting fierce

" I didn't say nothing, you said it not me" Maja replied winking

"Oh it's on!! " Nora said and started running. Following suit kc dashed out leaving maja behind

"Cheaters" maja said while raising her tiny fists. Then she broke out into a run also

"Common, what are we waiting for" Sophie said smiling then she also broke out into a run

"Fine. " I said and finally followed suit. I wanted to tell them about the hug and what happened but maybe I was just imagining things. He didn't look at me like that. It was all in my fantasy world never to be spoken about.

The race ended with Nora taking first place, Maja came in second and kc was... Last.

"You guys cheated" she said glaring at us

"Ha! In your face!!! " Maja shouted while dancing haphazardly. I think that's a victory dance

"Whatever, please wait. I want to catch my breath" kc replied

"Me too" I said, I was also tired

"We should hurry, I think the boys are already up" Sophie said. We all turned and looked at the glorious home building.

"Let's go" I said, we all started walking towards the building when we heard something moving in the bushes, along the narrow path we just came from.

Coming out, wearing a white T-shirt and black trousers with her light brown hair ever so beautifully combed and her brown eyes totally fixed on me, the head mistress I mean miss Magarette came out of the narrow path

"Good afternoon girls"

"Good afternoon miss Magarette "we replied. I remember Nora told me that she didn't like to be addressed with her position so she preferred miss Magarette.

"How is your day going? " she asked smiling

"Very well ma" Sophia answered

"Ok so I hope you don't mind but I would like katie to see me in my office. Its rather urgent " she said

"No problem, guys I'll see you later" I said. Walking behind her we entered the home building and headed towards her office.

I think we are doomed, my guess is the culprit already reported us and this time worse... To the principal.

Why she didn't call the others I don't know but I'm just going to play along till she catches me. Oh boy! I'm sweating.

I'm back in business baby!!!

I'm so sorry for not updating, phone had issues but its fixed now. So things are about to change... I'm going to be introducing release dates *audience claps*

Tuesdays 10am( GMT +08:00)

Thursdays 10am (GMT +08:00)

Sundays 6:30pm(GMT +08:00)

Aside from this dates, any further changes will be related to you all.In the mean time I'll be releasing 4 chapters just to soothen your hearts so stick around for the remaining 3.

Here we goo!!!...... *drum rolls*

Lizbeth1214creators' thoughts