

The boy opens his eyes. His messy hair and brown eyes shining from the sun's ray of light. He squints his eyes while using his arm to cover the light from the sun. He then gets up from his bed, he yawns as he begins to walk to the bathroom. Once he had entered he looked into the mirror. His face covered with disgust as he stares into his own face. Boy: "Damn I'm really ugly."

He begins to freshen up as he contemplates if he should skip class or not? He decides not to because it's the first day of school. As he was walking his way to school a strange girl had approached him. The girl had looked awfully similar to someone he knows but he couldn't just grasp his hand on it. The girl with purple eyes that looked like the beautiful oxalis in the summer. It was a dark purple but it looked very beautiful towards him. Her hair was white, almost as snow. Her skin was pale..she had almost seemed as a doll. Then she had began to speak. ???:"Hey Haruka I've been waiting for you all morning, we're going to be late for school!!" The boy was completely dumbfounded.

"(My name isn't Haruka..wait a minute, wasn't Haruka that one background character in the game I was playing??? I only saw his name on screen once..)" I was deep in thought trying to process what's happening right now. I tried to remember what's my name but I couldn't.."My name..is..."##-8#" no..Im Haruka right now. I guess I've been transported into some visual novel I know. I can only recall the things about the game, but I don't know anything prior to my previous life. So I'm Haruka, the guy who had gotten last place in written exams for the enrollment to Extrella Academy.. sighs

I'll have to find a way to recover my memory but looking at this girl who's been walking me to school for the past few minutes I can take a guess her name is Miko..FUCK I FORGOT MIKO WAS ONE OF THE FEMALE LEADS..!! The visual novel never had mentioned Miko being friends with some nobody like Haruka..But I won't ponder about it right now.

Haruka: Hey Miko I have a question.

Miko: What is it Haruka??

Haruka: Can you tell me anything about Extrella Academy?

Miko: Did you forget already? *her face had stared blankly at me*

Haruka: Uhm yeah *I scarcthed my head as I grinned like a fool*

Miko sighs as she says

Miko: Extrella Academy is where students attend to become people who fight against otherworldly creatures. You'll be able to go through courses for different classes.

For example classes like warrior, mage, thief, cleric, etc.

I had began to remember this. The classes are basically your average classes in a RPG game, also these "otherworldly creatures" are beings who teleported to earth. These creatures are teleported by Gods

Gods are people who come from tales you hear of for example Zeus, Poseidon, and uh I forgot...Anyways these gods teleport these creatures from other worlds to Earth for the main purpose "World end" World end sounds a bit dumb but it's something where the monsters sent to earth destroy it, ending the world right? Well after the world gets destroyed, the gods will still send these monsters. To create a new world, a better world than the one humans created. If the monsters do manage to succeed like in the visual novel, horrors one won't be able to imagine will begin to appear. Some Gods will try to stop "World end" as they want to help the humans and have peace.

Some gods will grant these humans powers if they wish to, but at the cost of losing your body. The more skills you are granted the more likely to be possessed by these gods, but these "Blessings" are rare but later on in the novel everyone gets them. Doesn't matter though since I'm not special enough to be granted one.

Enough thinking! Let's head off to the academy!

Haruka: Hey Miko did I mention you look really cute today?

I grin at her smugly

Miko: Do you really wanna die fucker??

She looks at me with disgust.

Haruka: I'm sorry your majesty..

I bow down trying to receive her forgiveness.

I finally arrive at the academy "Extrella Academy!" Here I come!!

After entering the Academy I see all types of students. Each and every student look unique in their own way. As I was glancing over the students I noticed him. The main character of this story. He got first in written and physical exam. I doubt anyone wouldn't notice him, he has white hair and red eyes!

And his name is Rito..what an average name for such a flashy person..

Haruka: Hey! My name is Haruka..I'm guessing your new here too?

He glanced at me with disgust..why is everyone looking at me with disgust?? Am I that ugly?? I thought to myself..He wiped the disgust off his face as he looked at me with a smile.

Rito: Hi my name is Rito! I'm also new as you just said and I'm also looking for some new friends!

I thought "What a lie..I know damn well you're trying to use me."

Haruka: I could be your friend Rito!

We both shook hands.

Then the principal had began to speak on stage.