
Prologue: Lords of Limfa

"Urk—" Avina held onto her right arm. Wounds and blisters are present from her skin. She bit her lips and squeezed her arm.

"Let's stop here, Avina!" her opponent tried to calm her down. "Herodo has made his fate, we can never defy it!"

Casos tried to coax her but she is to stubborn to give in. "Shut it!"

"You're a lady and a deity, how can you act as rash as this one!"

She never listened, what she did was to prepare her spears to launch an attack. Approaching Casos, she aimed her spears straight to her head while attached her shield into her left arm. Despite an excessive blood loss, Avina is confident that she can overpower Casos. "Let's see where that filthy brain of yours will take you!" red sparks started to appear as light covered her eyes. An enormous amount of energy revolving around her wounded arm was present.

The Lord of Wisdom gulped while prepariyhis defense. He was all aware that this lady is stronger than her, she was strong, sturdy and well trained befitting a title of War. Yes, she is the Lady of War.

They're not friends neither in bad terms, they share a relationship that only frienemies do. "