
lord Reinhart

Reinhart lived a miserable life! he was hated upon by everyone he knew the only one that loved him disappeared from his life.. find out how he embarks on a journey to change his life

eldho1 · Quân đội
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in a dark ally way


bang! bang! bang!

sounds of someone kicking something was heard



(puke)blood started coming out of a boy's mouth


is this all you got Reinhart!! a little bunny could be stronger than you. oops, I forgot a bunny is level 3 while you are still a level 1 trash.



hahaha, everyone starts to laugh.



Reinhart looks at them with bloodshot eyes



feeling his stare everyone stops laughing!!!



the muscle head who previously kicked him looked at him and said with disgust

: "how dare you to look at me like that you disgusting bastard! I will pluck out your bastard eyes if you look at me like that"

saying so he started kicking him again'!!!



after more than five rounds of kicking the muscle, head stopped pulled his collar to his

face and started punching his nose



Reinhart wailed out loud but no one was there to help him


hearing his wails everyone around him started beating him more"



Reinhart who was getting beaten up was on the brink of getting unconscious...




seeing that heart was not wailing anymore the musclehead threw him down and put his leg over his face



""!! this is where you belong you son of a bitch!!"'



saying so he spat on Reinhart's face and started walking away from there with his friends



after a couple of minutes and making sure no one was around in heart started waking up with great difficulty



Aaah! my legs; those bastards!! gritting his teeth in his heart say's to himself!!



he tries to stand up but couldn't because of the pain!.

"why does that bastard Kevin always bully me.!

what have I ever done to that son of a bitch".

Reinhart thinks in his mind.



ever since he started high school he became a victim of content bullying.

even if he tried to complain it to his teacher's

the only result he got back was more bullying


because he was an orphan whose parents died in a car accident the teacher's in his school didn't

gave enough concern about his well being and constantly punished him



even when his parents were alive they never cared about him. the only one who did love him was his uncle who took him in after his parent's death



he had sworn to himself that one day he would become the world's strongest Elementalist. and that he will make his uncle proud



but sadly fate had other plans for him.



when his aptitude was checked they found out his body was not able to consume spiritual energy. they checked numerous times but unfortunately, the result was the same



despair had bloomed within himself.

he had started ever living in this dreadful world.


"why! why me "he constantly started asking himself!!

his uncle who saw his nephew being depressed patted his shoulder and consoled him...


.he told his nephew to never give up. and that fate had other plans for him



indeed fate did have other plans for him.



just 2 months after his aptitude test his uncle went missing in the wilderness


without anyone to take care of him, he started getting bullied on a whole new level


Kevin was just only one of his Bully's,


he who had lost everything lost the motivation to live



.it had become a routine for him to get bullied

at present, with great difficulty, he dragged himself to his house


.the moment he reached his house he fell on his bed and started resting

""1 hour later""

he opened his eyes and looked around! he was in the same familiar place he lived his whole life

when he tried to wake up he found that his legs were hurting like hell ! ! !!

he pulled back his drawer and took the first aid in it and started applying it to his legs

he felt despair living in this dreadful world.

he had tried to end his life much time but he didn't because of his uncle's final words, to him



He had hope that one day he will live happily

and wished for those better days, to come sooner

hoping for those days he went back to sleep in his bed

the next day

he woke up at 6 am and went to take a shower

after the shower, he went to the kitchen to make something to eat.

after eating 2 slices of bread and some egg he started off to his school

arriving in his classroom he enters inside and makes his way towards his desk, he looks around and notices that everyone is looking at him.



he notices the disgust in their eyes towards him


.ignoring this he takes out his books and started reading them


all his other classmates presumed their chatting and ignored him

at 8 am the bell rang and everyone sat back in their seats

their homeroom teacher arrived in their class and started teaching her subject

"we will learn about how to control our element today," the teacher tells everyone and writes it on the board

she looks around the class and says; to control one's element he has to channel all his spiritual energy into his body and stimulate it "saying so she starts to demonstrate it in the class

suddenly an aura starts flowing out her body which makes all the students have cold sweat on their backs

seeing that all the students are being suppressed by her energy she channels it back all inside

seeing that the pressure has left everyone wiped their forehead's and listen attentively to what their teacher is going to say next



" it looks like everyone has understood the basics, so today we are going to the outer part of the wilderness to practice your elements", said the teacher in a hushed tone


everyone starts to get excited and jumps up from their table


well everyone except Reinhart! knowing the dangers in the wilderness because of his uncle's disappearance he knew it will be quite dangerous to go there


indeed after everyone calmed down the teacher told them that both their principal and vice-principal shall accompany them to the outer part of the wilderness



everyone knew both their principal and vice-principal were level 8 Elementalist

and we're considered one of the strongest in the whole Ryu city so they started feeling more are at ease

everyone packed their bags and went out of their classrooms to their school ground where a bus had come to pick up the students


entering the bus everyone finds out there are already two personals other than their principal and vice-principle wearing military uniforms.

everyone starts boarding one by one.

after Reinhart enters he spots a seat in the back and sits down. ignoring everyone else he takes out his book and starts reading them

finally when everyone was loaded in the bus. the bus started proceeding towards their destination.


Half an hour later they arrive at their destination and start to proceed out of the bus. when everyone was outside their teacher gathers them all together and says; "we have arrived at the starting point of the wilderness. and will have to walk about 2 kilometers to reach the outer part of the wilderness, and also I would like to warn everyone that the wilderness is a dangerous place and to keep a lookout for anything dangerous. if you manage to spot anything do inform us and be careful not to make a commotion" saying so she starts walking

everyone else follows behind her.




while everyone else was keeping an eye out for danger's Kevin and his lackey's go behind Reinhart and starts throwing small stones to his back

Reinhart who feels the pain turns around and looks at Kevin in the eye

Kevin who saw Reinhart glaring at him speak to him sarcastically; "you got a problem with me, you bastard "



they both glare at each other intensely. hearing the commotion at the back their teacher walks up to them say's in a rough voice; "what are the both of you doing, didn't I told you not to make a commotion" their teacher glares at the both of them



Kevin opens his mouth and said; " Reinhart was throwing stones at us and was trying to taunt us into fighting


Reinhart was shocked when he heard what Kevin said and became infuriated


"you were the one who threw the stones at me, you sick bastard " cursed Reinhart


the teacher who wasn't bothered to hear Reinhart made him go to the back of the line


Reinhart glared one last time at Kevin before going to the back. Kevin smirked back at him


20 minutes later they arrived at their destination

they all felt spiritual energy was 10x more than usual over here

everyone started sitting around and practicing their elements



Reinhart sat on a stone and started concentrating on whether he could draw out spiritual energy from his body

20minitus later when everyone slowly started stabilizing the adjusting to the surrounding everyone suddenly heard a loud noise





the explosion caused everyone to be alert of their surroundings

a flock of birds could be seen flying away from the direction of the sound!

"what's happening " all the student started getting scared

both the principal and vice-principal along with the 2 military personal's scanned the area and told all the students to stay put in their place

both military personals flew up from their places and proceeded towards the area where the noise came from.


the principal and vice-principle stayed behind to guard the student's safety

anxiousness could be seen all around the students.



Reinhart started fearing for his life. he stood there waiting for the inevitable.



all of a sudden everyone felt something approaching in their direction


pzzzzzzzzt an object flying towards their direction very quickly


something hit the ground and made a big hole in it.!!!!


everyone quickly moved away from the crash site. when some of the fearless students went near the crash they were shocked to see the bloodied military personals cracked on top of each other


seeing their bodies their face paled and they screamed loudly


the principle. seeing that the situation was not good told the teachers to gather all the students and evacuate them quickly


the teacher immediately gathered everyone and started running toward's the starting point


the knew that staying here would only mean death. so everyone started running with all their might without looking back


the principal and vice-principal ran at the back to make sure no one is left behind


Reinhart who isn't able to use spiritual energy naturally became the last one running


the earth where they stood earlier quaked intensely before everything shattered


when the principal looked back he was shocked to see a death centipede rise from the ground


death centipede's we're considered a level 15 monster which is famous for their tall and powerful body and their dangerous venomous teeth. they are usually only seen in the inner part of the wilderness


the principal who understood their current situation couldn't understand why it was following after them


these centipedes are considered territorial and wouldn't leave their territory

seeing the centipede getting close both the principal's stopped and turned around to face the monster


Reinhart was trying his best to keep up with his classmates unfortunately he couldn't do it


the students and teacher quickly boarded the bus that was waiting for them. when everyone except Reinhart boarded the bus they started checking for any missing students.

when the teacher saw that Reinhart was the only one missing. she asked all the students whether anyone saw him, but no one spoke

they didn't care whether Reinhart returned or not they just wanted to get out of this place. seeing that no one was willing to speak. the didn't waste any more and asked the driver to leave. she hoped that the principal and vice-principal would be able to bring him back if he was still alive


the driver started the bus and left the area very quickly he to didn't want to stay here very long


.by the time Reinhart reached the bus had already left


he couldn't believe it. they left him for his own

he felt despair he never felt in his life. even when his parents died he didn't feel despair, when he didn't have an aptitude to become an Elementalist he didn't felt despair when his uncle disappeared he didn't feel despair when Kevin and his lackeys bullied him he didn't feel despair, but now everyone of his classmates and teachers left him he felt despair. he was so depressed he couldn't move his body anymore

all of a sudden he heard a big bang and a saw lot of debris, falling towards him...

he flew a few meters back and hit a nearby tree .he spat out a mouth full of blood and couldn't move his body he looked up to see that the centipede has arrived in front of him he paled when he saw that the monster was looking at him in the face he tried backing away. when he looked up he saw something that made him pee on the ground


what he saw was the head of the vice-principal dangling in the monster's mouth

he lost any faith in escaping alive


"Is this where I die". Reinhart talks to himself and starts to smile like a maniac


he speaks out loud towards the sky " why God why! what did I ever do to you why are you only giving me suffering after suffering? why do you hate me this much!!!!?

the monster fiercely looked at the boy and started opening its mouth to devourer the boy


Reinhart closed his eyes he knew anything he tried to do now would be pointless. he swore to himself that if he ever gets reincarnated he will get his revenge on the one who gave him this dreadful curse of a life


he held his arms wide open for the monster to devourer him. he wasn't scared of death anymore. he knew he had no one to wait for him back home.


he smiled the last time before the centipede swallowed him whole

hey, guys hope everyone likes my story, please do comment and give me good feedback .thank you for giving my book your time. there may be a lot of grammar mistakes.i kindly apologise in advance

eldho1creators' thoughts