
Losing money to become billionaire

Rick's life is changed forever in one brief message. His girlfriend Sophia breaks up mercilessly and stabs him in the heart with a photo of a luxury bag and her new love, William. Feeling betrayed and desperate, Rick falls into deep self-doubt and anguish. However, fate shows its other side at this moment. A mysterious system appears in front of Rick, claiming to have unlimited funds that he can't use directly. The system requires Rick to spend money on a designated target person until they fall head over heels in love with him, and only then will Rick receive a portion of the amount he spends as a reward. Faced with this sudden opportunity and challenge, Rick's heart is filled with contradictions and doubts. .In the intertwining of money and feelings, Rick gradually finds his strength and conviction. Will he find his true self in the process? Or will he be consumed by lust and money?

Rice_dumpling · Thành thị
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24 Chs

When I was dumped in the beginning

Rick sat in his tiny apartment, staring at the message on his cell phone screen with a wave of vertigo. It was from his girlfriend, Sophia, and it was short and cold.

"Rick, let's break up."

His mood instantly hit rock bottom. Rick and Sophia had been dating for two years, and their relationship had been stable. He didn't understand why Sophia would suddenly make such a decision. He immediately replied with a message, trying to understand why and hoping it was just a misunderstanding.

A few minutes later, Sophia replied, but this time the message stung Rick's heart even more:

"Rick, you're a good man, but you can't give me the life I want. I need more."

Rick felt a wave of powerlessness. He knew Sophia had always expected material things, but he thought the love between them was strong enough to transcend that. He tried again to convince Sophia, telling her that they could work together to create a better future together.

However, Sophia's next message completely shatters Rick's hopes.

"Look at this,it's the new bag William gave me. He says I deserve the best. Rick, you couldn't afford this if you fought your whole life."

The message was accompanied by a picture showing an expensive designer bag. Rick recognized the brand, it represented wealth and status, a luxury that was currently out of his reach. His heart sank to the bottom as he realized Sophia had made her choice, and that choice was no longer his.

Rick sat on the couch, feeling a deep sense of loss and powerlessness. He knew that no matter how hard he worked, there were some things he might never be able to offer Sophia. He had mixed feelings of disappointment in Sophia and self-loathing for his inability to fulfill her expectations.

Suddenly another message was sent over with a new message, and Rick stared at the picture on the screen. Sophia and William were smiling brightly and happily, and behind them was a luxury sports car, obviously a symbol of William's wealth. Rick felt a wave of vertigo,all his efforts and sacrifices seemed meaningless at this moment.

Sophia's group photo was like a needle that pierced Rick's heart.

Rick's fingers trembled as he could hardly believe his eyes. Sophia was nestled in William's arms in the photo, their faces glowing with happiness. Rick felt a deep sense of betrayal and pain, he had done everything for Sophia's happiness, even sacrificing his time and health by working several jobs to fulfill her material needs.

He remembers those long nights when he worked late into the night just to buy her the gifts she wanted, and he remembers those weekends when he gave up his rest just to earn more money so that she could have a better life. But now, all that effort seemed to be erased by the reality of money.

Rick felt his heartbreak, he felt despair, and he felt his future crumble in an instant. He began to question his worth, to question whether the struggle he had been fighting for had any meaning at all. He felt alone, he felt abandoned, and he felt that the whole world was laughing at his incompetence.

Just as Rick was feeling hopeless to the core, his life seemingly plunged into endless darkness, and suddenly an incredible sight appeared before his eyes. A dazzling light flashed over Rick's eyes, and then a line appeared:

The host's heartbreak level has peaked, activating the wealth exchange system.

Rick rubbed his eyes .He could hardly believe what he was seeing. The text on the screen continued to scroll, revealing more information:

There are unlimited funds in the system, but they are not for the host to spend.

Rick's eyes widened as he looked at the text on the screen, feeling a mixture of shock and confusion. He had thought that this sudden system would bring him wealth and relief, but seeing that the funds within the system were not for him to spend on himself, his emotions became complicated.

His first reaction was anger and disappointment, and Rick muttered to himself, "What kind of crap system is it that gives me money and doesn't give me anything to spend it on?" He felt fooled because the system seemed to be playing with his emotions, giving him hope only to immediately take it away.

The system would designate a target person for the host, and the host would have to spend money on the designated target person.

Until the time when the designated target's attitude towards the host becomes one of his lovers.

The host will receive one-tenth of the money spent on that designated target.

Rick's heart raced as he felt a sense of excitement and hope that he had never felt before. He began to realize that this mysterious system could be the turning point of his destiny.

When Rick's finger lightly touched the screen and activated that mysterious system, a virtual account interface appeared in front of his eyes. His eyes quickly swept across the screen before settling on that account balance. A string of numbers, so long that he could barely finish it at a glance, with an unbelievable number of zeros.

Rick's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a wave of vertigo. He had never seen such a large number before; it wasn't just a number, it was an unimaginable fortune. He couldn't help but shout, "Shit, how is this possible?"

His voice echoed in the silent room as he felt a mixture of excitement and disbelief. Rick's mind was filled with questions,"Can this work in the real world? Could it be some kind of advanced hoax? Or, is this an illusion?"

Rick took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. He knew that he needed to verify the authenticity of this system. He began to try and operate it, careful fingers trembling and his heart racing as he waited for the results.

A few minutes later, when the beep of a successful transfer rang in his ears, Rick could hardly believe his eyes. He checked his bank account, and the number, though only a fraction of what the system showed, was enough to shock him. The money was real; it really could be used in the real world.

A feeling like nothing he had ever felt before surged through Rick's heart, and he knew that his life was about to be turned upside down.

Faced with the astronomical figures on the screen, subtle changes began to take place within him. The original shock and skepticism were gradually replaced by a new emotion: a desire for power and freedom. He began to imagine that with this amount of money, he could be free of all restraints and become a true master.

He thought, "Since women have failed me, let me enjoy life this time." Rick's mouth curled into a sneer as his mindset began to shift, and out of the disappointment and heartbreak, he found a new self-identity.