Heya! Gazer's here! And I would like to thank you all for the support.
In the Q&A, I added 3 conditions and you all fulfilled them in a single day!
Now I can't just sit and do nothing when you're showing such enthusiasm!
So without any further delay, let's start!
A month of the summer vacation has passed in the blink of an eye.
normally high schoolers would enjoy this time period and go on vacations or relax.
But that was a luxury hiroki didn't have. For the whole month, all he did was train, study and integrate.
He wakes up at 4 in the morning and starts with a warm up of 500 push ups, pull ups, sit ups, curl ups, Squats and a 50 km run.
After that he practices all of his skills and techniques.
Breakfast at 8 o'clock, then a clan management lesson till 12 o'clock.
After that, from noon to evening is a private training lesson with gun, and after that till dinner is a study session about clan affairs and about the clans, outside kanto .
After dinner till midnight is a meditation and mana control session.
This was the schedule hiroki had for the previous one month.
Hiroki has also bonded with the members of Yamazaki clan. They may act formal but they have gotten significantly more open towards him.
His relationship with gun had become more familial to the point hiroki started seeing gun as a father figure.
Him and aiko have also gotten to know each other better tho hiroki didn't tell her anything about his family.
His interest in kenjutsu seemed to earn him some brownie points from aiko as well.
She would sometimes teach the basics and right breathing flows for certain techniques.
His and karura's relationship is quite complex though. For starters, she's stronger him in almost every aspect.
That was proven when she demolished him in a spar without any visible efforts.
Her obsession towards him is a bit annoying but except for that, she's a good person in hiroki's eyes.
During this one month few things also happened at Mori household
For starters,his mother and sister put all the hiroki's things that he didn't take in the store since the foreigner decided to live with them.
Kaede was a little worried for about a week but soon forgot that she even had a son.
Kanoko didn't care if her useless came back or not, even if he did her master would take care of that weak punk.
After 3 weeks, all 4 of the girls and the foreigner decided to go to a hotspring resort for the rest of the summer break.
Inside a tunnel near the outskirts of Hyōgo Prefecture stood a tall figure.
He was around 6.3 wearing black jeans, white undershirt and a black zip up Hoodie with a strange white spiral and the name *Allied* on the back.
He was wearing black combat boots while his face was covered by the shadows of his hood.
"This hoodie is quite good. But what's with the lame name? Allied? Seriously? This must be the reason why master refused to"
The person said as he put his hands in
Suddenly his phone ran, making him fish out his phone before picking up.
"Hey. Looks like you already arrived in Korea. That was quick."
{Yeah. I wanted to stay a little longer but things got messy here.}
"Don't worry, I think I have learned enough to handle things here.
"You know what? How about i come visit you in Korea. I also want to meet that guy you keep calling your masterpiece. after all, I want that title too."
{Heh, don't get cocky brat. You may have gotten stronger but that doesn't mean you can handle my kids.}
"Hehe, we'll see. I won't know unless I try after all. And I think I have the right to be a little cocky."
The hooded person said as a black system screen popped up in front of him.
[Name: Hiro yamazaki
LV: 24(1186/2400)
Title: Holy spawn
Origin: ---
HP: 4080/4080
MP: 990/990
SPD:107 (+)
END:118 (+)
SEN:121 (+)
INT:99 (+)
Grade: Awakened
Enchantment token: +2 rare ,+11 uncommon, +19 common
Experience token: 9 uncommon
Awakening token: 0
Fortune token: 3
Rejuvenation token: 0
Credits: 19,500 ]
The hooded man was, in fact hiroki. Or hiro ever since gun adopted him. Illegally but who cares? Hiro was happy, gun was happy and the yamazakis were happy.
{Seems like my ride is here. Call me if you have any problems. I'll comeback to beat the shit out of uou for disappointing me}
"Sure, sure. I'll call you if I got into any trouble."
With that, he disconnected the call. As soon as he did, his phone started ringing again.
The caller ID was named as *Crazy helper*. He sighed and picked up the call.
{HIRO~!!! Did you reach the location yet?? If so then they'll be arriving soon!!}
"Yes, yes I have arrived. And thanks again for helping me out with this idea, karura."
{Hehe, don't be like that, this is the least I can do as your future wife!}
Hiro sweat dropped and smiled with genuine mirth. He may not show it, but he had gotten attached to the eccentric girl.
"it seems they are here. I'll call you when I'm done. Bye."
{Bye honey!!}
Hiro chuckled and ended the call then looked up to see the flashing headlights of several motorcycles.
"Who the hell are you, punk!! Don't you know this is our area!! Get out of here if you don't want to get beaten up!!!"
The leading biker yelled as he got off his bike and walked toward hiro.
Hiro didn't move and simply inspected the approaching man. The man looked like any average guy with tanned skin and black hair.
He had white bandages wrapped around his chest revealing his upper torso,he was also wearing white pants, white shoes and a white trench coat with red Sakura petals in the middle of his back and a lot of words written all over the sleeves and back of the coat.
"Mind's gaze.'
Hiro mentally commanded as the man's status panel popped up in front of him.
[Name: yogi hanazaka
LV: 7(686/700)
Title: vise president of kagiroi
HP: /1870
MP: 1790/1790
Grade: Dormant ]
[ Combat quest has arrived]
[Hunting the rabid dog's pack]
[Defeat the kagiroi bikers]
+5000 Exp
skill token(uncommon)
+10,000 credits
Interest of the rabid dog ]
get your ass kicked by the bikers
-5 to all stats
-5,000 credits]
'Is it just me or has the system gotten more humane? Maybe it's just my imagination.'
Hiro thought with a sweat drop on the back his head as yogi grabbed his shoulder and tried to remove his hood.
But before he could even touch the hood he was already in air and was already struck many times.
"Sorry buddy, but I need to get stronger."
Hiro said, his knees and back bent a little while his hands were lowered and crossed.
'T-this is that man's destruction technique!'
That was all he could think of before losing consciousness and falling to the ground.
The sight of their vise president being attacked caused the bikers to go in a blind rage and rush at him.
Hiro just smiled and readied himself for the assault. His eyes glowing silver with willpower and determination.