
Lord Of Void - Desolate Era FANFICTION

Our MC died but his luck caused him to found more to live for all he lost to death was back to his grasp. MC's name is Void. Pairing: MCxNüwa.

Skorzeur · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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My wishes.

Waking up I found myself in a white room and soon I remembered.

'I died, dammit my sister has no one besides me who's going to take care of her.' I thought sadly.

"Child." A soft voice sounded behind me.

I turned around and what I saw a being of light.

"Who are you," I asked despite having a guess.

"I am the creator my child and today luck is on your as you have been chosen to reincarnate with five wishes." He said with the same soft voice.

A soon as he finished his sentence, I felt my soul shanking with joy.

"Can I choose where and when I reincarnate?" I asked with excitement evident in my voice.


"Then thank you for the opportunity and I want to reincarnate with my real body in the reality of Desolate Era novel the day Ji Ning was born and in the same planet, as for my wishes:

_Just as Chaosverses are made up of Eternal Omega Daos I want the Universe where the Chaosverses exist to be made up of Autarch omega Daos.

_I want there to be a level higher Autarch omega Daos, its name is Alpha Daos and if someone master an Alpha Dao, they will be able to bound the Universe to themselves.

_I want to have Full mastery of the Alpha Spear Dao.

_Make it unless I allow it never can someone else reach the level of Alpha Dao.

_Put the truesouls of my mother and sister with their complete memories in a spatial ring on my finger." I listed my wishes in one breath.

"Good choices especially the last one family is the most important and just for that in the spatial ring you'll find a Universe Lifeblood spear and until you bound the universe your presence will be hidden. Now GO and I hope you'll live happily." Said the creator with a voice full of warmth.

Waking up I found myself in a forest looking around all I see is trees and looking at myself I was wearing a modern kimono from back on earth, I like it.

"Where am I?" As soon as I spoke information in my head appeared.

'All I have to do is absorb a wisp of Ki then I'll become an Omega Autarch and all the energy needed will be provided from my body so that the other Autarches' don't notice me. Finally, to become an Alpha Autarch I'll have to absorb a wisp of Void energy from the Infinite Void.' I thought.

Taking a lotus position on the soft grass, I started clearing my mind and tried sensing Ki. 10 minutes later I felt Ki.

'All I have to is absorb it… well here goes nothing.' I thought.


'Ha? I feel nothing.' How I regretted those words.

The pain that hit me was pure agony it was the type of pain that you feel when you advance 13 cultivation realms in one go.

Organs liquified and remade countless times to become more durable.

Muscles and tendons shredded and sewed countless times to become denser.

Bones turning into a powder then solidifying countless times to become unbreakable.

Finally, skin peeling off and growing countless times to become impenetrable.

That was only the physical pain, my mortal soul was forcefully evolving into an Omega Autarch's soul.

On top of all that my Jidan chaos region was constantly changing.

One by one my cultivation realm continued rising.

Houtian - Xiantian - Zifu Disciple - Wanxiang Adept - Primal Daoist - Void God - Empyrean God - True God - Elder God - World God – Omega Daolord – Eternal Omega Emperor - Omega Autarch.

The pain should have made me faint but it was also the reason for me not fainting.

Two hours later the pain began to lessen till it disappeared like it was never there.

As soon as my mind cleared, I was assaulted by a horrible scent.

Around and on me is a black liquid of impurity.

'How do I get rid of this filth I can't use Ki I could destroy the planet with my poor control... Ha, there is a technique in my mind.' I thought as I discovered a book in my head.

Writing on the book is:

[Perfect Control] Perfect control of one's power.

Covering the book with my godsense it disappeared and instantly I could feel my perfect control.

With a bit of energy, all the impurities disappeared and I was as clean as something can be.

"Let's observe the changes to my body and being." I thought while beginning to do an evaluation.

10 minutes later my diagnosis was done and this it:

-By comparing my body to my Lifeblood spear it's as durable as universe treasures, even my appearance change every little bit of fat in me got purged my skin is as smooth as a baby but the drastic change is my hair color from black it became white is suspect it changed from all the pain.

-My godsense can cover the entire Chaosverse.

-My insight level is Autarch Omega for the Spear Dao and Eternal Omega for all other Daos.

-I also felt a change to my personality and its reason is my newly gained perfect Spear Dao-Heart.

-I also can create a heartworld but doing so would alert everyone of my presence as the energy needed is enormous.

Sending my godsense in the ring on my right hand I could perceive two truesouls.

"Mom, sis wait till I bound the universe then we'll reunite." As talked I shed a lone tear.

If not for my Dao-Heart I would have already resurrected them but I want to wait so that I can ensure their total protection.

Getting my emotions under control I took out my spear.

I was awed the shaft was gold with two red eastern dragons, the head made of metal so black that you would think even light couldn't escape it, the level of detail was incredible I knew I could create a weapon on this level but it was still amazing seeing this for the first time.

"Let's bound this lovely piece of art," I said with excitement evident in my voice.

Under my control, a large amount of my blood covered the spear and immediately the spear sucked it.

Finally, I sent godsense and gently began to awaken the spear spirit.

A second later what materialized was a cute little dragon with gold and black scales.

Tell your thoughts.

This is not a serious story so don't spill hate on me.

Skorzeurcreators' thoughts