

All existence enjoys an era of peace thanks to the sacrifice of Holy Emperor Black, an ancient prophecy reveals the revival of the prince of darkness who will usher in the age of darkness and enslave all the Nine realms, but destiny has choosing a young monk, a descendant of the Holy Emperor Black , who is also next in line to the sages to slay the prince of darkness and preserve order and balance through out the realms.

Diego_Maria · Kỳ huyễn
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10,000 years has passed since Holy Emperor Black ushered in an age of peace by binding the prince of darkness, but with every passing year, the seal weakens due to it losing the lifeforce of the holy emperor.

It was winter in the land of Sabia one of the great nations , but the shocking discovering of this news made the night so cold, even one's soul was dead frozen.

A young monk from the order of the high septons ran to his superior with an ancient scroll bearing the forbidden seal belonging to ages past. "what"! " brother seig , do you know what horrible news , you bring forth to all mankind, the prince of darkness is to be free from his chains and commit abominations to all under the heavens ,bringing forth the era of darkness". The young monk upon these words fell on his knees and seemed possessed by fear , with trembling hands started to recite the prayers for protection and asked his superior what should be done but the old man mind seemed to have wondered off.

In a small village , off the coast of the Nile , a lad of about 17 years old, 6 feet tall , long silver hair with a muscular build up prepares to enter the monastery in the city of Gamateck, 10 miles away. Though he was born an orphan he made significant contributions to the development of the village and embraced all the villagers as his family. The village hospitable and nice in nature decided to organize a send-off party for him, when news spread pf his admission into the monastery.

"Hughie am sure , You are the brain behind this party".

" No dude, you got it all wrong, it was the villagers effort, and by the way Ayo, Helen said i should give you this picture, so you will always remember her. Isn't it nice ".

" yeah, am really going to miss you all, from Mr heisday to miss salsway, the beach , the village farm ,everything. am gonna miss everything" smiles " except for you , we are going to the monastery together, right" Ayo said laughing " one for another".

Hughie drinking fresh ale replied " brothers for ever".

At long last the party came to an end, and both Ayo and Hughie set off immediately , their course of becoming holy monks.

The ol' man quickly recalled when he was a still a novice in the monastery library reading a book , when he came across a brief account of the Holy Emperor victory over the prince of darkness and how a war torn cosmos was blessed by his existence. He quickly flashed back to the present and wondered the fate of the human race. he turned an met the young monk kneeling besides him praying with mucus running down his nose. " brother seig ", he said " tell no one what you heard or seen, its a matter of extreme caution to avoid a widespread commotion and fear".

" As you say father superior, my lips will not reveal what my eyes has seen or my ears has heard" he replied as he bowed and took his leave, leaving the father superior pondering on the matter.

As all these events were occurring, in the realm of Assyria, a supernatural event started to occur. In a local town, the local cemetery became in the sense that, spirits of the deceased buried there began to take material form, perform diabolical rites in the cemetery and started to oppress the living. The matter was reported to the local head who immediately beseech the nearest monastery to save his people and purify his land, in response to his plea ,15 monks with their abbot came to the cemetery to immediately start a sealing ritual, as they all gathered round the spirits ritual circle and the abbot began the ritual " by the old gods and new, for the darkness is near, our eyes are dimming and our hope unsettling, emerge from light that which is purer still purify that which is impure"' as he was saying the incantation, he placed a mixture of snake scales, sand from casterly rock , oil from a guava tree and the shell of an egg of an eagle into the circle and the brothers immediately constructed the hand signs: chain, spirit, earth, rock and corpse. At once all the monks in unison said " let the dead die for what is dead may rest for all eternity; sealing technique,chaining spirits". At once, chains erupted from the Earth , in form of snakes, held to the raging spirits and dragged them back to the ground, and all the corpses returned back to a state of rest. A sealing chain was a run through all of the cemetery. As the monks were returning back to the monastery after reporting their success to the village, the abbot felt something strange having felt weird energy emitting from the center of the cemetery, and made a mental note to check it out.

"If you kill all your enemies, rule many land far and near and make blood spill for you - you can be called a conqueror but saving the life of another, broker peace between warring neighbours, and love nature - you can be called a sage". Upon reading these words, he wished for his training to be finished so he can become a full fledged monk who can cater for his fellow human and provide services for his community. His attention was quickly drawn from the book he was reading to the novice master.

The training that one undergoes to become a monk is quite stressful , the first year is spent on the monastery of your choosing - three months on monastic rules and regulations, three months on basic prayers and mantras and six months on studying past research work on legendary monks and hand signs. After this stage, the next will be choosing any citadel of your choice in any of the great nations for one to continue study for three years learning sankris, mantras, prayers , use of prayer beads, learning rituals and techniques, and if the monk wishes to undergo an extra year of learning basic advanced elemental control and complex hand signs.

Their class today was on studying monk fascot work on the first war between the great nations of Tarth and Britannia

Their teacher asked them if anyone know's what led to the war

Ayo rose up and answered the question narrating how both nations went to war because the Tarth's secretly sponsored a coup on the throne of Britannia which caused the loss of over a million civilians and it caused restlessness among the realms involved.

Xandois , a fellow novice turned around and told Hughie" I think we need a new teacher"

"why is that , he seems okay"

" our teacher doesn't know anything ! He keeps asking us for the answers in every class" Hughie giggled and as the teacher went through their assignments, he asked Xandois why he isn't doing well in history?

" Sir, it's because you keep on asking about things that happened before i was born"

And the entire class fell in to laughter

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Diego_Mariacreators' thoughts