
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

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100 Chs

Spirit medium

"It's me, Dunn Smith." There was a calm male voice outside the door.

I am in dream. Without becoming a Beyonder I can only mentain some lucidity into dreams.

As he opened the door, he saw the gray pupil police officer from yesterday.

"What happened?" Kleine asked vigilantly.

The gray pupil officer replied with a solemn expression.

"We found a coachman who confirmed that you had been to Mr. McGovern's residence on the 27th, the day of Mr. McGovern's and Ms. Naya's deaths. Mr. McGovern had also paid for your coach fare."

Klein didn't hide his confusion and asked " did he tell anything else "

"You are very calm." The gray pupil police officer Dunn Smith did not show any signs of frustration and nodded with a smile.

"You should be able to sense my sincerity." Klein looked directly at the other person's eyes.

Dunn Smith did not respond immediately, he swept his eyes across the room before he continued slowly.

"Mr. McGovern had lost a revolver. I suppose I should be able to find it here. Right, Mr. Moretti?"

Sure enough… but you don't find money.

He raised his hands halfway in the air, stepped back, and motioned his chin towards the bed.

"It is at the back of the bed."

He didn't specifically say the lower bed, because normal people wouldn't hide anything on the back of the upper bed, as it would allow visitors to see it at a glance.

The gray pupil police officer Dunn did not move forward.

"Anything else to add?"

Klein replied without hesitation.


"I woke up in the middle of the night yesterday. I found myself lying on my desk, next to a revolver, and there was a bullet shell on the ground beside the wall. It seemed that I was committing a suicide. Perhaps I had no experience, especially on using a pistol, or I was too scared to do it. In short, the bullet did not achieve the desired effect, my head was still intact, and I am still living."

"Since then, I have forgotten some memories, including what I did or saw at the Weich's place on the 27th. I am not lying because I really don't remember it."

"This is very much in line with my expectation and the hidden logic of similar incidents. Of course, I don't know how you managed to survive."

"Thanks for believing in me. I also don't know how did I survive the incident." Klein was slightly relieved.

"But," Dunne threw a twist, "whether I believe in you is not important. Now that you have a high degree of suspicion, you must be confirmed by an 'expert' that you have really forgotten the encounter, or that you didn't directly cause the death of Mr. McGovern and Ms. Naya."

He coughed and showed a serious expression.

"Mr. Morreti, please cooperate with the investigation and return to the police station with us. It will take two to three days if you do not have any problems."

"Has the expert arrived?" Klein asked.

Do I need to choose first choice but I know their will be no problem.

"She was earlier than our expectation." Dunn moved sideways and motioned for Klein to come out.

"Can I leave a note?" Klein asked.

Benson was still on a business trip and Melissa went to school. He could only leave a message telling them that he was involved in Welch's case so that they would not worry about his absence.

Dunn nodded.


Klein step outside.

In the dark corridor, there were four police officers in black uniform and white strips standing on both sides and they looked very alert.

Pa. Pa. Pa. Klein followed Dunn and stepped down the wooden staircase. As he walked down the staircase, he could hear the creaking of the wooden steps.

There was a four-wheeled single-horse carriage waiting outside the apartment. The side of the carriage was marked with a "Double-Sword across Royal Crown" police sign. The surrounding was as busy and crowded as every morning.

"Come on." Dunn motioned Klein to get up the carriage.

He tried to awaken he sit up and glance left and right.

He noticed that the red moon was glowing outside the windows and the room was covered with crimson "filament."

He reached out and touched his forehead. It was wet and cold, full of cold sweat. The same was the feeling on his back.

They made move and I awake forcefully now they will reach early to me.

After a slight relaxation, Klein took a look at the pocket watch and found that it was only two o'clock in the early morning. He quietly got out of bed and intended to wash his face in the public washroom and resolve the issue of a bloated abdomen.

He opened the door and walked down the dimly lit passage. Under the faint moonlight, he moved in soft footsteps towards the public toilet.

Suddenly, he saw a silhouette standing in front of the window at the end of the corridor.

The figure was dressed in a black windbreaker that was shorter than a robe but longer than a suit.

The figure was half-immersed in the darkness, bathed in the cold and bright crimson moonlight.

The figure slowly turned around, his eyes deep, gray, and cold.

Dunn Smith!

Captain if you tried these methods seriously you can induce fear in amon.

The figure took off his black hat, bowed slightly, smiled and spoke in a low voice.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself. Nighthawk, Dunn Smith."

"You can control dreams? Did you fabricate the dream just now?"

The Nighthawk, Dunn Smith, put on the black hat again. It covered his slightly high hairline, and his dark, gray eyes showed a concealed smile.

"No, I have only entered your dreams and make the necessary guidance."

His voice was mellow and soft as he spoke in the corridor of darkness and gloom. It was as if he didn't want to disturb the other people's sweet dreams.

"In dreams, although the normally repressed emotions and hidden mentalities are magnified, thus appearing to be confusing, ridiculous and crazy. However, the truths still exist and remain hidden beneath the surface. For an experienced person like me, everything is obvious and easy to notice. Therefore, in comparison to an awaked person, I would rather believe the you in the dreams."

Yes, but I have Blessing of goddess. Klein said in mind.

"So, Mr. Smith, are you convinced now that I have really lost my memory?" Klein organized his words and asked cautiously.

Dunn Smith did not answer directly but instead gave him a thoughtful look.

"Are you not surprised by this kind of encounter?"

"The people whom I had met before refused to believe that there were extraordinary powers. Even when they were awake, they would insist that they were still dreaming."

Klein gave an "hmm".

"Maybe it's because I have been praying and hoping that such a power will come to assist me."

"It's very interesting logic… maybe the reason that you have survived is not solely because of luck." Dunn nodded with a smile. "I can confirm that you have really lost some memories because of this incident, especially the memories regarding the event itself."

Dunn inserted one hand into his pocket and paced slowly towards Klein. The surrounding ambiance became quiet and gentle.you still have to come with me to see the 'expert." He replied politely with a smile.

"I've may be modest, but I do have confidence in my understanding of dreams," Dunn replied in composure. "However, it's not a bad thing to verify something important again. What's more, her expertise is in a different field from me. She may be able to help you restore your memories to a certain extent."

Without waiting for Klein speak, he continued in a low voice.

"After all, you are the primary clue to locating the whereabouts of

Klein tried to looked surprised.

Dunn stopped in front of him, his gray pupils stared into Klein's eyes.

"We could not find the Fourth Epoch notebook on the site. We had searched the whole house thoroughly but we still couldn't find it. Welch is dead. Naya is dead. And you are the only clue left."

Klein was silent for a moment and took a deep breath.

Dunn nodded slightly, he walked passed Klein and continued speaking.

"You can lock the door and follow me to Welch's residence. The 'expert' is waiting for us there."

After he honestly solved the bulge of the lower abdomen, he washed his face with cold water to cool himself down completely.

After changing his clothes and closing his door, Klein followed Dunn down the stairs in gentle footsteps. They walked to the exit of the apartment.

Amidst the calmness, Dunn Smith suddenly questioned.

"At the end of the dream, why did you want to escape? What were you afraid of?"

Klein's thoughts raced quickly and he answered.

"I don't remember what I did at Welch's place, I don't remember if I was the one who caused him and Naya to die directly. I'm afraid that it would be found out to be related to me. I wouldn't want to take a gamble. It's better to run away to the Southern Continent and start a new life."

"If it were me, I would have done the same." Dunn pushed open the apartment door. The cool breeze in the middle of the night blew away the heat in the house.

He was not worried about Klein's possible escape and stepped into carriage first. It was the same carriage that Klein saw in his dreams. The four-wheeled, single-horse, chauffeur-carriage was painted with a "Double-Sword across Royal Crown" police symbol.

Klein followed Dunn and noticed that there was a thick carpet on the floor of the carriage, the whole place was filled with aromas of tranquillity.

"Mr. Smith, if… let's say if the 'expert' proves that I have really forgotten about the incident and that I a victim, not a criminal, will the matter be over?"

"In theory, yes. We will try to locate the notebook from other sources. As long as it exists, it can be discovered. Of course, before that, we will need to confirm that there are no curses left on you, no marks of evil spirits, and no corresponding psychological problems. With that, you can peacefully and healthily welcome the future of your life." Dunn Smith showed a smile. It was a rather queer smile.

Klein keenly observed this, He quickly followed up.

"In theory?"

"Yes, it's just theoretical. In this field, there are always things that are distorted, contrary to common sense, and unbelievable." Dunn looked at Klein's eyes. "Sometimes, we just cannot foresee the beginnings or the ends of the incidents. When we thought that things were over and everything had returned to normal, it would come back in a more frightening and abnormal way."

"A few years ago, we handled a case of a cult. They organized the believers to commit suicide as sacrifices to please evil gods. One of the believers was selected, but his survival instincts overcame the stupidity, the foolish beliefs, and the hallucinatory drugs. He secretly ran to the police station to report the case."

"The matter was handed over to us. It was a very small task because the cult had no Extraordinaries. The evil gods that they worshipped were simply made up by the leaders as a mean to extort money and enjoy. It was a disgrace to human nature."

"We just sent two members. Together with the cooperation of the police, we successfully resolved the case. Not a single cult member escaped. As for the whistleblower, we had also confirmed that he did not have the marks of evil spirits, curses, psychological damages, nor any personality problems. There were no strange signs at all."

"After that, he had a great career progression. He married a very good wife and she gave birth to a boy and a girl. The shadows of the incident seemed to have left him. The horrors and blood of past appeared to have completely dissipated."

Here, Dunn Smith laughed and smiled.

"But in the March of this year, despite a great financial situation, a happy marriage, and good-looking kids, he died. He strangled himself to death in his office."

The bright crimson moonlight outside the wagon window shone onto Dunn Smith.

At this moment, his seemingly self-deprecating smile made Klein shudder.

Yes sometimes captain look scary then zealot and his brother.

The carriage fell silent, and countless thoughts raced through Klein's mind.

In this indescribable silence, the carriage traveled for a long time. It moved swiftly down the roads of Tengon.

"Mr. Smith, we have arrived at Mr. McGovern's house." The coachman's voice passed into both person's ears.

"Let's go down." Dunn tidied his knee long windbreaker. "By the way, let me introduce the "expert" in advance. Her cover identity is the most famous Spirit medium in the Awwa County."

Klein calmed his thoughts and asked with curiosity.

"What about her actual identity?"

Dunn half-turned his body and his head. His eyes were deep and gray.

"A real 'Spirit medium'."