
Lord of the Dead: Deep Dive

A government experiment plunges a mass amount of people into the latest deep dive survival horror game: Lord of the Dead. And some soon discover the most dangerous things you can face....is other people

Goreleech · Thành thị
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15 Chs

Annnd here we go.






Tyler woke the next morning to find Tulip curled on a ball on his chest and Hailey wrapped around his body like a snake. He smiled at this as he stroked Tulip's soft brown hair affectionately, making her smile.

"Big brother."

"I gotchya, Sparkles."

She sighed and went in deeper as he kissed Hailey awake.

"Morning to you too....and my GOD is she sweet."

"Yeah. And REALLY freakin warm too."

Hailey smiled as she petted the sleeping girl now herself, making her giggle.

"Your hands are nice, Hails!"

"Aww you're so nice!"

Tyler hugged the two girls warmly before he smirked.

"Alright. Let's get this done."

The trio walked out of the room and Tyler smirked as he pulled Angel and Alexis' blankets up over their naked bodies while Rias was snuggled on Alexis' other side. Tulip saw the naked redhead and giggled.

"Her boobs are ROCK. HARD. Big brother! And she is SUUUUUPER warm!"

Tyler chuckled as he patted her and looked to where Kora and Ben were asleep on the couch. Ben was on the bottom for once and Tulip saw this.

"See? He DOES take it in the ass, big brother. I just hope he didn't hurt himself this time...he's a BIT of a tightass."

Tyler and Hailey busted up laughing at Tulip's sweetly voiced roast as Ben and Kora sighed.

"We're the camp bitches."

"Yup. Yo sista is HARSH bro."

"Yeeeah. She's TRYING to be funny and YEEEEEAH."

Tyler chuckled and the guys glared at him.


"Don';t have to. SHE did for me."

"I hate you."

Tulip was sitting with Hailey at the table giggling as her hair was brushed and Tyler smiled.


Hailey smiled sheepishly as she brushed the girl's hair.

"Kinda nice having a little sister."

"It's a staple for anime for a REASON."

"errr. Now it's weird."

The friends gathered around the table as the breakfast was passed out and Tyler smirked.

"Alright. we're raiding the military base. The Osprey and Huey will lead the assault from two different directions once the rocket from the javelin hits the Defender. The Zombotron will fire at the rocketeer, and then Heuy will fire RPGs from the door. The walkers will split in two masses to go after the two birds. Once that happens Alexis and her ground force will barrel in through the front door to mow down the walkers. The Diagor will fall easily enough from a mass of 50 ammo in the chest as it behaves exactly like a tiger only bigger and a zombie."

The heads nodded and Tyler smiled as he opened his screen and went to a playlist.

"we'll be doing this to MY custom boss playlist. So don't be afraid to go ham."

They nodded and Mylissia appeared on his screen with an excited smile.

"So you're raiding the military base, Gore?"

He nodded.

"We are."

She shivered.

"If this goes off without a hitch you'll get the bump you kinda need at the moment to send you into the next tier of views. ifr it DOES go sideways....and you STILL pull it off you'll get even more. This....is going to be a big one."

Tyler chuckled as he cracked his knuckles.

"We'll be sure to put on a show."

The screen went out and the Survivor looked at them.

"I got the Huey. Ben, you're on the Osprey. Alexis is the ground crew. I'm taking Hails, Rias, and Angel with Kora my pilot."

They nodded and the more dependable personality of Rias took over the busty redhead's body.

"I am here."

Tyler drained his coffee mug and set it down with authority.

"Alright. Let's get this done. Demons. BREAK."

The group split to their tasks. Kora spun the Huey up while Ben had the Osprey humming. The shooters loaded guns and rockets and Angel smirked as she hefted the Javelin-7.

"Oh yeah."

They chuckled and Tyler smiled as he stood in the small hold of the Heuy.

"Alright people. LAst call. Triple check your arms and legs, and Kora make sure you don;t shit yourself."

"Ha. NNOOOOOO promises."

"Makes sense. Alright. Demons....LIFT OFF."

"What the fuck do you mean it makes SENSE?"

The two birds lifted off for the flight as Alexis had her crew in the RV and Humvee ready for the ground insertion. Tyler smiled as he hit the play button.

"LAdies and whatever the rest of you pretend to be, I give you Rage Against the MAchine. Killing in the name of."

Kora smirked at the flight stick.

"Nice. I respect you more."

"It's a spattering of anime metal, japanese deathmetal, AMERICAN metal, and there's a pokemon into in there somewhere."

"That last one makes no fucking sense and yet? which one is it?"

"I wanna be the VERY best."


The friends chuckled at that nostalgia. Tyler took the Javelin-7 from Angel and loaded a rocket into the rear before he hefted the lockon weapon...as Gotta Catch Em All came on. The friends smiled and Tyler chuckled as he put the sights of thre rocket to his eye.

"You kids don't know what good anime is anymore. And I DARE you to convince me otherwise. Pokemon. GREATEST of em all."


TYler smiled as the rocket's lockon was placed on the Defender in thr distance.

"Lockon confirmed! Ready up people! Once the rocket impacts we are NOT retreating!"

Ben's voice was heard on the radio.

"Locked and loaded! Start it!"


The rocket was catapulated out of the delayed ignition system and Tyler had the second rocket in the tube as the thing soared off.


The Defender didn't move as the two rockets screamed through the before pivoting to drop clean onto it's head. The metal and flesh head exploded from the two rockets and the thing dropped to the ground with a slam.


The zombotron roared as the base came to life with a rattling moan from the loss of the Defender. The 120mm cannon that made up it's arm was brought to bare before the Defender was seen shivering. Tyler smirked as he saw this.

"Defender's a mutant. Drop another rocket on it."

Angel smiled as their third was fired...as a boom was heard that singaled the launch of a shell from the Zombotron. Only for it to miss the friends entirely due to the linar flight path. The shell screeched harmlessly passed to impact on a hill in the distance as the Defender rose from the ground bellowing in fury....before the third rocket slammed into it. The thing went limp and dropped to the ground with a slam. Tyler smiled as he had his M14 out plinking heads off zombies.

"And STAY down!"

They chuckled as the Osprey was firing RPG rounds at the Zombotron and dodging returning tank shells. Tyler nodded as he saw the horde of walkers split down the middle....

"ALEXIS. Send em in! Send em in!"


The Rv and Humvee was seen tearing into the base with heavy lines of fire exploding from the vehicles and zombies dropping droves. Tyler nodded as he reloaded a spent magazine.

"That zombotron is UTTERLY outgunned here. Rias, I'll take the fifty."


He aimed the powerful machinegun at the massive robot zombie as the rockets chipped away at it's armored chest.


"They musta buffed it's armor on the chest from the beta. Makes sense. Fire and swap to high caliber."


Tyler emptied the box of 50 BMG ammo into the chest of the zombotron and nodded as he saw the chips of cement and metal.

"The chest was reinforced with solid concrete. That;uns gonna be a bitch to kill."

He slotted a fresh box and tore the handle back to keep firing. Hailey smiled as she sniped with her Typer99.

"This is kinda fun, Gore. Just sitting in a chopper plinkin zombies."

"Ha. It's a lot MORE fun in a gunship. We rebuilt a Battlehawk and would do routine gunruns in Seattle plinking everything that moved."

Kora chuckled.

"You got a grudge or something against the city of Seattle, Gore? NUking it, carpet bombinb, warship shelling, and now random fun gunruns? What the hell did that poor town DO?"

"ehhh was the only major city we had access to in the beta. We had other cities don't get me wrong. But Seattle was the BIG one."

"Ah. You tip that needle over?"

"Once. then I took it over. I rigged a zipline from the top of the needle to over the bay...and it ended with you getting LAUNCHED into said bay. Almost miles from the drop point."

The force whistled as the battle continued and Hailey tilted her head.

"Where the hell did you get that kinda TIME, Gore? And how long was the BETA?"

"Well. When i'd get home I'd put the helmet on an dive. And the beta was a year and a half that got extended to 2 full years."

They nodded at that as Rias was firing her chosen M16 on semi at zombies.

"Teehee! This is FUN!"

Tyler chuckled as he emptied another ammo box into the chest of the now limping zombotron.


Ben's chuckle was heard on the radio.

"we're still at 3 quarters supply."

Alexis was heard from the ground.

"Same. That big guy can't aim worth a damn."

"Alright. Bring it down."

"The diagor's down, Gore."

"Good kill, Rias."

She giggled at the praise as Tyler looked at the zombotron as it dropped to it's knees now.

"It's going down people. Kill it."


Rias' giggle made them chuckle....as a knife was plunged into Tyler's back to the hilt. The Survivor grunted at the impact and he looked down to see the knife sticking out from his chest...as he got PUSHED out the open door of the chopper.



Tyler looked up as he fell and saw Hailey leaning out of the door with a FRANTIC expression on her face as Rias looked at her in horror. Tyler gritted his teeth as he fell from close to 500 feet in the air. God dammit. Not again.....