
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Thành thị
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473 Chs

Good times disappeared fast

As I kept sleeping, I woke up normally.

Seeing that I am in a hotel. A smile shows up on my face. It has not disappeared. Knowing that this is the first time I am outside the country.

"Time soon for breakfast," I mumbled into the air. No answer like the one, I suppose. Knowing it, I smiled and did my morning routine.

Seeing everything in place. As soon as I could, I should be learning.

Knowing it, I changed into simple clothes and hid my wallet and phone in my pockets. No idea if I will pay for breakfast. Alternatively, it will be here now.

I started becoming hungry, so I strolled out. A morning walk for me is the best. No idea why I walked directly into stairs, not elevators.

After coming downstairs, I smiled and walked to where I should eat my breakfast.

Seeing that nobody from my school is there, I smiled and can eat a peaceful breakfast. When I took food and sat in place, which is with my surname, I started eating.

Nobody had come.

Therefore, I could enjoy good scrambled eggs with waffles on my second plate. As I kept eating, I could see a few people from my year coming down. Almost immediately, I moved down and looked at the plate.

No, hi. Hello to me.

I just kept eating, and when I did it, I got up and walked out. Maybe I should buy something to drink. With this on my mind, I stayed close to the elevator.

"Oh, you are here," Paula's voice came.

"Hi," I said, looking at her. Seeing me, she smiled and said, "you know what they have there."

"Oh," I said, and then I started saying it all. Hearing me, Paula looked at the girls who came with her, and then one said, who came yesterday to my room "hell. I'm eating out."

"Oh, come on," the second said. Seeing that soon they would talk for a long I started my escape. I just do not want to suffer more.

After coming outside, I could feel that it was a frosty morning. I did not care about this, so I strolled to the shop and started looking at what they had here.

It took me around twenty minutes, but when I chose juice and some snacks, I bought them.

When I came out, I could see no one who knew me. So a smile showed up on my face. I don't need to hide it. Until coming into the hotel, I could be as I am.

There, I need to stop smiling and not look at anyone.

Good times disappeared fast.

After coming inside, I looked down. Trying to disappear as fast as possible into the elevator.

Almost there, but the teacher stopped me and said, "Smith. In thirty minutes. We are starting our lessons."

"Ok," I said, and added after a second, "what do I need to have there?"

"Your mind," he said. Hearing it, I looked at him, and I walked up the stairs to my floor and directly to my room. I just try to not take a risk of going up by elevator.

When I sat on the bed, I checked my phone and stretched a little. This caused pain coming from my chest but relief too. As something cracked in my back.

Feeling it, I grabbed the water. Which I bought yesterday and started drinking. I did not care about anything that was happening now.

I wanted to drink during breakfast, but my plans went down. As they show up there.

After a few slips, I smiled and then lay on the bed.

I started thinking about what we can have there.

Then one realisation hit me. No idea where we have lessons. I could ask only one person. I started struggling with this.

Text Paula or not.

It only took me two minutes. Then I texted her, 'where do we have lessons?'

As I looked at the end button, I finally pressed it. Seeing that message gone out, I changed into a browser.

Seeing that she did not answer, I started reading the news. I need somehow to take my mind.

Before I will go search. From where we have these lessons.

Seeing that time almost had come, I came out, and then first, what came to my mind were Joanna's words.

Thanks to her, I know where they can be. Knowing that I walked to the elevator.

After coming inside, I smiled, and then I drove up. When I came to the first floor, I looked around, and nobody was there. So time to go up.

I looked at all the floors.

Nobody there.

Only rooms.

No teacher voices.


Seeing it, I shook my head, and then I came back to my floor. I cannot call my teacher. As I don't own his number.

Paula did not answer my text, so I sat on the bed and looked at the phone. Maybe she'll text me.

Seeing that time passed. No answer had come. I kept waiting.

Ten minutes.


Time passes, and nothing answers. Knowing it, I lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Perhaps this helps me with passing time here.

Finally, I could hear knocking on my door. Hearing them, I walked there, and when I opened, I could see the hotel service.

Seeing the woman, she said, "Your time here has passed."

"Oh, what?" I asked.

"You could stay here for a day," she said.

Hearing her words, I said, "ok. I will pack my stuff fast."

Hearing me, she nodded, and I threw it all inside my bags.

I checked if I left something, and nothing was there. When I grabbed a wet towel, I came out.

Now what I can do?

School should pay for my stay here.

What I can do? Be homeless.

As I looked at the room, I could do nothing.

Joanna might not answer my call.

No idea where the teachers are staying.


I just wanted to cry. Sit on the floor and cry.

I tried to calm myself. Only I sat and hid my face between my knees.

Pain comes from my chest. I could feel that I am still alive. If it is a dream I would wake up soon due to pain.

No idea how long I spend sitting.

At one point, I could hear the opening elevator. Maybe someone in another room.

I have not moved at all. Just stayed like that.

"Jack," Paula's voice comes.

"Yes," I said.

"Why haven't you shown up during class?" she asked.

"No idea where. You haven't answered me," I said without moving.

"Wait. This is your bag. What is happening?" she asked.

"What. No room for me," I said.

No idea what her expression looks like. I keep looking down.

"Wait. What?" she finally says.

"This. I paid for my room for only a day," I said.

"Impossible," she said.

"Oh well. It is possible," I said, and then I lingered.

I looked at her face. Seeing me, she said, "I will talk with the teachers."

"No chance," I said.

"Oh there is," she said.

"No. Don't do this. I will somehow handle it," I said.

"How. There, we should have some free rooms," she said.

"Really. Do you believe they are free for me?" I ask her.

When she heard my words, she looked at me and said, "Oh, right."

"I can complain to the school," she said after a few seconds.

"Nothing will do. They know this," I said.

"So what now?" she asked. Seeing her, I moved my shoulders, and then she said, "Oh, you said about this older man. Maybe he can help you."

"I will try to call him soon. Now, what do we have to do from lessons?" I asked. I just wanted to move on from the current topic as fast as possible.

Hearing my words, she said, "Oh, they send us."

"And how can I do this?" I asked.

"School laptop," Paula said. Hearing her words, I looked at her and said, "oh, we have this. Nice to know."

"Wait," she said, but I could hear the elevator opening. The voice "oh fucker. You want a beating now?"