
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Thành thị
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473 Chs

Go out now

Looking at her for some time, Paula smiled.

Seeing it, I smiled too, and after she kissed me, she said, "What will you say about alcohol?"

"What," I said. Hearing me, Paula asked, "Beer?"

"You should know. I do not drink," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded and said, "I will go for one."


Hearing me, she nodded, and while walking away, she asked, "You want something?"

"Oh, tea if you can make it."

"Got it," Paula said. Hearing it, I smiled, and when she disappeared into the kitchen, I took the phone out. While having it, I started checking history.

Good to let your mind work on something. While I kept doing it, I could hear knocking on doors.

After coming to them and opening it, I could see Emily and Lucy.

"Hi," only escaped from my lips until Emily punched my side while pushing me away.

Seeing her doing it, Lucy shook her head. While I looked at them, Paula showed up. Seeing them, she said, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, come check on you, girl. You don't answer my calls," Emily said.

"Oh, I muted the phone after talking with mom. Look at yourself."

"Oh," Emily said while looking at them. I closed the doors. When I had done this, I came closer to Paula, and she said, "Are you OK?"

"Yes. I'm fine."

"Good. Now can you go now?" Paula said.

"We still have some time before going. So let's check what you have here," Emily said.

Hearing it, I looked at Paula. Seeing the beer can in her hand. I said, "I will be in the kitchen."

"Good. She will burn it," Lucy said.

"That is why I am cooking," I said shortly and walked there. Seeing that Paula prepared a glass for me, I smiled and waited for the kettle to finish. While doing it, I asked, "something to eat or drink?"

"No. We will go soon," Lucy said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as the kettle had done. I came out. Seeing Lucy standing and Emily coming out of the bedroom, she looked at me.


"You know what? Sleeping in the same bed as Paula. If you did something to her," Emily started saying until Paula punched her a little with a beer can and opened it.

Seeing her sipping a little, she said, "Can you calm down? We are grown, people."

"Still. Seeing you and him together. It is strange."

"You see," Paula stayed saying, and I said, "Life can change everything. You will know this feeling when you will meet this one."

"I will see," Emily said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as Paula smiled, she said, "So you can go now."

"Oh, come on," Emily said.

"We still have some time. You don't want to go" Lucy asked while looking into Paula's eyes.

"No. Thanks. I will spend time here," Paula said. Hearing her, I smiled, and as she looked at me, she came closer and hugged me. Seeing it, I looked into her eyes. Paula smirked and kissed me.

After doing it, I could see the rage on Emily's face.

Seeing it, Paula said, "So, something you want."

"You really," Emily started saying until Lucy pinched her side while saying, "leave her alone. She did this especially."

"Maybe. So Jack. Let's come back and play," Paula said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and after we sat like before, Paula started the game once again.

While we kept playing, Lucy said, "Console from your bday."

"Yes," Paula said.

"Oh, there you have this. You installed all that you received," Lucy asked. Hearing her words, Paula looked into her eyes and started telling games, which she has on both.

As we have them here. While hearing it, Lucy said, "First is much better for coop."

"Oh," Paula said while grabbing one, and when she started, she followed what Lucy kept saying. While hearing it, I said, "You know about this a lot."

"Oh. I have six hundred hours in it," Lucy said.

"Well, girl. You have done well," Paula said while smiling. While hearing music going from both consoles. Lucy started explaining all to Paula.

While hearing it, Emily said, "oh, this one."

"Yes. You have this game too," Lucy said.

"You know. I forgot the name of it," Emily said.

"Girl. Here is Jack. Make your village. I will explain all to you after this."

"Ok," I said, and when I did this, Lucy started explaining. When she had done this, I smiled, and she added, "We need to go, Emily. Time to change."

"Ok," Emily said while looking at me, and she said, "don't you dare touch Paula."

"Go out now," Paula's voice came. Hearing her, Lucy shook her head and said, "So we will need to go. See you tomorrow."

"Ok," Paula said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and when finally Lucy and Emily came out, Paula closed the doors. When she had done this, she said, "Look before opening doors."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Paula smiled, and after hugging me, she said, "So we will play on this now."

"Ok," I said, and when Paula took the controllers, she turned the console off. While seeing it, I looked at her, and she said, "Oh, Jack gets up."

"Ok," I said, and when I did this, I took these two consoles. While holding them, Paula smiled, and when she did something on couches that became like a bed, she smiled and said, "So we can lie while playing."

"Oh, you want to see what I have here?"

"Yes. I will come with a pillow soon," she said. Hearing it, I nodded, and she walked to the bedroom.

When I sat, Paula came back, and while the TV played on the music channel, I looked at Paula and when she lay. I came close to her. While there, I looked at her, and as she kissed my cheek, she said, "let's play."

"Ok," I said.

As I looked at Paula, we started playing.

Like that, we have not stayed for long. We moved back to sitting while making the couch like before. We left pillows on the side. While we keep playing. Here, it is much easier.

While this all keeps happening, time passes. While I kept an eye on Paula after some time, she smiled and said, "So four hours had left."

"Oh yes," I said.

Hearing me, she nodded. Seeing her look, she smiled and kissed me. After doing it, she smiled, and we stayed looking at each other for some time.

As I kept an eye on her, she said, "So what now?"

"Oh, we can play, learn, and watch something."

"Really. Learning on this day," she said while pinching my cheek. Feeling it, I smiled and said, "You know. If you want to pass the last exams perfectly, you need to keep learning."

"I know this well. Let's not think about this now. We can do it another day. Now, Jack, we can continue playing for like thirty minutes. After this, we will have food."

"Oh, once again," I said. Hearing me, Paula smiled and said, "You're still full."

"Oh, all going well. We might push it for later. I will need to use the bathroom before once again eating," I said.

Hearing me, she nodded, and as she smiled, she said, "right. We ate too much. So maybe we will prepare meat."

"Oh, we can. Let's do it now, and we can come back to playing."

Hearing me, she nodded, and after we left the consoles on the table, we walked to the kitchen. While doing it, Paula said what she wanted. Hearing it, I nodded. We will use the equipment which she bought here.

Knowing it, I smiled, and when I took the meat out. I prepared it all. I cut all how it should be, and after this, I took what Paula prepared.

Seeing it all, I smiled, and after mixing meat with spices. I put it into the fridge.

After doing it, Paula said, "so maybe coffee."

"Oh, we can have one."

"Good," she said, and while seeing her preparing, I smiled, and she said, "take milk out."

"Ok," I said, and when I kept holding it, I could hear fireworks.

"This scared me."

"They started before," Paula said. Hearing it, I nodded, and as she smiled, she grabbed the milk. While she was looking at me, she added, "with milk."

"Oh, yes."

"Good," she said, and she continued all there. It took her some time, but after ending it all, she passed to me and said, "I need to run to the bathroom. Beer started working."

"Ok," I said, and as she ran there, I came to the couch and took a sip.

After doing it, I grabbed the console, and while looking at how my village was going, she came back.

Seeing her smile, she said, "So we can play once again."

"Yes," I said shortly. Hearing me, Paula grabbed her console, and while looking at me, she smiled, and once again, we started playing.